Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1304: Termination

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The first time he saw the smile, Ganatika had already guessed the purpose of a middle-level **** who came to talk to him-after all, at present, he is just an ordinary legend close to the hermit. An ordinary legendary professional, his only difference is that he has a very great behind-the-scenes boss-"Destroy Whispers", and as a member of the Pantheon, the "God of Slaughter" cannot just deal with him like this Chess pieces used such a large-scale divine art to put out such a large array to negotiate, so now this powerful existence with a pair of red eyes can only be used to deal with someone who is truly called "the strong." "The enemy is deployed.

And yourself is one of the important links in this layout!

This isn’t something unexpected, is it? After all, from the weird voice more than 200,000 years ago, Ganatica knew that he had stepped into the sight of some mysterious existence, but as a poor man who signed the contract of the eye of judgment, he has never been He believed that he had any room to resist the "Destroy Whisper", so Ganatika never considered "betrayal" from the beginning to the end.

Even after experiencing the fall of "Valkyrie" Iberfeld, his sense of punk has already approached the point of "hate".

"A tool can't resist its users, and oneself is the most typical, out-and-out tool."

This is how Ganatika recognizes herself, so even after hearing the words of a smile, the teenager whose expression quickly returned to decadence just threw away the sharp blade and sat back on the wooden chair and said helplessly:

"Do you really want to help me? It's better to kill me as soon as possible. For a person who doesn't even have the right to die, being killed by others is the best help, or you think I can betray That powerful "Destroy Whisper"? Ha! I have never been out of his control, and I can't get what you call freedom, which has always been this way for 300,000 years!

Just like a tramp who is completely desperate for life, he shook his head. The helpless warrior who picked up the glass on the table subconsciously wanted to drink a glass of white wine to cover his sadness.

However, he realized after his finger touched the glass of wine that the time and space in this area was statically stopped by the smile, and the wine in the glass could not be poured out like it was frozen.

Now I don’t even have to drink anymore...

"Do you really think that you will never be able to get rid of the shackles on your body? Ganatica? This is a multiverse. Although it is not possible to say that everything is possible, it is still full of countless wonders and unknowns. Maybe now you are dreaming of you His freedom is full of despair and even disbelief, but if the concubine says that the concubine may lift the shackles of the Eye of Judgment, what choice would you make?"

Gently stretched out his hand to touch the wine glass in the young man's hand, and let the stagnant wine flow again. The spirit power fluctuation of the girl **** seemed to exude an uncontrollable evil charm, and the amazing secret that she said in her mouth Xin is as simple and clear as a certain reason.

However, regardless of the tone of the smiling words, Ganatika, who heard such a "possibility", was really a bit taken aback.

Can the power of the Lord of Order and the Eye of Judgment be relieved? The so-called absolute lawful contract can really be eliminated? Are there other possibilities besides relying on the advancement of the leap realm to try?

"What you said is true? is this possible..."

"How can this be impossible? Don't forget that in the multiverse, besides the Eye of Judgment, there is also a filthy bird holding the authority of chaos that can spread its unparalleled power."

Quite calmly and patiently explained Ganatika, the character that "smile" has become a **** for so many years has indeed changed a lot from her before. For example, when she "fudges" others like this, The words and deeds of the "God of Slaughter" showed much more majesty.

"Listen, ignorant boy."

Stretching out **** to explain, the scarlet hair of the girl **** was dyed with blood in the sway of the lights.

"First, the Huiyue level is a watershed that cannot be ignored. The Judgment Eye Contract has an unparalleled absolute effect on professionals after the Huiyue level, but for the intelligent creatures before the Huiyue level, its power is strong enough. It is still relatively "unsolvable".

Second, if you want to cancel the contract of the Eye of Judgment, you must obtain a feather of the filthy bird, which is something that professionals of the shining sun have to pay a lot of money to get, so in short, as long as the contractor is signing the contract Shi's strength has not reached the level of Huiyue, and he has a feather of a filthy bird. "With these two conditions, the Judgment Eye contract can be directly cancelled, do you understand?"

Quite detailed explanations were made, and with a smile, Ganatika silently watched the dull-looking Ganatika no longer speak more.

Everything she needs to say and need to do has been completed. Next, she needs to give the boy in front of him some time to think carefully about her proposal. She believes Ganatika knows exactly what she wants to express, but this The misnomer "Avenger" hasn't thought about his own decision for the time the contract of the Eye of Judgment, break free from the shackles of the caster, break the cycle of sin, and gain wonderful must be admitted, Even for Ganatika, who was once ashamed of his heart, such an opportunity is really full of the temptation that people can hardly refuse. Live a life full of commands?

What's more, the young avenger has long been unable to bear the "guilt" tasks that punk assigned to him. Whether it is killing a kind woman or harvesting a whole plane of soul like now, he feels disgusted from the heart. And pain, if you have a chance to get rid of this status quo, if you can pursue the justice in your heart...

"Even Pandora wants me to be truly free, right"?

Quietly thinking about the many things that have happened in her past life, silently savoring the old emotions that have long since returned to plainness, watching bitterly at her impulsive revenge when she was young... Ganatika soon understood herself What will be the choice.

free! Yes, it is freedom!

People will change with time and experience. No matter what the teenage avengers once wanted, at least Ganatika has had enough of the bad situation of being a "villain" minion.

He wants to be free, to get rid of the shackles of sin, to get rid of a cold-blooded monster.

"Just like the little maid said, if the bad guy's minions can be free from the bad guy's control, then even the **** debt-ridden tools have a chance to be redeemed."...

Looking at the majestic "God of Slaughter", the young man whose eyes were blurred soon had such a thought.

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