Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1320: Generous cooperation

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The bright sun shines on the turquoise field, and the ruins of the magic tower slanted like a kneaded plasticine stand quietly on the ground, and the howling breeze finally penetrates the clear sky where there is no longer a magic stand. It danced freely, but in the reflection of the leaning tower, there was only a small square room and a figure sitting on the top of the small room as if to tell the silence of the whole world.

Obviously, this small square metal room is a laboratory temporarily constructed by the caster, and the black-robed spellcaster sitting in the laboratory is just the "Destroy Whisper" that has just ended the distant projection exchange.

This punk negotiation was undoubtedly a success, because the "piety" who behaved quite generously agreed with little hesitation to use magic resources in exchange for magical materials, and the wealth that Huiyue Mage gained from the eyes of the sleepless eye Finally found a buyer.

Presumably in the next long period of time, they will all be taken away by the chief priest of the **** of life and exchanged for punk a lot of precious materials. This gain independent of the adventure plan is also good." Extra money"

After all, this is enough to support the caster to study the "soul" "extra pleasure".

In fact, after ending the adventure in the Eye of Dorothy, punk has already determined what he will study next. After all, he now has the shining sun level knowledge from the era of Netheril. The most worthy research topic before him is undoubtedly derived from the legacy left by Messoul.

"Piknut's Soul Fusion Technique"! This is a wonderful magic that claims to be able to advance to the seat of God. Today's entire "tide of fate" is opened by it. The wizard guild collapsed because of its existence, and the fall of Messul had no relationship with it, even " "President" also mysteriously disappeared for it...Even punk has no doubt that the reason why the "scarlet scepter" old Eman, who has lived in silence for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly desires knowledge from the era of Netheril at all costs. It is also to study this incredible spell, and today's "Destroy Whisper" certainly cannot let go of such a precious "legacy".

not to mention…………

"Soul fusion... Has this guy like Aikar started to dabble in this method? If even a priest of him covets the concept of soul fusion, then other powerful professionals will be attracted to the "Archmage "How interested is the husband's inheritance? Nine out of ten of them have also started the research on "Piknut's Soul Fusion Technique"."

Controlling a stream of flowing magic power collided and twisted at the fingertips, and the punk blue eyes were once filled with coldness and coldness.

Being behind is absolutely unacceptable, and precious knowledge must be studied and understood. No matter whether Messoul’s crazy idea is reliable or not, "Piknut’s Soul Fusion Art" is likely to be flooded with many, even in ancient times. In the era of Netheril, there was no chance for the mysterious concept to appear.

In fact, "Destroy Whispers" had already had a foreboding not too long ago. His chance of advancing to Yaori is probably due to this peculiar "soul fusion technique", and now... there is a chance with a man who has a lot of resources. It is not necessarily a bad thing for priests to achieve cooperation.

"I hope that the smiling pastor can provide sufficient "experimental materials" as he himself said, and I also hope that the cost of the research process of "Piknut's Soul Fusion" will not be too much..."

Thinking silently, the caster had already pinched the energy vortex flowing between his fingers before he knew it.

There is no doubt that the cooperation between "Whisper of Destruction" and "Pious One" has actually been reached. According to the agreed agreement in the negotiation, Aikar, a priest who can only use divine magic and cannot conduct research, will cooperate in this Playing the role of "investor" in punk, he will be responsible for providing punk with sufficient experimental materials for research, including but not limited to a large number of low-level professionals across various realms, a few legendary professionals and legendary creatures, as well as digital gods The body!

That's right, the experimental materials needed for research include legends! Although punk doesn't know why the "piety" has the confidence to capture legend-level souls for himself to experiment, but the smiling guy must have targeted several "preys" for his plan long ago?

Anyway, according to what Aikar said, "I have made a lot of legendary friends who have a good personal relationship over the years. I am confident to send them to your experimental platform one by one. You only need to provide detailed research data on time." .

Really good division of labor, right? Obviously, punk plays the role of a researcher in this cooperation. According to the agreement, every "experimental material" sent by Aikar is a very clear "special resource", and these resources require wealth from the caster. The wealth that punk uses to redeem “special resources” is the experimental data of “Piknut’s Soul Fusion Technique”.

A large amount of experimental materials in exchange for a whole stage of research materials ~ ~ hand in hand data and resources, everyone takes what they need is very fair, the secret of "Piknut's Soul Fusion Technique" seems to be close Just a few steps away, punk will rely on this research to advance to Yaori, and the chief priest of the life **** cult will use this magical secret to usurp the position of the goddess of life...

What a spooky and evil plan. The two roles of traditional knights who are supposed to be the ultimate bosses actually reached such a terrible cooperation. The most terrifying thing is that reality is not a knight. Ninety-nine percent of the legendary legends in the legendary island era are old and dead. During the exchanges, the Yaori Throne feared that the "wheel of destiny" had no news one by one, and "Destroy Whispers" even doubted that their cooperation with the "piety" could reach the state of unconsciousness without any confidentiality measures.

In other words, even if someone notices it...what about it? Even the Throne of the Sun would not be willing to provoke two actual combat huiyue powerhouses casually, not to mention that after Messul’s legacy has spread throughout the multiverse, it is estimated that all a bit ambitious legends will begin to try to study "souls". The concept of "fusion".

In the context of "Fate Tides", the cooperation between Punk and Aikar is by no means the first, and it is unlikely that it will be the last. At most, the fact that they use legendary powerhouses as their test subjects is surprising.

But no matter how amazing it is, the person who catches the hermit legend is just a smiling elf priest. The risk of rottenness is really not related to punk, right?

Although punk doesn’t know how Aikar, a priest of Huiyue, will use the magical means of the Yaori level to achieve his ambitions, he is not sure where Aikar’s confidence can verify his magic data and is not afraid of being cheated, but he wants to come to him. There must be some unique secrets hidden from beginning to end like Kane did.

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