Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1288: The door to wealth

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"In this way, the first stage of trial is passed"?

Unleashing the incomparable perceptual ability of Huiyue professionals, I checked my body and tasted the pleasant feeling of re-flowing my thoughts. At this moment, the punk mood can be said to be very daunting.

Is this done? Doesn't it mean that "temporarily counted as passed and left for the Great Austrian Master to decide personally" is equivalent to passing it directly? After all, Dorasz has already fallen, and no one in the entire multiverse is destined to explore the secrets of punk.

Well, if you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. It's not a bad thing to be able to pass the first stage of the trial. Although such a weird "pass" is a bit inexplicable at all, it's a little more "cheating" for nothing. It feels, but... Except for a bite of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, there is nothing else worth "destroying whispers". Isn't it unhappy? Anyway, he can be regarded as holding his own "doughnut" again.

So after shook his head helplessly, the caster who was no longer entangled in the trial of "not playing cards according to the routine" just now decisively set his sights on the endless white space in front of him.

The trial is divided into two stages, and now the first stage that should be the most troublesome logically has been solved by punk without knowing the topic, so next...the second stage of the trial is again What could it be?

"The trial set by Dorasz, the Great Master of God, can never be easy and simple. Although the trial process is not dangerous, it will never be so easy to pass the trial. Although I rely on good luck to pass the first stage of the trial. Practice, but I still can’t relax in the next actions, so let me see what kind of problems are waiting for me.”

Although fortunately passed the first difficulty leading to the formation of the Queen’s Throne, the cautious "Whisper of Destruction" will not underestimate the difficulty of selecting apprentices by the Great Omen. He wants to come to the next trial. It will be as difficult and a test of wisdom as the test he experienced in the Ruins of Netheril.

Deal with powerful enemies? Solving complex questions and demonstrating philosophical debates?

Walking towards the white world in front of him without expression, the heavy-hearted caster is ready for any exam!




"An abnormal condition of the trial was detected, and the subject did not possess normal biological emotions. This case appeared for the first time, and the rehearsal treatment plan was not inquired. The second phase of the trial was terminated immediately, and the following judgments were made in accordance with the "Regulations for Handling Special Situations"- 1. Subject No. 13585 is counted as passing the second stage trial for the time being. 2. Subsequent judgments will be handed over to the Great Master Dorothy to personally handle. Case No. 13585 is loaded into the trial database for preservation.


With a crisp explosion that seemed like a lame celebration, a portal that was exactly the same height as the punk suddenly opened beside the caster.




"This machine... won't it be too long or damaged by the war?"

Rarely showed a surprised and surprised expression, staring at the portal in front of him with eyes that seemed to have seen some strange and unknown object, "Destroy Whisper" at this moment, the only mood at this moment can only be described as "I don't know what to say".

What kind of trial is this, and the Great Austrian Teacher Council uses this thing to screen apprentices? This trial is not reasonable at all, okay? He dignifiedly walked the "tight journey" with the luminous moon spellcaster, and also "home" by the way to feed the cat for what? Is it just to listen to these two mechanical voices in the trial space?

He clearly doesn't even know the subject of the trial. Hey! If this is a game, the punk experience can really only be described as "very poor trial experience".

"It's unreasonable. It's a really ridiculous trial process. The ghost knows what this kind of thing wants to test... Forget it, it is estimated that the test equipment of the Great Austrian Master should have been received during the war of the Netheril civilization. The aftermath is broken, right? After all, this kind of thing, even if it was made by the gods, is just a "civilian product". In a flash, 1.6 billion years have passed and so many things have happened. The product "even if there are some inexplicable problems, it is normal"............

Frowning and forcibly explained the "strange" trial process he had gone through. The caster, who reluctantly shook his head, quickly gave up the idea of ​​entangled in the strange trial in front of him.

There is no doubt that whether it is a system bug or a program error, the Master Huiyue at this moment has successfully passed the test and obtained the qualification to challenge the queen of construction. The door that now appears in front of punk will inevitably lead to The central hall of Talloran, and this also means that as long as you go through the portal that glitters with colorful Whispers, the first "Sunrise War" in your life will officially begin.

At the time, he will use his own power to drive the alchemy armor made by the old Eman against Keta Roland, or return with a victory full of success, or defeat and fall into the dust...There is no third option!

To be honest, when I think that the powerful enemy I will face next is a terrifying existence at the shining sun level... Even if it is just a management structure, punk will inevitably feel the depression in the air and the heaviness of his body. Atmosphere.

This will be the most dangerous battle "Whisper of Destruction" has experienced so far. There is no doubt about it, and the only means he has is a Yaori armor that makes people feel unreliable the more he thinks about it, plus three bottles of him. The alchemy potion that understands the specific effects... This is destined to be a hard-powered struggle. There are no more fancy cards and endless spells. As a spellcaster, the punk even has to try to use armor to fist. Close combat of flesh............

Sounds really dangerous, right? But for the precious knowledge and wealth, every professional who embarks on the journey has no reason to choose to retreat. Even if the road ahead is full of thorns and flames, the strong alone must move forward!

"Unscrupulously pursue dreams at all costs, this is Netheril's will"!

Firmly pursing his lips, he carefully checked every piece of equipment in his hand for the last time. The "Destroy Whisper" that carefully adjusted the state of his soul no longer had unnecessary hesitation. He decisively moved forward as if a dream entrance The normally colorful portal light suddenly disappeared against a quiet white background.

Next... a battle destined to be fun and refreshing is about to begin!

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