Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1300: Hustle Pub

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The punk adventure has come to an end, but he still spends time and patiently searching for the library in the cyborg eye, but he doesn’t know that, on a small plane in the multiverse, a decadent young man in a linen robe The man was sitting in a messy and poor tavern drinking inferior liquor from glass to glass.

This is the plane of Modifik, a small plane that is fairly prosperous and quiet. According to ancient legends, this plane was originally a desolate half-plane that floated everywhere in the star realm. The legendary mage of the "Dead Wind Lantern" transformed it, brought immigrants from other planes, and experienced a long period of development before the popular Modifik.

Of course, the legend is called a legend because it cannot be verified. According to the legend, the powerful spellcaster who created the plane of Modific went on an unknown "outing trip." After that, he never came back, and this world once ruled by legendary professionals has gained true freedom...

Perhaps it can be called freedom, at least on the surface, Modifik’s plane has not welcomed new legendary professionals for nearly 200,000 years, and even the “legendary” itself has become a long time ago. The mysterious legends of unknown Jue Li, apart from those ancient legends, there are only two kingdoms with huge populations and wars from time to time ruling tens of thousands of cities, and the poor people who do not know the big words are repeated for generations. In ordinary and difficult days, ordinary people can only brag about a glass of inferior wine in such a tavern only occasionally.

There is no elegance, let alone the so-called grace and luxury. The stained floor and cracked wooden wine glasses are the background tone of this poor entertainment place, although the tavern owner will also follow the tradition and invite a crappy bard to sing. Those vulgar songs that people like to hear, but the hustle and bustle of the big voices of the drunks have long been enough to make people ignore the bad singing that goes out of tune to the grandma's house.

People with real status and status will come to such a place? how is this possible?

Just like a big boss with a wealth of money is definitely impossible to eat barbecue at a roadside stall, this kind of endless noisy place at night will only disgust nobles and professionals, even drunks are not drinking. Sometimes they would avoid this place, not to mention the real powerhouses with generous shots.

At least in the eyes of the maid of the tavern, Ina, the guys she meets every day will always be a group of drunk alcoholics, no matter how many years have passed, it will be no exception, and her only seventeen-year-old girl will always only It would be a woman in the dust who used "50 copper coins a night" as a price for extra wages to subsidize her family. She really matched these alcoholics and this kind of tavern.

But as the so-called thousands of people, everything is different, the alcoholics in the tavern have their own differences. Some alcoholics are the kind of guys who feel uncomfortable without beating or being beaten for a day, and some alcoholics are that. There are idiots who brag loudly when they get drunk, and there are drunks... well, or there is a "drunkard" that is completely different from other drunks, because this is the only one who drinks white wine one mouthful, one mouthful after another. The sighing man would sit in the most remote corner without noisy and quiet.

It was as lonely and confused as the moonlight at night.

It seems that although he is sitting in the most typical inferior tavern, he wears the worst linen clothes and the worst quality liquor mixed with water, but his temperament is incompatible with ordinary drunks, and of course there is no one. One of the reasons why I went to chat with him.

It must be admitted that a weird person who is incompatible with the environment can sometimes make people curious, especially for girls who are in their youth, this kind of man who is full of "story" means more It has a very special mysterious attraction. After all, even if this girl's job is a business of "50 copper coins a night" does not mean that she does not have the emotions and sorrows of normal people, does it?

Therefore, in such a noisy and chaotic night as always, Anna, who avoided the seven or eight salty pigs, was loyal to mustering up the courage and pretending to be calm and walking towards the mysterious man.

"How about fifty copper coins a night? This little brother? I am the most punctual batch on this street."

Gently pulled her short skirt upwards, Aina, who wanted to "talk normally" but showed her white thighs, was completely habitually speaking her words of soliciting guests.

Okay, maybe it sounds a bit too straightforward, but in this kind of place, there is no need to cover up too much. The skin and meat business is also a business. The business needs to be clearly marked in order to be happy, not to mention this young man in linen clothes. It's pretty cool to take a closer look. If something really happens, Ina feels like she wouldn't mind.

Well, yes, just "feeling" won't mind, after all, she doesn't have the capital to "choose" to mind.


"Clang Clang".

This is the sound of a silver coin dropped on the table.

"Go get another bottle of wine, and, ignore me."

The man yelled like a real drunk in an impatient The man who drank the strong alcohol in his glass looked a little muddy and unconscious.

Although his unconsciousness does not seem to be under the influence of alcohol...

The price of a silver coin is quite "not to be peeped" in this tavern. After all, this is the value of Aina for two nights. Not to mention buying a bottle of low-quality wine, it is enough to buy ten bottles.

Generally speaking, since such a generous "tip" has been obtained in the hands of such guests who seem to be in a bad mood, the real old youtiao tavern maids will naturally follow the instructions of the guests to bring drinks, and will not try to cause themselves. Superfluous questions being beaten.

But the young Aina is not an "old fritters". Seeing that the man in front of her is far more generous than the average drunkard, she is more curious about her guests.

In the perception of the little maid, it is impossible for those idiots who don’t spend their money without leaving the barrel to take out a silver coin. People who can squander silver coins casually must be...have a serious family business. People!

But shouldn't such a person work hard day and night for his livelihood, why would he sit in a tavern while drinking and sighing?

Aina was pretty sure that she had seen this man for five consecutive nights, and every time the other party drank, she would use a scary posture of "Drink yourself as much as possible" until the next morning.

Therefore, driven by half curiosity and half sympathy, this time while carefully putting away the silver coins, she did not go to take the liquor immediately as before, but chose to carefully ask the decadent man softly:

"This... sir, you have been drinking non-stop for five consecutive nights. If this goes on, the human body will collapse. Why don't you go home?"

. Nine Heavens God Emperor