Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1296: The overall situation is set

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"You are the most powerful opponent I have ever faced, Ketaloran. Today's battle is also the most tragic battle that punk-Sean has ever experienced in my life, but even if my soul is scarred, the victory is still mine. Controlled in your hand, and you... your stupid structure is destined to die under the cutting of a sharp blade"!

The dark and cold eyes suddenly ignited the dark golden pupils. Now that I have decided to work hard, I don't need to hesitate any more. I clenched the broken short knife and another long blade with a crack, and wandered for the first time. The caster on the edge of death does not have any emotions of fear. At this moment, there is only his own enemy in his eyes!

"The sword will break you into pieces! Ketaloran"!


Turning into twinkling stars, turning into lasing beams, and rushing straight towards the queen of the makeup who has lost an arm, the punk looks as if it is still at its peak without a trace of fatigue or unconsciousness, "No The medicinal effect of Ramsey's quick thinking makes his mind so ethereal like never before, and the soreness of the cracked soul is nothing to mention for the unfathomable "Whis of Destruction"!

"Arrogant mage, you are just talking up!"

The loud noise of metal friction and collision is deafening, and she responds positively to the threat of "Destroy Whispers". The queen does not have the slightest idea of ​​showing weakness. Punk is desperate, so why not? Kertaloran, who has gone through three billion years of wind and frost since her birth, and tried her best to break free from the cage, is not reconciled to die in the hands of two Huiyue level enemies, so at the same moment watching the pace of "Destroying Whispers", the **** in her The national armor seemed to be burning, and the bright white fire light made the makeup queen in it as majestic and cold as a violent Valkyrie, and at the same time, the sickle waving her right hand cut through time at an astonishing speed. The shackles were cut towards the "tiny" mage.

Yes, this battle has reached the final moment. Those who win can get everything, but those who lose can only be wiped out. In order to defeat two powerful enemies that are not to be peeked, the Queen of Construct has burned herself. How much energy and time it took to carefully transform the body.

All in order to defeat the enemy who is rushing towards his weakness!

"Ahhhhhhhhh! All the despicable invaders, let this lady die!"


It was too fast, really too fast. The Queen of Construct, who burst out of her full potential, almost swung the sickle in her hand to an astonishing level of nearly a thousand times the speed of light. The blades that swept across were almost like a laser cutting stars. , Silent, in fact, can't wait for the punk to respond urgently to turn and dodge, the fiery sickle slashed at the caster's head with an extremely precise gesture.

If there is no accident, the "Whisper of Destruction" cannot be used again for "Mind Replacement". There is definitely no way to avoid this attack. After all, after the previous attack, the parts of his alchemical armor began to creak. , Ketaloran's bursting speed at this moment has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations, and now expecting the spellcaster who is still advancing at high speed to make too flexible evasive actions is simply a dream.

However, in reality............ there is never a so-called "lore" in a real battle, right?

"Oula Oula Oula Oula ~ Ketaloran! Don't you put the handsome, handsome and suave uncle in your eyes"?

"Boom, boom, boom, boom"!

The Bright Moon Knight in the battle is indeed the most reliable type of teammate. Maybe this guy will release his attack and brag about it even at this time, but the armor is shattered and the "instant killing gun" completely soaked in blood. But he hasn't lost his fighting ability yet.

Perhaps the weird flames on his body had already dissipated the moment he was hit by the construct queen, perhaps the luminous knight who was bombarded half of his head was not only embarrassed, but also completely lost the ability to use fighting energy, perhaps he even supported him now He couldn't do it when he stood up against the wall, but he was still able to say all kinds of bells and whistles with only half of his mouth, and he was still able to smash all the remaining four fireballs at his enemy in one breath. !

That's right, just smashing four in one breath. There is no need to be frugal and there is no reason to be frugal. With the hysterical roar of the mad knight, four dark fireballs like some kind of living creatures swelled and wriggled without stopping. Flew to Keta Roland's sickle.

Obviously, when punk drank the last bottle of potion and rushed towards the enemy, the "instant kill gun" was accurately predicted, so his fireball shot time was even earlier than the movement of Ketaloran's sickle. At the same time that the sharp-edged blade was about to hit the caster, the four twisted fire spheres were bombarded right in the center of the blade surface of the speed blade.

And at this moment, the attack of the Constructed Empress had just cut through the skull of Master Huiyue...

"Do not"! !

The ear-piercing screams turned into terrifying shockwaves that shook the fragments of space But there is no doubt that this time the "last charge" has succeeded, and the cry of dying is simply powerless.

Although the bright red blood evaporates in the high temperature space as soon as it flows out, the "Whisper of Destruction" that has only been cut off with one right eye has not hurt the soul again-Keta Roland's blade cannot bear it at the same time after all The bombardment of the four chaotic fireballs deviated from the established killing track, and also deviated from the last chance of Ketarolan to kill a powerful enemy. In the end, under the angry and horrified gaze of this ancient sun structure, half of its body The punk who was cut vertically did not stop at all. He directly opened the final full-power energy output of the alchemy armor, and then threw the broken knife in his hand to the cut of Ketaloran's abdomen with incomparable determination and precision.


This is the crisp sound made by the desperate construction queen when she finally tried to use her abdominal limbs to intercept the attack, but unfortunately, the limbs designed to hold the pipes were slow and stiff, even the one closest to the wound. The arthropods couldn’t stop the gusty light and cold light. After being scratched out once shallow traces, the broken knife that was burned to the distortion by the armor of the Kingdom of God was still the energy core of the Ketarolan that hits accurately. Instantly shredded a dozen energy runes above.

So far, the overall situation has been settled............

"You definitely don't know that I, a half-elf mage, still have two full ranger levels. Whether it is archery or dart throwing, even without the aid of soul perception, I will never miss it."

While ridiculing the enemy in a trance, the dragging viscera was pulled out from the abdomen opening and thrown away. The panting caster had already tried to take off the completely dim and shattered armor and tried to retreat.