Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1327: transaction

"Very good, this should indeed be the souls of the three legendary levels. I think they will be enough for me to conduct one or two experiments. Then I will give you the data in my hands as agreed, and wait until you send new ones again. After the legendary level soul, you will get the next stage results that I will use these three souls to research."

   expressing his thoughts expressionlessly, punk took three hard orange-yellow gemstones from Aikar's hands while packing a large amount of data directly to the chief priest of the **** of life in front of him.

Although there is no Judgment Eye contract as a constraint, neither the "Destroy Whispers" nor the "Pious" will easily tear up the agreement now. After all, for Aikar, even if he searches the multiverse, he can find punk so courageous and capable. It is not easy to study the casters of "soul fusion", and punk knows that with his reputation, he basically does not want to easily catch any ordinary legend with a qualified IQ.

So at least until the cooperative interests of the two terrifying powerhouses are completely over, the insidious spellcasters and the ghostly priests will not put down the mask of "friendly and sincere", such as the "Destroy Whisperer" handed over by Aikar. Three gems really carried the souls of the three legends, and the information that punk gave to the "piety" was not adulterated.

"After I go back, I will use my own methods to confirm the authenticity of the information. Of course, you can also confirm the authenticity of the three souls... After all, it is not easy to capture the legendary professional no matter what era. It is normal to be cautious. You must know that in order to bring Ms. Dai Li, Lord Northgucha, and Mr. Millers here, it took me a long time to trace back to their ontological position through their projections. ".

Smiling and staring at the three quiet yellow gemstones in the hands of punk, the indifferent "piety" is as indifferent as looking at three ordinary stones, even if the three people he speaks of are not long ago. He was commensurate as a friend at the banquet, but now...

Trading is trading, and commodities are commodities. In the final analysis, it is also that Northgucha and others trust the safety of their projection methods too much. These three hermit legends are not spellcasters, and they probably don’t know their mental power projections. What is the difference between the real spell projection, and when a ruthless Huiyue professional follows a clue that is equivalent to an unencrypted image, it will be too late for a group of ignorant people to regret it.

Of course, they are legendary powerhouses at any rate. Even as experimental products, they are also the main "tradable objects" that are priceless, but for some unlucky "burial objects"............ a "gift" identity may be even more miserable.

   After all, the level is different, and the value is destined to be different.

"Call of Life, you also brought those low-level professional souls? I won't pay for some guys that can be found anywhere. In fact, for me, whether it is a master-level professional or a first or two-level junior apprentice It’s easy to get and it’s not worth mentioning.”

   Pointed at the thousands of small gems scattered randomly on the lawn, and the punk tone was as careless as before.

As a luminous moon spellcaster, punk doesn’t mean to speak big words. Perhaps those legendary professionals who don’t know what to hide in can’t escape the world can’t be found if they want to, but ordinary low-level professionals can be said to be. There are many, not to mention anything else, that is, there are millions of professionals on the plane that Walkway left behind. Anyway, with the death of Ganatica, no one can continue to take care of that farm. Now punk intends to "use" all the "resources" above.

   As for the thousands of souls thrown on his lawn by Aikar now... they are just adding heads.

"Don't worry, I gave you the souls of some low-level professionals for free. These guys are the most powerful and faithful guys in the Elf King's Court. It is in my interest to be able to deal with them all at once... Anyway, we have a banquet. This kind of script used to deceive idiots can only be screened once, isn't it? The drama ends and the nobles are useless. Simply bring it over and give it to you. No extra payment is required."

Calmly release the magic portal to leave the Khatak Plains. Aikar really did not regard these elves and nobles as a thing, even just before entering the portal, the generous life **** priest did not forget to return. Too over calmly reminded the caster:

"My two stupid subordinates have been distracted to explore the plane. When they come back, I will send them to you. I hope your research can be accelerated because of this. After all, I have already used the prestige plan accumulated over the years. Okay, the perfect "hunting sequence", don't get to the final knowledge progress can't keep up with my "material transaction"... By the way, there is a berry pie left in the basket over there, that is of Eternal Forest Traditional food, the taste is very good, I suggest you try it."


The words are simple, relaxed and lively, and Ikar, who is obviously unwilling to stay for a long time, disappeared in the blink of an eye on the clear sky of Hatak So far there is only the empty square metal laboratory left. The expressionless Mage Huiyue and the pile of silent soul gems were dropped.

  Of course, there are also berry pies that are cooled in a basket............

   "The research efficiency can't keep up with the material trading? It's a joke. With the Yaori-level knowledge of the Netheril era, my research speed is progressing rapidly. Even if my professional level is only one step away from the Yaori".

   didn't care about Aikar's question at all, and shook his head, "Destroy Whisper" is currently confident in his research ability.

   Yes, the "Bitpark Soul Fusion Technique" left by Messoul is indeed exquisite and complicated, but it is still not difficult to analyze for the punk who now has sufficient knowledge and wealth.

As a matter of fact, the punk gained from studying and sorting out the Eye of Dorothy has already reached the fifty-ninth level of Huiyue peak. As long as one step forward, the apex of the Throne of Shining Sun is waiting for his arrival. "Whisper of Destruction" can basically determine that the core of his next stage of breakthrough is to land on the novel concept of "soul fusion". In the next plan, he will not only study and understand the mystery of "bitpark soul fusion", He also needs to improve this powerful spell to make it truly suitable for himself and for his own use!

   What a magnificent vision is this? What an amazingly powerful ambition is this?

   As for now... the pie is already cold. Who is interested in eating, let's start the experiment as soon as possible.

  . Nine Heavens God Emperor