Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1317: Fallen

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"You are about to die, smile, you are about to die in my hands, just like many professionals I killed before."

Silently controlling the power of destruction and enveloping the soul of the girl god, so far punk has actually won the victory.

"Smile" is destined to have no chance to resist. This result was destined from the time when she was blocked by Mage Huiyue in the magic tower. Due to the ruthless erosion of the law of destruction, her soul has long been riddled with tears and shattered at all The "God of Slaughter" who has the ability to withstand normal legendary professionals is almost entirely relying on his own priesthood to support it for a while.

Yes, the gods are so fragile and powerless. The gods who have left the kingdom of God are just as unworthy as children walking on the battlefield. Casual injuries are unbearable for them, and they are casual. The enemy needs them to risk their lives to fight.

Once there is any "whatever" attack is not avoided... everything is over...

"It seems... the concubine body is about to die? It was an unexpected result. If anyone in the multiverse can kill the concubine body, then it must be Kane if it is not you. Now it seems... ".

Weakly fell to the ground, muttering a "smile" at this moment, as soft and silent as a mortal girl, her red long hair scattered on the twisted and deformed bright silver metal floor, her pupils are It quickly lost the last bit of luster.

Need a last word? Are you unwilling? What do people think before death? What kind of pain does the feeling of waiting for the darkness to fill the soul?

No one can answer this question, and punk is no exception. Although he and "Smile" have known each other for more than four hundred thousand years, the cold-blooded "Destroy Whisper" never put the poor "killing" "God" as an acquaintance.

On the road to find the wealth of the God of Red Sands, a weak mortal girl is just a burden of trouble. In the adventure of the legendary ruins, a nasty **** is just a "potential enemy" who comes to grab the spoils with her.

If you want to ask the caster what the only impression of the legendary "Smile" is, it must be "an ambitious guy", right?

"Goodbye, "Smile", I admit that you are indeed the opponent I encountered, second only to a certain crazy knight, but unfortunately, you chose the wrong path and made the wrong decision. You no longer have a place on the stage"!


The expressionless face of the beautiful girl who collapsed under her feet constricted the power of the law, and the caster who did not have the slightest pity for jade did not even plan to leave a little more chance for her "old friends" to say last words, after all, in "Destroy Whispers" "It seems that I, who just got a lot of Yaori-level knowledge, should take the time to improve my strength and conduct research. It is already patience to talk to Smile.

Anyway, until today, the members of the "executors" are almost dead, and the last group of magic sticks temporarily pulled up by the Pantheon did not escape, although the "commander" myself is still a bit... speechless It can be said, but at any rate everything is over temporarily, right?

So accompanied by an unclear loud or dull explosion sound, the law of destruction controlled by Master Huiyue exploded in the soul of the girl **** without hesitation.

And the lives of "smiling" are finally extinct before such power............

Yes, she is dead.

------split line------

The deceased has passed away, but the victor still enjoys victory... But to be honest, punk is actually a little uncertain at this time whether his trip to the Eye of Dorothy is considered a victory. After all, he did lose a lot of precious wealth, such as the luminous moon golem, such as the dark golden pupil, and the magic tower and...Ghanatika.

The traces left on the scene are simply too obvious, aren't they? The scars of the magic tower were obviously exploded from the inside, and Ganatica could not be contacted for no reason. It was impossible for a smile to bypass the layers of defenses of the tower and directly enter the interior of the tower, so it was able to put the bomb Of course, the enemy brought in can only be an annoying "traitor".

Well, it was an expected result.

"...There is no one in the entire multiverse to train a legendary professional as a subordinate. There is a reason. I shouldn't be smart and whimsical back then, Ganatika... This guy finally betrayed me, "Smile "Does the use of "filthy bird feathers" help him lift the restrictions of the Judgment Eye contract? That's enough!"


The power of condensing destruction slapped the wall that was blocked by metal fragments. Although the caster walking in the unrecognizable "old nest" may seem, in fact, he is really not calm at all. .

The home is gone, and the men are gone. The "guildmaster" is still as usual without any news. I don’t have any magic materials on my hand, and I can’t even create a laboratory. The Pantheon can’t help but is still planning a conspiracy. What can I do now? ?

The current spellcaster must admit that he has entered a very uncomfortable and embarrassing state, because he can't study spells even if he has Yaori-level knowledge. After all, he has only resources that can be called wealth. Some magic materials that were collected privately by the makeup queen have been downloaded, but as a spellcaster, punk can't do anything with magic materials.

"If these divine power crystals, divine power powder, divine magic rock blocks are magic materials, if I can have enough resources, then rely on the precious knowledge of the era of Netheril as the foundation, even if it is Methur It’s not necessarily impossible to study and study the crazy conception of Yaori. The realm of Yaori level can also be said to be "close in front of you"'s just..."

Unleashing the mental power fluctuations helplessly perceiving the magical materials filled with a storage ring, the slightly frowning spellcaster really felt the pain of "like a knight in the throat".

He can't try to make a deal with the Pantheon, right? Although the two sides of the war fight until you die and you are doing business seriously, this kind of thing is normal no matter what era it is placed in, but considering that the gods of the Pantheon certainly do not want to see a new Yaori throne. Rising... The caster felt that unless they were so poor that they couldn't open the pot, they would never be able to continue to "pretend to be enemies".

So looking at the entire multiverse, how can punk convert the magical materials in his hands into magical resources that he can use?

. m.