Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1321: Priests in planning

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"You know, my goddess, no one in this world can control everything. Your self-righteous plan is totally meaningless, because you who have lost your strength have actually never had even a helper. Now you are nothing but a That's a weak little girl."

Sitting in the empty hall, there is a half-eaten fruit pie and a bite of fruit pie on the luxurious dining table in front of them. The smiling "piety" is staring at a crystal clear in his hand. Crystal ball.

It was a magical crystal ball, and the image in the crystal ball seemed to reveal a misty world. There is no doubt that it is the goddess of life, which is now desolate and dilapidated. It is also the only thing around the goddess of life. In the center of the ball, the only clear image that was revealed was the little girl in green, who was as weak as a mortal.

That is the current lady of life, Psyche, because she has lost too much faith, and now she is sleeping in her only refuge-the "cradle", even if the "pious person" at this moment does not want to do anything , It is impossible for her to make any decisions and measures.

Yes, she is no longer the once majestic goddess of life. Now Celebona is just a little girl imprisoned. The hunger of the soul destroys her will, but the power of the priesthood is increasing day by day. She has been completely There is no hope.

"Beautiful Psyche, when you chose to trust me, did you ever think about the ending of today? When you planned to use "soul reshaping" to get rid of the erosion of the priesthood, did you predict this fate? Maybe you want Pass it, otherwise you won’t build this incomparable "cradle" to help yourself sleep... It's a pity that you underestimated my ambition and determination. Your "cradle" does not Help you avoid disasters, and soon, your throne will be in my palm"!

The insidious radiance in his eyes flickered faintly, and he waved his hand to erase the aromatic fruit pie on the table, and slowly dissipated the image in the crystal ball, Pastor Huiyue had obviously decided to move forward on the path he chose.

For a powerful professional who can reach today’s level step by step, it’s a very basic common sense to stop hesitating once a decision is made. After all, reality will not give you so much time and opportunity to hesitate. There are so many things that require "quick resolution"!

For example, at this moment, the "Pious" has reached the critical stage where "quick battles and quick decisions" are most needed, because he has reached a cooperation with a famous multiverse luminous moon spellcaster-"Destroy Whispers".

According to the agreement, if he wants to get the other party’s "Piknut's Soul Fusion Technique" research data, then he must provide experimental materials for exchange, and the so-called "materials" that Aikar needs to provide are not just some low-level Professionals or magic races, he also needs to capture legendary professionals and gods!

It must be admitted that even for a Huiyue powerhouse, ordinary Legendary level professionals are not so easy to grasp. After all, the Legendary powerhouses of the Legendary Island Era can always find various corners and corners to hide. For himself, the legendary spellcaster can also use the pre-arranged teleportation spells to quickly reach the sea of ​​chaos to avoid enemy attacks, so if you really want to hunt legendary souls, then a qualified hunter must first choose a good target.

Careful spellcasters with many life-saving methods are eliminated first. After all, the teleportation method of a wizard is not just casual talk. A skilled legendary wizard can even reach the other end of the multiverse from one end of the multiverse in an instant, so no matter what Regardless of their combat effectiveness, the casters are too good at running away.

In addition, there are also those who have a wide range of friends and a high degree of well-known fighters should also be excluded, because in theory, most people will not do nothing to try to interfere with the grandeur of a Huiyue strong. Plan, but if this kind of "Hunting Legend" action is discovered and made public, then many "prey" will become alert and change their residences, and then the information collected with difficulty will be lost. Usefulness, the efficiency of "hunting" will also be greatly reduced. In the long run, this kind of "fishing by exhaustion" is not cost-effective, so............

Those who are completely reclusive professionals are the most suitable prey.

Think about it, they don’t have prestige, they don’t make friends, they don’t have organization, and they don’t have a backstage. They really want strength and no strength, but no cards and no cards. In this deadly legendary era of loneliness, more than a dozen seclusions suddenly disappeared silently. Legendary professionals will not even know If the "piety" wants to help punk obtain experimental materials, is there anything more convenient than catching the legend of the hermit?

Of course, living in seclusion, living in seclusion, the pros of the seclusion school may indeed have little combat power and influence, but they are not so easy to find. If there is an evil strong wandering around in the universe and wanting to catch people There is no hope, but...

If a well-known "good chief priest" like Aikar issues a call for "righteousness", will all the results be different?

For a grand banquet in the name of salvation appropriate...

"Kali Tart, go and send invitations to Mr. Millers, Ms. Dai Li, Lord Northgucha, telling them that I am going to hold a magnificent banquet and announce something, I hope they can send projections to the banquet, and then try to hint They, I am trying to find them to study and solve the Eternal Forest Plague. This should be the most concerned thing for the three good professionals."

Silently retracted the crystal ball in his hand, Aikar seemed to give orders to the air in front of him, and almost at the next moment when his mental power fluctuations emerged, he saw a cute little fairy with a height of only five centimeters and translucent wings. Appeared in the silent air.

It seems that this should be a private servant belonging to Aikar.

"Dear Lord "Pious", are we going to have a banquet again? Are there colorful light bulbs and sweet egg tarts? Are there graceful dancers spinning on the carpet?"

"Don't worry, my little cutie, go and send my news to the guests. Good times will come soon. The feast you look forward to is destined to be as fragrant and bright as flowers in blood"!

. Nine Heavens God Emperor