Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1324: Surrounded by big guys

When Lothari finished saying this, the children of nobles did not express the most normal surprise and curiosity as the little girl imagined. On the contrary, they all seemed to have witnessed some indescribable fear. He was stunned. For example, the boy with the fashionable haircut could not say a word with his mouth half-opened, and he was very quiet. The girl also showed a weird appearance that wanted to escape but couldn't move.

The most important thing is... at this moment, their eyes actually didn't look at Lothari who was holding the berry pie basket. They just looked behind the girl in an unusually unified way, looking in the direction of the entrance to the hall. .

Obviously, just after those aristocratic girls who had just heard the words of Huiyue who were a little doubtful about Huiyue's words, the existence that children most want to see and least want to see at this time is silent. He appeared without interest.

   There is no doubt that the person who suddenly appeared behind Lothari is the organizer of this banquet, the chief priest of the Elf Royal Court-"Pious" Aikar-Call of Life!

In fact, at the moment when they found that the entire hall was suddenly and quietly, not only these little nobles realized the coming of a certain powerful existence, but also Lotari herself instantly understood what the shadow now appearing behind her represented. .

Of course, she is more aware of how disrespectful what she said just now is, so even though the girl with a stiff smile can barely maintain "aristocratic dignity" at this time, in fact, her eyelashes are falling slightly because of fear Trembling.

   "Respected...Big...Mr. Chief Priest..."

   "Shhhhhhhhhhhh, little girl, don't try to figure out things you don't understand, this is not a habit that a nobleman should develop."

There is no violent and cruel reprimand, and there is no cruel punishment. The smiling Aikar turned out to be just like a kind big brother and rubbed his hand on Lotari’s soft hair gently, and then followed this patient The "piety" explained to the girl in a tone that was as important as discussing a certain academic topic:

"The White Leaf Family’s removal was not purely due to the betrayal of a professional, but the more important reason was that after a master-level mage left the Eternal Forest, the remaining members of the White Leaf Family achieved the "three consecutive generations without professional There are no legends in the family history.” According to the ancient laws of the Elven King’s court, noble families that have no professionals for three consecutive generations and have no legendary history will be removed from their names until their families again Until the emergence of professionals, this is also a law that our ancestors left in order to encourage the nobles to work hard to become stronger.

You must know that the Hakuye family was expelled because of the loss of the only remaining professional, and then not only no new professional was born in the next three generations, but even the remaining family members died one by one. It is only now that we have discovered that this wrong judgment is actually due to the negligence of officials in the past. The Baiye family not only has professionals, but also has a legendary member existing in the multiverse, so we restore the "Baiye" surname. It is correcting the mistakes that were made. Although the "Whisper of Destruction" is now our enemy, this does not mean that we should know our mistakes and not correct them. Are you right? Cute girl? "

Rubbing Lotali’s hair again, Aikar’s performance is like an elderly caring for the younger generation, making people unable to fault. His explanation is not only to explain his own reasons to these noble children, but also to Explain to the other nobles in the hall and the three "guests" who have just arrived at the venue the reasons for their abrupt behavior.

It must be admitted that, as a prestigious and kind-hearted priest, the influence and persuasive power contained in the words and deeds of the "piety" is still considerable, although his explanation is still a bit far-fetched after careful consideration. But how could the nobles in the hall express their dissatisfaction with the patience of the strong moon?

So for a while, except for the little girl Lotari, who was rubbed and shaking her head, uttered a little dizzy whisper that contained the feeling of the rest of her life, almost all the nobles couldn't wait to start expressing their approval and even reciting poems and praising Aikar. Eyes are like a torch, and under a re-lively atmosphere, three clear projections that seem to be real people appear one by one at the entrance of the hall.

   That is the three guests invited by Aikar to "study the plague"-Mr. Millers, Ms. Dai Li, Lord Northgucha.

Of course, for these three ordinary legendary professionals, a powerful and ancient Huiyue priest is also a strong person who needs to be respected, and they don’t understand that the Elf King’s Court is closed to the point of being kept as a secret book and never spread. "Ancient Law", so even though many elven nobles present may feel awkward to the interpretation of "Pious Man", in the eyes of these three, Aikar's judgment of "one yard for one yard" is not a problem.

   Now that Ikar has proven time and time again that his "origin" as a "good and lawful" professional has never changed, then the banquet that represents friendly exchanges can naturally be enjoyed by guests.

So against the backdrop of the magnificent lights, the handsome and young Lord Northgucha, who likes to smile, came to Lotari together with the mature and beautiful Ms. Dai Li and the child-like Mr. Millers, and then the three reclusive factions. The legendary professional began to elaborate or bluntly agree:

   "It is worthy of being called the "Model of the Good Man", Mr. Call of Life. This choice of respecting history and law is really a model for all rulers."

"That "Destroying Whisper" is indeed a rare and powerful existence in the multiverse, so even if you have respect for the most evil person, do you have to fight it upright? Well, as a good person, no matter what kind of enemy he faces Keeping a heart of kindness and order is the only way to be taught."

"This little girl, thank you for having such a kind-hearted chief priest in the future. According to my temper, if someone dared to speak casually, then some punishment will be imposed. Only the magnanimous grandeur of Aykar Existence won't care about little girls like you."


   Okay, Lothari, surrounded by the four legendary powerhouses, was so nervous that she couldn't say anything at this moment. She could only nodded her head with soft legs and agreed with the words of everyone around her.

   Maybe... This is what it feels like to be surrounded and watched by big guys?

  . Nine Heavens God Emperor

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