Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1318: Palace and projection

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This is a city nestled in a forest. The verdant trees shade the bright sunlight. In the quiet morning, the calls of insects can be faintly heard, and the humid air seems to be telling of peace and tranquility.

The only difference from most cities is that at this moment there is a semi-circular lavender magical shield covering the sky of the entire city, although the hazy halo that flows slowly with the rush of energy seems to tell the mystery. The beautiful atmosphere, but in fact the existence of this city undoubtedly represents the deepest tragedy belonging to a race.

Yes, this is the eternal forest. This city shrouded by the magical sky is the elven royal court in the eternal forest... or it is a world completely different from the former elven royal court, because in today’s city There was no laughter and laughter from the elves in the middle of the year, and only a piece of ubiquitous despair and sadness remained on this land.

Perhaps in a sense, the elves on the plane of Faerun have reached the brink of destruction. After all, the sudden outbreak of the plague continues to spread in the eternal forest. There is no meaning to be stopped. More than 90% of the elves are already Because of the compromise, "the legend comes from the "Destroy Whisper" terrible plague and lost their lives. Other elves who survived are also destined to live a life of fear under the shelter of a magical sky, their most trusted chief priest" "Ekar" is almost the only savior of these elves left.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of the remaining elves, their Mr. Aikar is indeed an out-and-out "good camp professional". You must know that the "pious man" is the chief priest of the **** of life. He is the most devout goddess believer. He possesses the power of the luminous moon level and has many powerful divine arts. Legend has it that a long time ago even Ms. Celebona herself clearly stated that Aikar was "the most trustworthy" "The powerful elves," such legends can solve the unbridled "little plague" sooner or later, right?

Hope in a desperate situation is really important. The survivors who flinched in the elven royal court believed that their chief priest was running for the salvation of the entire Faerun plane elves, and their goddess of life would still be kind. The glory of the eternal spread across the eternal forest.

They believe that evil conspiracies will be wiped out, just as the darkness of night will be liquidated by the brilliance of Mira and Chikasa.


The facts seem to be different from most people’s imagination, because while the remaining millions of elves are still working hard to pray and find a way to solve the plague, the "piety" they trust is obviously not as they imagined. "Exhausted and exhausted" to find a way out for the Elf King Court.

In fact, at this moment, Aikar not only didn't "exhaust" as most people imagined, he was also sitting on the dining table in an empty bright palace enjoying delicious fruit pie.

Mr. "Call of Life" who is laid-back, at ease, confident and full of the qualities of a successful man is like a young king tasting his breakfast. But compared to the hustle and bustle of the ordinary palace, there are no servants in his hall. There are only the golden floor engraved with static patterns and the gems on the ceiling. There is only one person wearing... A holy priest in a white robe and a...mysterious guest in a black robe.

In the fragrance of fruit pie, the atmosphere in the morning is really quiet.

"Don't you try the freshly baked hometown food? Mr. Baiye, although the newly hired chef is only a young girl, her craftsmanship in making fruit pies is really remarkable. I personally think that she is still very good with spirits. Taste".

Controlling his divine power, he placed a hot fruit pie in front of the black-robed man on the opposite side of the table, and the aristocratic manners shown by the smiling Aikar were meticulous.

It must be admitted that this fruit pie looks really delicious. The hot jam and pulp are mixed together. The sweet and sour plums just alleviate the annoyance of simple sweetness. The round pie is exquisite in shape. The skin is fragrant, and the delicate drawings are carefully carved on it.

It’s just that the expressionless black-robed guests don’t seem to have the leisure to taste the food, and they haven’t waited until the slowly floating fruit pies approaching themselves. The thrust of magic has pushed this so-called "hometown food" to the side. Up.

Obviously, the black-robed man who sits at the table and stares at the priest in front of him is a punk...projection from the Khatak Plain.

"I don't need someone to help me change my surname, Mr. Aikar, besides, isn't the surname Baiye removed from the record by the Elven King Court"?

"It was indeed but then I restored it again. Although the Elf King Court does not have a precedent for removing a surname and then recovering, the rule is that the dead are alive, right? I think those are too much. The decadent and rigid "rules" should have been abandoned by the times, so I have restored the surnames for you, your family and your mother."

"Oh, got it".


Chatting is never easy, and it is even more difficult to find a suitable topic. For example, now, as punk blurts out the very casual "Oh, I know", the atmosphere in the magnificent palace immediately changes. It was embarrassing.

Wouldn't you be chatted to death?

"Well, it seems that you really don’t care about your last name or anything. Alas, I’m really superfluous. Next, let’s talk about business. Then, what is the reason for Mr. "Destroy Whisper" to visit The purpose? Is it to trade magical resources?"

Seeing that the caster really doesn't care about the family or surname, there is really no way for the somewhat helpless "piety", but fortunately, things that can be worthy of an "evil archmage" to be projected are still quite limited. So Aikar hardly needs to think more to understand why punk visits him-it must be because the other party doesn't know where to get the magical resources. This is because he wants to trade the magical resources collected by the goddess of life.

When talking about business, you have to be like talking about business. At this time, it’s boring to use hometown, family, etc. to play the emotional card. What's more, the chief priest of the life **** at this moment really doubts that the "collaborator" in front of him is really like that. There is no emotion and absolutely cold-blooded as the outside world rumored, so...

The next negotiation looks destined to be a clash of interests without water.

. m.