Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1326: The imprisoned

Lothari didn’t know what happened at that banquet, because just after she spotted the strange smile on the face of Your "Pious One" that seemed to be starting to hide, accompanied by a sudden white light flashing, she I'm already groggy into sleep and can't wake up.

And when the noble girl opened her eyes again to face the dark world, she did not see the singing and dancing in the grand hall, let alone the luxurious scene where the nobles were wearing gold, silver, and gold talking to each other. She only saw the one in front of her. Outside Qian's transparent crystal plane, there seemed to be a black-robed man talking with a white-robed man, and...she found that she could not feel the existence of her body!

   "What the **** is going on? I remember that I was obviously attending the banquet, and I was lucky enough to be invited by the legendary powerhouse, but now... why am I here, where is my body?"?

   trying to control the weak mental power fluctuations and perceiving everything around her, and still barely able to stay calm, Lothari immediately began to follow the instructions she had received in the "hunting team" to collect all possible intelligence.

Regardless of the dangers and encounters, keeping calm is the most indispensable professional quality. Instead of letting frantic emotions dominate thoughts and fighting without rules, it is better to take a good look at what is around you. Make a decision-Revised version of the Professional Knowledge Manual 2.0.

   "Yes, I can't panic, I can't panic, let me see where it is."

At any rate, he is also an apprentice-level ranger who is from a noble family and has been educated by system professionals. It is still possible to directly use the soul to perceive information and control mental power, so he is in an extremely awkward and very power-consuming perception. In the state, the bewildered noble girl quickly saw a lot of the situation around her.

First of all, her current location is definitely not the original Elf Palace Hall, because there is no tree outside of her vision. This place is a vast prairie at the end of the horizon, only the side A square metal house proves that this place is not completely deserted.

And she herself has undoubtedly lost the body of the elf now, and it is not difficult to see through the crystal barrier in front of her. Her soul should be locked in this transparent, possibly gem or crystalline thing, she The huge pile of shining "jewel hills" behind him is likely to hold the souls of other elves, and even her pie basket is still placed on the lawn next to it.

   The two men not far away are obviously the "initiators" who caused her to fall into this situation.

   But the most incredible question for Lotari is...Why does she always feel that the figure of the man in the white robe is so familiar?

A closer look is actually not difficult to find that the white robe is clearly the standard sacrificial robe style of the Life God Cult, and the pattern on it is clearly a symbol of dignity and divine power, not to mention the fairy king, even if it is placed in the whole In the multiverse, this kind of robe that represents power and power can only be worn by priests who have been personally recognized by the goddess of life, and the only priest recognized by Ms. Psyche of the life **** is undoubtedly and only One, that is............

"Mr. Aikar?, no, no, how is this possible, how is this possible! Why? Why would the Lord "Pious" do such a thing? Is this banquet a despicable trap? Is it all coming? Are all the people attending the banquet just sad prey? How is this possible? Why didn't the great goddess of life stop all of this."

   The boundless fear caused the girl's soul to hide in the narrow corner of the crystallization space and shrunk into a ball. It was no longer possible to suppress the despair of Lotari, who only felt that she was going to faint again because of the shock of the shocking fact.

She is not such a clever elf, but she is not stupid at all. She knows that the gems that imprison herself should be the most commonly used means to imprison souls in knight novels by spellcasters, and that banquet and at the last moment "religious The smile on his face undoubtedly proves the truth of this "trap"!

   Until now, she and other professionals who attended the banquet were clearly sold as merchandise!

This reality is too cruel. The painful aristocratic girl can’t understand why all the elves’ most beloved "good chief priest" will betray her tribe, and she cannot know why she is "omnipotent" anyway. The goddess will watch her servants act so recklessly.

But after realizing that her soul was now imprisoned in a magic gem, Lothari realized that her life might have been drawn to an end, because the black-robed man who appeared to be using spiritual power to talk to Aikar was obviously Is a mage who has reached the least legendary level, and what will happen to the "experiment" that falls into the hands of a legendary mage?

"The protagonist of the novel "Dragon and the Flame Boy" was a legendary mage's experiment at the beginning. He gained the power of the flame in the experiments of the legendary professional and later defeated the dragon... alas, but that was just It’s just a The guy who wrote the novel didn’t even have the courage to write a legend. The so-called evil dragon is just a young dragon in the final analysis. The so-called legendary mage is used as an invincible backdrop in this type of novel. Existing, and now...I'm actually going to face the "background board"..."

   The lonely indulgent soul was slumped and motionless in the uncomfortable gem space, Lotari had actually realized the most likely result she could achieve.

To be honest, as a melee professional who is destined to walk on the edge of life and death, as early as the first day of becoming a professional, the noble girl thought that she was ready to embrace "death" at any time, but when the concept of "death" was true At the time of arrival...the fear that was enough to make the soul tremble unceasingly, but still could not be avoided.

"If you lose your only professional, what should the bagpipe family, who are already living in difficult, go from? Do I pray to the great goddess of life to protect them? Saying that your Excellency Aikar has done such things, the kind goddess does not Will it be difficult to protect itself?"

   While thinking helplessly and sadly, while looking at the two legendary professionals over there who didn't know what they were talking about, Lotari, who was a shallow believer, soon had a very "disrespectful" painful thought.

It’s just that no one will be reprimanded by a little girl for being disrespectful to the great divine power, and in a sense, her guess is not at fault, because with the only wealth left in the eternal forest Professionals of faith and power have been swept away in one swoop, and the lady Psyche who fell asleep is now truly "unsafe for herself".

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