Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1295: Last charge

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"Wheel saw-chop"!


Punk driving in alchemy armor is the key to defeating the Constructed Queen. Isn’t it the key to Kane, who can use a strange fireball to launch a long-range attack? Punk is already very injured. He knows that he must not let go of any opportunity and help that is fleeting in front of him, so seeing Kertaloran wielding a scythe fiercely, he is about to kill the mad knight flying in mid-air. For the first time, the caster without hesitation ignored the pain in his soul and swung a sharp blade from behind, slashing fiercely towards the huge structure with two fists and four hands.

It is worth mentioning that fighting also requires skill and wisdom. For example, in order to ensure that Ketaloran’s armor of the Kingdom of God can be cut as quickly as possible, the punk at this time even thought of a little offensive skill that imitates fighting skills. , I saw that he was holding the sharp blade tightly, like a fast-rotating circular saw, directly swirling at high speed among the fragments of the law, while rubbing a large amount of hot energy sparks on the metal floor of the **** seat. , The spellcaster, who rushed towards the enemy at high speed, aimed at one of K'taloran's arms without saying a word.

Yes, "Wheel Saw", this trick was originally an ordinary fighting skill at the official level. Punk only saw a ranger named "Kang Kai" used both when he was an official spellcaster. At that time, he felt that this fighting skill was very suitable for dealing with large monsters or structures. Although the fast-rotating saw was quite afraid of a lethal offensive coming from the side, the greatly increased attack frequency was It is very helpful for small professionals to quickly cut through the flesh and bones of huge enemies.

Now in the process of fighting with the Construct Queen, the sharp-thinking punk remembered the fighting skills he had seen. Although he was never a fighter, he understood the physics of a formal fighting skill with a clear memory. The operation process is still very simple. It just so happens that the two blades created by Lao Ai are of the right size, so the "Destroy Whisper" that I didn't have time to think about is directly turned into a fast-rotating light saw to start the ruthless cutting mode.

It is too difficult for the queen to wield the scythe in the structure. If one of her arms is removed first, then not only the mad knight in danger can be saved immediately, but also the "Destroy Whisper" and "Instant Kill Gun" can be saved in the next battle. A lot easier.

Therefore, with the indomitable consciousness of a real swordsman, Huiyue Mage, who turned into a streamer, immediately slashed at the position of Keta Luolan's left shoulder.


The sound was like cracking silk, and the sound was like a wind. The roar of metal collision quickly spread throughout the battlefield. Under the rapid continuous slashing, it took only a short moment. The shoulder position was broken in two and fell down, and her movement of swinging the sickle to Kane also lost the possibility of further.

After all, it is lack of combat experience and only understands rigid theories. Perhaps Ketarolan believes that it is a wise choice to kill enemies one by one in a battle with one enemy and many enemies, but it is so easy to defeat them one by one in actual combat. thing? The two actual combat huiyue professionals will not fight separately like the fledgling Lengtouqing. Even if there is no communication between them, they can cooperate tacitly. There are many times when helpless challengers can only fight one by one, whether they like it or not. Two.

So just an impulse to maximize the attack made Keta Luolan pay for it, and now she has lost one of the two sickles.

"Ahhhhhhhh! Damn mage, you are flying around in front of this lady like the most annoying bug, please die for this lady"!


Yaori Golem is worthy of being a Yaori powerhouse. Although she has committed huge mistakes, she also quickly made effective remedies and counterattacks. For example, Keta Roland, who has lost an arm now, is fully aware of herself. It was no longer possible to continue beheading the mad knight who had hit the edge of the central hall, so the queen of constructs who quickly turned around did not hesitate to use her right hand scythe to smash the "alchemy saw" that had just cut off her metal skeleton. .

The ultra-high-speed rotation brings strong lethality to the caster, but the hot and hot structured mecha also bears a greater energy load at the same time. Even if it is "Destroy Whisper" facing the huge scythe that smashed over its head and face, it is nothing too much. A good way to deal with it, in the end he could only hold up his double knives in mid-air to block Keta Roland's violent attack.

So accompanied by the roar of the tremor space, the punk who was hit from the front flew out without any surprise just like Kane.


Just as a ragged puppet hoped to hit the wall of the hall, Master Huiyue’s bones were suddenly broken and there were few remaining, although the two-swords and metal structure of the sturdy mecha were indeed fully qualified as the old Eman said. The defensive effect of the sun's level, it also avoids the tragic ending of the caster being cut off by Keta Roland's But a small part of the law energy still penetrates the armor's damage reduction and is hit by the punk. Inside the soul.

After the battle has progressed to this level, Master Huiyue has finally suffered the first serious injury of his monster in his life. His consciousness has become fuzzy, hazy, and intermittent as never before. The pain in his soul seems to be following his thoughts. The shattering is getting away... and you must know that it is not only the soul and flesh and blood of the caster that are injured now, but even the structured mecha he is driving is inevitably torn into pieces because of Keta Roland's full force. Metal materials, even one of the double knives broke into two pieces that lost their luster.

Look at that look... Now this extremely important combat equipment seems to be on the verge of being damaged.

"There is one last chance to charge, the last time you can't tell the outcome, it will really be over."

Try to force yourself to think soberly as possible, take out the last bottle of Noramsi's quick thinking solvent, and drink it up with the "Destroy Whisper" that is completely supporting the soul to squeeze thinking.

The battle is not over yet. Although both Punk and Kane are already seriously injured at this moment, Ketarolan’s situation is not so good. Losing an arm means that she has lost half of her attack speed. The energy core exposed on the above is simply fragile to the extreme weakness. Now, regardless of the two Huiyue professionals, they seem to be limp on the ground and difficult to move, but whether it is punk or Kane, as long as one of them can destroy the absolute of the enemy Achilles' heel, then the victory of the battle never leaves too far.

Yes, punk who relied on potions to forcibly regain consciousness has a blade. He still has the last chance to charge. Kane also has four fireballs to use. Now is the time to truly decide the winner of this battle. !