Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1319: Whimsical proposal

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"Is the plague on your side still not resolved? The fall of the Elf King's Court seems inevitable."

This is a meaningful question from the caster.

"There is no way, after all, this kind of magical plague of "I don't know where it came from" is always unavoidable to cause headaches for researchers. It is also very helpless that it will not be solved for a while."

This is Aikar's casual answer.

"Are there any reactions from those kind-hearted professionals? I think they should be very happy to help the distressed goddess of life, right?"?

"You mean those nosy... Oh, I mean the guys who are "warriors and justice"? They do have a lot of people willing to help, but whether it's the plague or death, it's all within the palace of the elves. According to tradition, outsiders cannot be allowed to intervene. The ancient tradition should not be changed at will, not to mention that without the order of the goddess of life, allowing the legends of other races to enter the eternal forest is really unacceptable."

"Ding Ding".

Gently placing the knife and fork in his hand on the edge of the exquisite silver-white metal plate, the dead silence of the atmosphere was broken by the clinking of the metal touch, and Akar, who answered the question, had obviously finished the fruit pie in front of him.

The seemingly small talk between "Whisper of Destruction" and "Pious" was actually a temptation that was neither salty nor indifferent. Punk asked Aikar to mean that he was taunting the annoyance that this guy planted to himself after the plague. Operation, and the performance of the chief priest pretending to be stupid is tactfully telling the caster-don't expect to use these things to threaten me, I will not admit it.

It is at least certain that the "sinister and vicious" Life Caller definitely does not intend to end the plague that swept the eternal forest in a short time. He will use "tradition" as an excuse to block any "nosy" people. Path, and then do whatever you want as a priest of the moon.

Of course, these are not about punk, so since I can't ask any news...just forget it.

"I have some magical materials in my hand, and some of them can even reach the level of the sun. I think you, the magic stick who doesn’t know what conspiracy you’re planning, might be interested in them, so I plan to use these materials in exchange for you For magical resources that are not useful, just don’t know how much wealth you can trade?"

Looking indifferently at the smiling "Pious" Aikar from beginning to end, Punk used the projection to show the blue pupils to appear cold and gloomy in the shadow of the hood.

He didn’t know why the chief priest of the Cult of Life planned a terrible attack against the elves, but he knew that the goddess of life Ms. Psychia must have a lot of wealth as an ancient deity, maybe she would be like a big Most of the gods consume the magical resources they get, but the magical resources that will not be used or can not find the buyer will definitely have a chance to survive. In the last time Ai rescued the legendary twin brothers and sisters. Carl also explicitly mentioned the treasure house of the goddess of life, and since then these wealth has been one of punk's goals.

If you want to come to some Yaori-level magical materials, you can definitely exchange a lot of good things.

"Divine magic materials? Of course I need them. God knows how poor the lady "Praiser of Life" is. There are so few magic materials in the kingdom of God. If you can really produce enough materials, then I am completely I can exchange most of the magical resources that are useless to me, and even...I can also tell you a little bit of knowledge and skills that I have researched, about the knowledge and skills of "soul fusion"!"

Slightly opened his eyes, the sharp-eyed "pious man" suddenly appeared dangerous and gloomy just like a cat planning a hunting operation in secret, perhaps to maximize the value of the chips in his hand? Perhaps it is the more ulterior motive of carrying a special purpose. At this moment, the mysterious chief priest actually proposed to punk a special concept that is very easy to arouse the interest of others-the research concept of soul fusion!


It must be admitted that soul fusion is definitely a keyword that is enough to arouse punk interest, because the last time Mage Huiyue heard about this amazing and wonderful method in the "last words" of "Archmage" Messoul.

The two legends are merged into one through the fusion of souls, and the scattered forces are turned into one... Although punk does not know whether anyone has carried out related experimental studies on this idea so far, it is indeed Mei Suuer tried to advance to the ultimate plan of the gods.

So when the four words "soul fusion" appeared in Aikar's mouth... what would he mean?

"You still want to study the soul? Are you not a priest?"

Not without surprise, he looked at the "piety" who seemed to have just said a little thing, and there was a little more indescribable doubt in punk's eyes.

Most of the magic arts are set in the priesthood, perhaps to avoid the second "Netherel", so although the "default" magic arts have many functions, they are difficult to study. UU看书www. Anyone who relies on divine art to study the most mysterious soul is too whimsical.

However, as the host, the chief priest of the life **** sect does not seem to think that what he said is against him as "Priest Huiyue", so he just nodded indifferently even when faced with the caster’s doubts. Replied:

"Yes, I am indeed a priest now, but you must have noticed that I no longer want to serve as a "strong and pious priest" as a **** who serves me. I want a brighter future. I Even want to replace some troublesome guys!

Sounds a bit crazy, right? After all, an ancient **** of great power is synonymous with power and wisdom. A priest who is shackled by the gods is simply too difficult to accomplish certain feats, so... I had a very good one a long time ago. The idea, which later came from the knowledge of Mr. Messoul, also gave me a lot of inspiration. Although people who have talked to me about this idea so far think that I am just whimsical, but...I don’t intend to give up my planning. A long time plan, now I only need a reliable caster to act as a collaborator, a special concept may appear in the world, then Mr. Sai'an, do you think our two wizards and priests can achieve Friendly cooperation?"

Standing up and telling his ambitions, the "Pious", who looked at punk with a smile, seemed to have said his words very skillfully. If he wanted to come before punk, the ambition would be obvious, and Aikale would have no intention to hide it. I have also searched for the willingness of many spellcasters to achieve cooperation, but the final result of those attempts is nothing more.

And this time, his negotiating object has not unexpectedly fallen to punk.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor