Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1322: Grand banquet

"The banquet has begun, and the pudding and egg tarts are ready.

The dancers are ready, with lights, flames, and wine and food.

You are welcome, distinguished guest, here is the eternal forest, here is the fairy king's court.

Kind and friendly hospitality is the tradition of the elves, and all evil is destined to have nowhere to hide.

If you are a kind-hearted adventurer, please be seated quickly, the hot fruit tea will moisturize your lips.

If you like to appreciate beautiful things, please hurry up and take a seat, the ancient relief carvings will surely come into view.

If you are willing to seek the guidance of the goddess, please hurry up and sit down. The chief priest of the life **** cult will issue a declaration soon.

Today is a wonderful time, and today is a perfect banquet.

Children can receive candies and girls can wear dance skirts.

Come on, come on, your eternal career has already been planned, and the rest... it's just for you guests to embellish the bright..."

At the entrance of the palace hall of the Elf King’s Court, such a bright and cheerful song is reverberating over and over again. Along with the transparent shining of magical lights, a little fairy wearing a pale green skirt is faintly dancing in the singing. visible.

This must be a grand banquet, because this is a banquet held and attended by a luminous priest himself!

In fact, the news of Aikar’s banquet had spread throughout the Elven King’s court just a day ago. Almost all the Elven aristocrats knew that their chief priest was whispering destruction in order to discuss "curing the plague, saving the eternal forest, and crueling the evil archmage" "Matters" held a "legendary feast" that was rare in hundreds of millions of years!

According to the announcement, all elf professionals from the good and neutral camps can participate for free in this banquet. Not only will Mr. "Pious" and his two legendary entourages appear at the banquet, they will even come from afar. The three guests are all legends!

It must be admitted that even though the Elf King Court is still in slack due to a sudden major disaster, the news of such a banquet is too shocking!

Legendary feast! A banquet attended by five good-hearted legends! What is this concept?

For those elven aristocrats, this is simply the highest level of negotiation activities in the multiverse, and it is not to be missed anyway, although when the Elf King’s Court is in danger, he will take part in the event with the mentality of "walking straight to the sky". The "discussion and rescue" meeting may be somewhat inappropriate, but those professionals and nobles are still willing to wear as luxurious as possible and join the celebration.

In other words...It is precisely because the Elf King Court is almost finished, these noble professionals urgently need to have a good relationship with every legendary powerhouse they can meet and express their determination to resolutely maintain goodness. After all... there is nothing. It’s more time to hug your thighs than this time, and there is no thigh more useful than leaving a little memory for the legendary professional.

So when the banquet officially began, almost all the noble families of the Elf King Court sent their own professionals to participate in the feast, and even they sent not only adult professionals, but even those elven children with one or two professional levels. Their "parents" were brought to the banquet.

This is a good opportunity to meet the legend. If a certain legendary power can have a good impression on the people of his family, let alone the destruction of the Elf Royal Court, even if Faerun is gone, this family will still be forever. Forever!

Well, this kind of mentality does seem to be a bit wrong, but the nobles are part of the royal court, and worrying about their own family can be regarded as an alternative "worrying about the country and the people", right?

For example, at this moment, among the tactful singing at the gate of the palace, an aristocratic girl with a feeling of "worrying about the country and the people" came to participate in this "feast of kindness."


Lothari Bagpipe is a ranger apprentice from a declining aristocratic family. Although her family owns an ancient residence close to the royal court, an ancient surname that is said to have appeared as a master professional, and a somewhat gold-rich " "Earl" status, but these things still cannot change the fact that the bagpipe family has fallen-you know, the nobility without a professional as a pillar is just a useless joke, because no professional is equivalent to no power, and no power is equivalent to There is no future.

It’s a pity that the current Lotari family is a family that is about to lose its future, because in the last three generations of their family, only Lotari has become a small second-level apprentice ranger. Lothari's parents, seven older brothers, two older sisters, and three younger sisters did not get even one career level!

Before the plague swept the Elf King’s court, their family was actually living well. After all, Lotari’s brothers and sisters did not have the power to fight, but they were good at cooking. They sold the "red berry stuffing". The "pie" is very popular, and the bagpipe family was even called the "pie noble family".

However, after the terrible plague destroyed almost the entire eternal this declining aristocratic family ushered in the inevitable catastrophe—the entire Elven King Court was in a state of food shortage, how could it be? Someone buy food for enjoyment?

So only overnight, the burden of survival was borne on Lotari alone. After all, she is the only one who can fight, and only she can join the professional magical creature hunting team to obtain so that the family will not be like ordinary poor people at every turn. "Great" rewards for hungry.

Is this the kind of life a family should have, right? A little ranger is too weak, right? It’s too dangerous to go hunting in the eternal forest of plague, right?

It is hard to say that a mistake in the hunting process will take away the life of the weak little girl.

So after the news of the banquet held this time spread, the only remaining professional of the bagpipe family came to the feast with a mood of seeking hope. She brought delicious berry pies as a disguise, and she brought With a lively and cute smile as a weapon, she hopes that she can show the image of a "naive girl" in front of the legendary professionals who are used to feasting. She hopes that she can have the opportunity to say a word with a legend. The nobles make friends.

In this way, Lotari believed that after the banquet, the captain of the hunting team would not dare to arrange for herself to charge on the front line. At that time, she could naturally obtain a stable logistics career and help the family continue safely.

And then, the first step for aristocratic girls is to enter the banquet where the aristocrats gather and the extravagant "good ones"-of course, girls who are a little cautious will not forget to find a chance to squeeze into the conversation of the noble children circle.


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