Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1297: End of the war

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The destroyed energy core did not explode or the law was leaked. After all, the great Austrians still paid great attention to safety issues. There may be a few spellcasters who like to equip their combat golems with a self-destructive circle and confidently believe that it is dangerous. 'S bomb can blow to a distant enemy instead of the self who stayed with it for many years, but in their own magic tower, almost no one will let a construct butler who has never theoretically had a chance and has never had a reason to take part in the battle has what blew ability.

After all, alchemy creations that work in their own homes still have to pay attention to safety first, right? Not only can’t install "self-detonation" devices indiscriminately, in order to prevent them from causing danger to more precious magic equipment due to certain accidents, the prudent wizards also It is necessary to use various "emergency refrigeration arrays" and "anti-energy return arrays" to prevent them from exploding.

As for structures like Ketaloran that "control a city", "maintain important hubs", and "part-time backup batteries", it is even less likely to have any self-destructive effects-even if in theory it has super energy supply characteristics As long as the energy core of the energy core is damaged, it will be overloaded and exploded, but unfortunately, in order to prevent this "accident", the outer structure of the energy core was specially enchanted by the "inverse entropy increasing shackles." .

So at the moment when the energy core was destroyed, the Sun Array that suddenly started to operate directly freezes all the energy circuits in the entire energy structure, and the originally burning energy core also took less than one hundred thousandths of a second. Under the comfort of the "inverse entropy increasing shackles array", it was completely extinguished.

It is like the sunburn that has ended, it is like a soaked carbon fire, it is like a candle light that has been blown out, it is like a passing hope...Yes, it has stopped burning for three billion years without interruption, it has ended its own Worked and fell into a permanent sleep, and the next second when the energy supply was interrupted, the queen of the makeup that was still burning with flames just now had to slump to the ground weakly.

People often ask where is the gap between the higher virtual soul and the real soul, just because of the many shackles it has suffered? Is it just because they were born differently?

However, in fact, even if there is not a "programmer" to give a virtual soul all the restrictions, even if it can also have many sincere emotions, the gap between the virtual soul and the real soul is still too large to compensate, and this gap is the soul The most mysterious "possibility" in existence!

In short, virtual souls can never become professionals, and virtual souls can never create energy out of thin air. All their energy supply must rely on external energy sources as support. As long as the energy is interrupted, a virtual soul can even be the simplest. It is difficult to think of

And now Ketaroland is a very real virtual soul-even if her virtual soul has integrated divinity to a certain extent, it has broken a little virtual shackles, and even has a slight control "God" The power of the country, but without the energy core, she still cannot continue to fight like a professional who has lost her heart.

Look now, even if half of the body disappears, the punk with broken alchemy armor is already lying on the ground and it’s difficult to move his fingers, but Kertaloran, who has completely lost his ability to move, cannot launch any attacks on his own. .

She could only stare blankly and desperately at the "Whisper of Destruction" that had defeated her and took off the burden of her armor, and spent more than ten seconds slowly crawling to a position where her sickle could no longer be touched. She could only silently Feeling that my body can't move like a piece of lifeless iron, and feeling that my consciousness is becoming fuzzy, dark, hazy and chaotic.

She knew that she had failed. She was defeated by two Huiyue professionals who had unprecedented combat power in the multiverse. She was about to end her 3.6 billion years of life and usher in an eternal future, just like everything since ancient times. Like the loser, nothing, worthless...

Yes, the dust has settled, and when punk throws the broken blade in his hands with all his strength, this vigorous shining sun level battle has ended.


"This young lady was defeated, and you got the victory you wanted. The mage over there, you got the truth you wanted, and the knight over there, you got the "freedom" you coveted, but for this young lady, Say... Well, it's a tragic ending."

Watching with a wry smile, her enemies are regaining their ability to act at an incredible speed. Ketaloran, who has become increasingly unconscious, can no longer see the clear sight in her sight. The color in front of her is rapidly becoming dim, she The thoughts in her heart quickly became chaotic and shattered-yes, she was going to die, in her central hall where she was born.

Although her enemies are on the verge of death, they are only "dying."

In fact, at this moment, completely ignoring the "Whis of Destruction" of Keta Luolan, who could no longer pose a threat to him, had already taken out a precious luminous moon-level emergency healing potion and drank it in one sip, even though it was only based on Such a potion would not be able to completely recover Punk in a short period of time, but at least for now, he would not even continue to think in chaos.

In fact, with the failure of "Norramsi's quick thinking solvent", the situation of the caster whose soul no longer accepts more stimulation soon gradually stabilized, and the terrifying recovery ability of the strong moon is no longer concealed. Exhibiting its power, only ten seconds passed, and the half of punk's lost body had fully grown again, and he was able to stand up to some extent and use mental power information to communicate normally.

"The battle has been won. Next, I will continue to fulfill the agreement to use the magic hard disk given to me by the old Eman to copy the knowledge of the library in the era of Netheril, and Kane... According to the regulations, you should also fulfill your obligation to clear the trial. The side effect of the Eyes in your soul and my soul will take me away from the Cyborg Moon...Although I don’t know how you are going to do two things, this is a clause written in the contract.”

Silently tore off the "star robe" that was completely useless, and only half of the "star robe" was left. From the storage ring, he took out an ordinary magic material hood robe and put it on the "Whisper of Destruction" quickly restored him The usual indifferent appearance.

Savor victory and express sigh... These "human feelings" are not necessary for Master Huiyue. Since the current Queen of Construct has completely lost the ability to resist, he will naturally think about the next action plan. Up.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor