Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1291: Killing intent

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"Norramsi Quick Thinking Solvent" is a magical potion of the shining sun level that works by "melting into the soul instead of the original soul bearing the burden of thinking". After all, the load of ultra-high-speed thinking is for the soul of the Huiyue level. It is impossible and unbearable, so this "compensatory function" medicine is actually equivalent to adding a special strengthening component to the soul.

It is safe, efficient, and has few side effects, but the process is absolutely uncomfortable.

In fact, the moment punk drank the potion, it was almost the first time in his life that punk felt that his soul was no longer his own. He could feel that his speed of thinking had increased to an astonishing state like never before. The laws and light and shadow that flowed around him appeared to be completely exposed, and the rush of violent energy flew in the caster's gaze like a water droplet floating in space within reach.

However, as a price, the powerful mage who is a Huiyue professional quickly felt the pain and depression from the soul. Not only did his over-swift thinking make him very uncomfortable now, but the package from the medicine also made his soul seem like The suffocation felt like a awkward feeling of breathlessness in the water.

To put it bluntly, in this case, even punk has completely lost any ability to cast spells. The unequal soul strength severely undermines the stability of the spell model. Today's "Destroy Whisper" can only stand by when the spell is released. Seeing that the extremely delicate model was shattered under the impact of the tyrannical power, so in fact, he was basically equivalent to not being able to release even a spell.

But it doesn’t matter, does it? Anyway, in the battle of the shining sun level, the magic of the Huiyue level is not useful, and now the "Whisper of Destruction" who is driving the armor and holding two knives is an out-and-out "Swordsman", he needs to use it. It was the swordsman's fighting skills and fighting mentality. In the face of the horrible enemy who wields the scythe, the power that punk can rely on is destined to be the only two alchemy knives in his hands that shine with bright blue edges.

As for how a fighter with a knife should fight...

No need to talk nonsense, just cut it!

Anyway, every inch of Ketaloran’s body is covered with thick armor. Anyway, no one knows where the enemy will hide his virtual soul terminal in the body, so no matter where it is cut, it is the same cut. In this case, As the saying goes, "the blade is sharp, indomitable"! Quickly adapting to the painful feeling that originated from the soul, the cold-eyed "Destroy Whisper" swung a sharp blade and smashed it against Ketaloran's abdomen!

The body of the makeup queen is too big, so the punk wearing this "tiny armor" can even cut across her spider-like body.

"Despicable mage, you are dreaming"!

Seeing that the caster, who seemed to have passed a sky blue streamer, rushed to his abdomen with two sharp blades at the beginning of the game. Why wouldn't Ketaloran, who clasped his weapon, know the purpose of punk? So he didn't hesitate to smash the tip of the huge sickle towards the "tiny enemy" from top to bottom, and the whole body began to turn red and hot. The structure of the empress did not show any mercy.

She has to cut through the enemy with a knife, and stop the enemy no matter what, although theoretically speaking, she is an alchemist butler does not have any actual combat experience, but she at least understands the basic importance of keeping a proper distance to deal with the enemy.

It must be admitted that as an out-and-out "genuine shining sun", even if Keta Roland is not strong, she is more flexible than punk mecha pilots such as punk. Her two sickles cut the law. Like a dancing windmill, it sinks vigorously. At the same time, the sharp blade that cuts from the left and right sides clockwise and counterclockwise almost cuts off the "Whisper of Destruction" for the first time, and Master Huiyue, who is moving at full speed with his brows, is now Therefore, I have to slow down and think about the problem of changing directions to avoid.

However, in reality, the fierce slash of the queen of constructs has not been able to be fully achieved, because at the same moment when she just started to swing the sickle, she saw a huge dark black fireball with a diameter of tens of meters suddenly appeared in the air. Zhong and slammed straight into the face of the construct queen.

It was a terrifying energy body full of chaos and filth. On its blazing road, even the passage of time was burned out in a flash. The dark light and shadow in the dark hall seemed to move forward. A greedy beast is rushing towards its prey.

Cruel, bloodthirsty, crazy and cold, although being a flame, it has nothing to do with warmth!

"Continue to rush over, Sai'an, my uncle is not here for dry food"!

The magnificent mental power fluctuations were deafening, and the flame energy ignited the anxious air. As the drum beat of the battle gradually rushed, the mad knight who suddenly burst out of amazing power finally revealed his most mysterious trump card.

That's right, the big dark black fireball just now was shot out by Kane. At this moment, the mad knight standing at the edge of the central hall has completely lost his "golden sparkle" ~The large scorching black flames have already turned into a robe and have wrapped him in it, and a series of six "chaotic fireballs" exuding a heart-pounding breath are also firmly in his hands-obviously, these six The fireball is the number of attacks that Kane can launch next, and the seventh fireball that has just been used is currently about to hit Ketaloran's face.

"Damn Besadas, what kind of **** have you dealt with?"


Feeling the almost irresistible chaotic power of the terrifying sun in the black fireball, Ketaloran, who did not dare to neglect, could only swift one of the two sickles in the opposite direction to defend, so I saw it accompanied Ketaloran’s swearing and anger suddenly burst out with a scythe of dazzling brilliance that released an extraordinary supernatural power of solid quality, and with such a full slash, the black fireball that had suffered huge damage was immediately rotated and raged. The sharp energy tore into pieces of twisted fleshy pieces.

There is no doubt that just relying on an inexplicable big fireball can not hurt a shining professional. For example, the attack that the Crazy Knight has accumulated for a while before releasing will not cause any damage to the timely defense of Ketarolan. .

But... Sometimes the purpose of certain attacks is not to directly damage the enemy, right?

For example, although Kane’s fireball has no real effect, he took advantage of a sickle to get away from the obstructed path. The "Whisper of Destruction" that "refracted" like a laser beam being reflected has successfully avoided the construction queen. His second sickle slashed to the underside of the enemy's abdomen.

Even at the same time that Ketaroran questioned Kane, the blade in punk's hand was chopped down with the sound of tearing golden silk.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor