Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1445: President

The punk who silently hated the Pantheon did not wait too long in this crater not too far away from the Khatak Empire, because the Sunday level battle led by the "guildmaster" obviously did not develop into a dozen thousands In fact, after waiting patiently for more than twenty seconds, "Destroy Whispers" discovered that the orange-red light curtain in the sky had appeared dense cracks that everyone could clearly observe.

And until the light of Mira and Chikasa once again passed through these cracks and turned into a beam of light from heaven and earth to shine on a barren and dead ground, the fragmentation of the entire sky has entered a completely irreversible state.

I saw that the sky fragments filled with orange-red brilliance quickly flickered like notes slipping from the music score. Ye Ye starlight fell one after another from the high sky, and the trajectory of every rule of flames was also in 100% without exception. Burned to ashes within a second.

In fact, it hasn’t waited until any wreckage from the Great Sun War touches the surface of the Plane of Faerun, and the orange-red sky has been restored to the most normal and ordinary light blue—obviously, " The battle between "President" and Messoul has ended, and the dark clouds covering the entire sky of Faerun have finally begun to disperse.

"It seems that a matter of covering up many conspiracies and calculations that I don’t know is finally over, and from this orange-red light curtain broken phenomenon originating from the "Archmage" magic tower, it is speculated that the person who won the final victory should be" President" and Tiamat? I don’t know how Messoul, the veteran veteran Sun Throne, will end up in the end, but no matter what the outcome, the entire multiverse situation may be due to this one. The war that attracted worldwide attention has changed."

Silently feeling the natural law of rapid self-repair, quickly getting rid of the interference of the orange-red sky and returning to a normal state. Even punk standing under this sky and watching such a magnificent and magnificent scenery can not help but feel like a dream The unreality.

That was a battle at the Yaori level. In today’s Legendary Island era, morningstar-level battles are rare and surprising enough. The life-and-death confrontation between Yaori’s powers is simply dare not for many legendary professionals. Imagine things.

However, just now, punk, who is still a "young morning star professional", has the honor to witness such a magnificent scene, and even his existence has played a gorgeous prelude to this sunday duel.

It is unceremonious to say that such an achievement alone is enough to add a "participant in the battle of the sun" to the caster's long list of "Legend Killer, Silent League Supernova" and other titles.

But... this kind of things like phantom names is obviously not what "Destroy Whispers" is about. At this time, bathed in the fiery red brilliance intertwined in the bright golden light of the sun, the punk slowly turned around. More willing to face the beautiful girl who appeared silently beside him.

Yes, almost just the next second after the orange-red canopy that envelops the entire Faerun was torn apart, the "guildmaster" who exuded the undisguised and deserted atmosphere of a professional on the day of the day appeared next to the punk. At this moment, this cold girl with long black hair and holding a crimson staff seems to be quietly watching the orange-red shards of the pulley from the sky like a meteor shower, and she looks at her "masterpiece" like her. The usual speaking style is as pure and elegant, profound and mysterious...

"Yaori-level enchanting spells-Vientiane Disturbance... This is the specific origin of the orange-red sky. Its appearance and fragmentation are so beautiful and colorful, aren't they"?

With a cold voice, he casually explained the knowledge about the orange-red sky to punk, making people unable to see what the "chairman" was thinking about now looks like an ordinary girl who is quietly watching the stars.

However, it is worth noting that the clothes of the Sun Throne at this moment have changed a lot. Her gray robe is gone, replaced by a piece of colorful gems inlaid like stars decorating the sky. Gorgeous robe.

That's right, this is the beautiful robe that originally belonged to the "Archmage" Messoul. Every gem on it is flowing with powerful magical light, and its hood is like a crown reflecting cleanliness. Shine, but now... the robe that has clearly become a precious trophy has been worn by the "guildmaster".


"Congratulations, you have completed a magnificent blue, "Chairman"."

Quietly nodded to express congratulations. Faced with the arrival of the throne of the sun, punk still maintained the respect of neither humble nor humble.

He knew very well what the "guild leader" was doing when he came here, so facing the visit of his "boss", the caster appeared very calm.

Although it’s weird how to look at the Throne of the Sun who maintains the image of a beautiful girl............

"This is the magic crystal ball you lent me, and now I return it as promised... Also, the necklace floating here is the magical equipment that Anthony Vodacarli took out before his death. According to that According to Mr. "Clean Glow", this piece of equipment is a magical creation of shining sun."

Quietly, he returned the crystal ball in his hand to the "guildmaster" with a calm expression, and "Destroy Whisper" did not forget to show his boss the quaint necklace floating up and down in the hot air.

The "Destroy Whisper" left behind by Anthony's magic stick, I dare not keep it privately, let alone its value, whether it is powerful or not, the level of its brilliance is not just a punk capable of controlling the morningstar professional. , So for the sake of safety, it is definitely wiser to give this thing to the "guildmaster" in exchange for some magical materials than to take the risk of collecting it without not to mention the powerful shining professional club that punk may not realize I don't know anything about what happened on the Hatak battlefield. It would be foolish to conceal the "guild leader" in such a "fair and honest" matter.

"...Well, the return of the crystal ball is complete".

With a cold expression, he took the magic crystal ball from the caster's hand, and the tone of the "guild leader" was as clear and ethereal as a clear spring, without any change.

But... after taking away the magic equipment that belonged to her, she silently glanced at the Shining Throne of the magic necklace beside her, but did not reach out again to include this item under her command. On the contrary, she was still very calm. The wave of his hand erased a layer of energy lines that were indistinguishable from the naked eye, and then sent the necklace that became much brighter and brighter to punk.

"This is just a piece of equipment that the guy in Tyre temporarily made crudely. It is useless to me, but since this is your trophy, then it belongs to you, Mr. "Destruction Whisper", and for To compensate you for the ambush attack that was not planned, I have helped you clear all the hidden dangers on this necklace."