Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1305: Salvation

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"I really want to be free, but there is no free lunch in the world. If you really have the legendary "filthy bird" feather in your hand, what price should I pay to get it."

Looking at the **** in front of him with scorching eyes, Ganatika said his decision without thinking too much.

It is true that breaking the contract he once signed is tantamount to betraying the "Destroy Whisper". Needless to think about it, the powerful spellcaster will definitely not give up.

But what if so? Today’s teenage avengers don’t care about the fear of death for a long time. If they can break free from the status quo of succumbing to the prison of evil, if they can be redeemed as a "guilty minion"... even if it is the redemption of death, he doesn’t mind at all. The ending of eternal sleep is summed up in his own plan.

"Just treat it as an atonement for the fall of Iberfeld."

Thinking in this way, the dim-eyed warrior asked about the terms of exchange for "filthy bird feathers" without experiencing much hesitation. At the same time, he was naturally prepared to bear the price.

No matter what the price is, this nightmare that has lasted for 300,000 years is over!

"It seems that you are willing to help the Pantheon complete a betrayal that belongs to the righteous alone? A very wise idea, a very correct choice. Originally, my concubine thought about a lot of reasons to persuade you. It seems that they don't need to be on the stage now. Up".

Hearing the firm answer from the combatant in front of him, the "God of Slaughter" who raised his brows slightly did not seem to have thought that this negotiation could proceed so smoothly.

To be honest, smile originally thought it would be difficult to persuade a rigid "big boy" to make a betrayal. After all, those who claim to be righteous live so entangled and contradictory, and want to assign them to do "bad things". It is often necessary to add a layer of shiny armor for the so-called "reason".

But looking at it now... Punk, a powerful wizard, is indeed not a qualified leader. His subordinates really have no loyalty to him. As long as they have the opportunity to escape from his control, a legendary fighter like Ganatika Not even afraid of death.

Of course, this is a good thing for a smile. The young Avenger’s decision is very helpful for her to start the next action, so after confirming that what Ganatika said and thought are the truth, she showed a faint smile. The **** continued to say seriously:

"We all have to pay for our ambitions, even for gods like concubines. If you, an ordinary legendary professional with no strength, want to get a precious filthy bird feather as the key to open the cage, Then you have to help the Pantheon, or more bluntly, help me do something a little troublesome!"

"whats the matter"?

"Blow up that tower, destroy the "Whisper of Destruction" Huiyue Magic Tower"!


She maintained her indifferent and majestic expression and spoke her own words. Although her smiling expression did not change, her tone was much more serious than the calm attitude just now.

"The Huiyue Magic Tower of a powerful Huiyue man is really too tricky. Even if five or six powerful beings at the same level of Huiyue besiege with all their strength, it will be difficult for them to besieged. Even if a **** of great divine power comes in person, they will feel troubled. Stay in Huiyue. The spellcaster in the moon magic tower is naturally invincible, because even if he faces an invincible opponent, he can use the magic tower to win enough time to evacuate calmly, if punk has always had the magic tower , Let alone defeat him, even interfere with his experimental research... This is an unacceptable thing, so in order to have a chance to defeat that powerful mage, destroy his magic tower It is the first necessary step-you want to be its only "subordinate", Ganatika, you have the right to step into the tower without being attacked"?

Speaking bluntly, the girl **** didn't mean to cover up more. In fact, she didn't have the need to cover up the truth. After all, Ganatika has no capital and reason to repent.

Of course, if you think about it carefully, her plan is still very bold and feasible. After all, it is impossible for a spellcaster with limited funds to install too many defenses inside the magic tower, in order to save every bit of resources in this "legendary island" era. They are all used on the blade, even the magical creations built by punk must have the shortcomings of "strong external defense and weak internal defense", which is a completely inevitable objective factor.

What's more, "Smiles" don't know that "Destroy Whispers" now lives in the magic tower that actually "looks tough" for external has already run out of funds after being promoted to Huiyue... ………

Of course, because she doesn’t know the real economic situation of her enemy, the girl **** still has palpitations about the amazing magical building. Now in order to get out of the dilemma as soon as possible, she has not hesitated to use a precious filthy bird feather. In exchange for the destruction of the property of a powerful wizard.

"This is an extremely precious opportunity, Ganatika, according to the exact news that the concubine bought from some crazy knights, we can know that today's punk has left the magic tower for a long time, at least for a short time. He won't come back, so the inside of his magic tower is equivalent to being in an embarrassing state of defenselessness, and you, as the only creature in the entire multiverse that has the opportunity to enter that tower without attack, you must make good use of this time. A rare opportunity to destroy the strongest shelter of punk"!

Speaking out of this astonishing plan, unknowingly, the girl god’s scarlet eyes burst out with a wicked light and shadow, and under the dim firelight, her smile gradually changed. More cruel and cold.

"Use the excuse of avoiding danger to deceive the butler golem in the magic tower. The concubine body will place a powerful explosive method in your soul that will never be detected by the magic device of the luminous moon level. All you need to do is It is enough to blow up the law reaction facility or main energy loop of that tall tower, or even just blow up an opening in front of the gate. Then the concubine body will take care of everything else...... How? How simple is this Action, you don’t even need to participate in any battle, as long as you are willing to participate in this easy action and sign a contract with the Eye of Judgment, you can get the feathers of the filthy bird and get the...salvation you dream of!"

. m.