Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1294: Injury

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The conceptual "existence and nonexistence" has the ability to ignore material or energy attributes, so for "mind replacement" or "mind teleportation" spells that are out of specification to some extent, how many things they can transfer or replace at a time It all depends on the soul connection of the object and the professional and the level of willpower of the person who initiates the spell. In most of the time, the limit of the latter is much greater than that of the former, so it has been good at casting mental spells since ancient times. The legends may be in droves, but there are very few spellcasters who can incorporate magic items exceeding their class level into the effects of mental spells.

It must be admitted that, like Punk, who can rely on terrifying willpower to forcibly carry a piece of Yaori-level equipment and two bottles of Yaori-level potion to smoothly "shift" it is simply unimaginable in the multiverse. It's no wonder that Kane's eyes looking at punk reveal a lot of incredible ingredients at this moment.

But in fact, even punk who wants to make this kind of "hell difficult mind replacement" is destined to pay a great price. After all, even if their own willpower is immeasurable, the conceptual transformation of overload will still give the professional soul. Bring an amazing load.

Even though the structured mech made by Elman is now completely under the control of the caster and will not make any resistance to his spell release, leapfrog cast is leapfrog cast, and leapfrog cast requires a high price. So don't look at the expressionless Mage Huiyue at this moment, as if the wind is calm, but in fact, the violent law pressure only caused serious injury to his soul at the moment "Destroy Whispers" appeared.

You know, this is a punk promotion legend. No, it can be said that it is the first time in a lifetime that the soul has been injured. It seems that the pain of countless blades turning in the mind has also become the first-hand experience of "Destroy Whispers" for the first time. Without a word, this painful feeling is really terrible.

"Huh, is this the feeling of soul cracking? It is really uncomfortable. It seems that I should not have the ability or opportunity to use "Mind Replacement" again in this battle... By the way, there is also my magic Like and the energy core, they all lost now..."

Looking helplessly at the glaring queen of the makeup in the distance, feeling the irritability and heartache of losing a large amount of wealth, the caster who had no time to reply to Kane’s questions did not hesitate to take the second copy of "Noramsi "Quick thinking solvent" poured into my soul in one breath.

Wounded souls are not suitable for receiving too strong stimulation. This is something that any professional with common sense knows very well. In this world, except for a few medicines specially used to restore soul wounds, other ninety-nine percent of magic Drugs can undoubtedly be classified into the category of "strong stimulus", and Noramsi's quick thinking solvent at the Yaori level is naturally no exception.

In fact, after this "quick thinking solvent" was directly suffocated, although the Yaori level's reaction speed returned as desired, even punk would inevitably feel that his soul wound was rapidly deteriorating-this means that in the next In the battle of, the scarred caster will further lose the ability to resist strikes, and the time he can continue to fight is really short.

But what else can be done? Cruel battles will never give anyone even a little breathing time, and a tough enemy will never wait for their opponent to recover.

In fact, just after realizing that his "ring" had only killed an "insignificant" construction golem, Ketaloran, who had a great alarm bell in his heart, immediately rushed towards the punk and punk with two sickles. Kane.

After all, her armor at the core of her energy has been broken through two full layers, and the shield on her chest was burned out by those weird chaotic flames, and her only hole card was completely exposed. Outside, as the intensity of the battle has risen sharply, the empress who did not dare to look down on the two challengers has completely put on a desperate driving-it seems that from this moment, she is fully aware Ketaloran, whose enemy's attack power was terrifying, was forced to take the initiative to attack.

"The first one is you, Kane Besadas! This lady was once your best friend, your only relative, and your most patient teacher. Why did you betray this lady? Why?"!


Maybe it's because they are worried that punk will use the weird replacement method just now to make his attack useless? Maybe it is because simple anger and sadness cannot be suppressed? Maybe it's both. Anyway, the angered construction queen didn't try to chase the "Destroy Whisper" who moved quickly to her left side for the first, she chose to sweep the scythe and cut straight on the spot. Towards the head of the "Instant Kill Gun".

It must be admitted that this time the target of the construction queen was chosen, because although the mad knight wrapped in the creeping flames seems to have increased defensive power and reaction speed, he seems to have completely lost what he was best at. With the ability to move at high speeds, seeing a giant sickle big enough to cut across a tower and slashing towards him, the mad knight with an unsightly face could only quickly condense the flames on his body into a shield to block him.

Then in the next instant, the roaring shock wave directly engulfed the soft Moon Knight and flew out. It seemed that all the bones of this guy should be broken into powder in an instant.

"Damn... Sai'an, you are the main force. This uncle can't fight this guy head-on."

Blood was splashing, grudge humming, and the "Instant Killing Gun" that almost flew across the entire battlefield while spraying **** and vague visceral fragments in his mouth and nose quickly called for help from the caster without much thought.

The Yaori-level constructs are really too powerful. Even if they don’t use any magical means, the lethality they can cause by pure power is so powerful that they are ridiculously powerful. Now they are only hit by a slash head-on. Almost immediately, he entered a state of serious injury that was more serious than punk, and Keta Roland, who seemed to be angry, actually wanted to chase and kill him with a sickle!

This is not the time to pretend to be handsome. Even if it is embarrassing to call others for help, the mad knight can only speak for help as soon as possible, because only in a short time, the queen of huge but extremely fast construction has caught up. The shot "Instant Kill Gun" raised its sickle again, but the flames on the "Instant Kill Gun" began to flicker like a candle in the wind.

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