Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1302: Flickering lights

"If you don't get along with the bad guys, you can stop doing bad things, and if you don't do bad things, isn't it a bad person? Hahaha, it's a little girl's simple thoughts, but this kind of self-consistent logic sounds really reasonable.

After hearing Ina's interpretation of "The Evil and the Minions", Ganatica's first reaction was actually a bit dazed, because at this moment he suddenly thought that he really forced himself to be on the road of "being the evil". Who is the one who walked to the black.

Isn’t it the “Destroy Whisper” that the spellcaster who has grown so fast that his power grows so fast? Long, long ago, he gave himself strength, guided himself to set the goal of “revenge”, and controlled himself to kill defenseless innocent people. , Inciting absurd hatred to blind my soul............

Yes, Ganatika is very clear. With the passage of time, it has taken away a lot of emotions in long-term memory. With the thought of Pandora's voice and smile, it can be calm, and Ganatika who has grown a lot has already realized it. By the time I had reached a deal with what kind of terrible existence-it was really a bargain business. Unknowingly, my idiot had worked for a certain evil cold wizard for 300,000 years.

"Well, how can the so-called minions and minions be out of the control of the real master? For evil things all the time, how can the guests who return from **** have the chance to be liberated? There is no redemption, no choice, and even death is just distant It's just an extravagant wish. The Walking Dead is talking about a poor guy like me, right."

Reluctantly shook his head and sighed, Ganatika, who directly took out a gold coin and threw it to Ina, didn't want to say anything when he thought of his situation.

Yes, what else can he say? The impulsive boy who was a teenager has long ceased to exist, and now sitting here is just a "living golem", and even the deep love for Pandora can be in time What's the significance of the so-called redemption of good and evil?

who cares? Who is qualified to care?

Seeing the tavern maid with an expression of disbelief hurriedly stuffing the gold coin into her underwear pocket, Ganatika's reaction was neither emotional nor superfluous. He just watched the swaying calmly. The light was staring blankly at the grease that was gradually burned out in the flame of the wick.



Accompanied by a clear collision of laws, the space of the whole street suddenly stopped without warning. The hip flask thrown out by a dwarf stopped in mid-air like it was frozen, and was touched. Every drop of the poured liquid remained motionless as if it were still. At this moment, the time of the entire world seemed to have stopped moving forward, only the light in Ganatika's eyes was still burning like no one else.

And in the next second, under the shining of the firelight, a woman wearing a red leather jacket and leather pants was revealed in the dim firelight like a fog through the shadow.

That is the **** of medium power who has become the **** of slaughter-"Smile"!



"Who are you? What have you done?"

Although he didn’t know the mysterious gods in his eyes, Ganatika was a semi-combat warrior who had participated in blood battles. As a thirty-eighth-level fighter, his subconscious reaction was very fast. The speed of the sword's action was like a flashing arc of thunder, and just for a moment, the cold and icy sharp edge had been targeted by the legendary fighter who had been drunk for the last second at the unexpected guest.

However, a legendary warrior who can't even use legendary ultimate moves is obviously not qualified to challenge a middle-level divine power deity. His blade was just pointed forward and was directly pinched by the smiling girl deity in his hand, and accompanied by him With a "smile" that slightly majestic and evil spirit power fluctuations appeared, Ganatika could hardly help being stunned.

Because he heard the "God of Slaughter" who came to the door somehow said:

"Don't scream and scream, little warrior, I am a middle-level **** from the Pantheon-"God of Slaughter" smile, I am here to help you on behalf of the gods, um, very kindly help."


"Help me? What reason does the Pantheon have to help me? What is worth helping me?"

Looking suspiciously and vigilantly at the beautiful and beautiful goddess in front of her, Ganatika, who frowned, only uttered her doubts but was not foolish enough to attack or try to escape in vain.

Although he is a relatively uneducated fighter, he still knows common sense such as "Medium divine power has the power of the Huiyue level". The young Avengers know very well that once an ordinary legend in his own area is ambushed by the strong Huiyue It is basically impossible to find any chance to After all, the space and time around his body have been firmly locked by completely unknown divine arts. This is not a prisoner that a warrior can slash out with a sword. cage.

Now staying in this tavern where the "pause button" has been pressed, Ganatika can't even reach his "immediate boss" urgently and "whisper of destruction", so whether he wants it or not, he is at this moment. They can only listen to the words of "smile" honestly, and then make judgments that belong to him.

Although there is no need for too many complicated explanations, the legendary warrior with rich life experience has already vaguely realized something when he heard the three words "pantheon"...

"The legendary organization that Mr. Sai'an is in has always been in a bad relationship with the Pantheon. Do you **** sticks want to use me to deal with the powerful "Destroy Whisper" lord?"

"Utilize? No, no, the concubine body said, this is a kind help, and it is also a "just" rescue. Hasn't the Pantheon sent someone to contact you as early as 300,000 years ago? Does your concubine think you can expect this day to come?"

He did not deny the purpose of being broken by Ganatika's words, but also did not admit the so-called "utilization" of the fact. The girl **** who casually pushed the blade out of the hand of the young Avengers just casually walked to an empty wine table and sat down generously. , And while shaking a pair of beautiful white legs, staring at Ganatika with scarlet eyes, solemnly said:

"A boy with a strong hostility won't make a girl tempted, Ganatika, not to mention that the concubine comes to you this time just to bring you a valuable gift... a piece that can set you free And the luxurious gift of redemption! Are you sure you want to reject it"?


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