Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 1661: Dark Blue Moon


A golden lance pierced the obstacles of the space and slammed **** the body of a giant with dark blue armor. The hideous beast that walked like a moving hill in the snowstorm was only too heavy. With a cry of sorrow, he fell obliquely into a thick snow. The cold wind blew through the cracks in its scales, making a crying sound of dead souls, and quickly in its pupils. The fading luster proves its death...

This is one of the three moons in the sky on the plane of Faerun-the surface of the dark blue moon Gal, and the behemoth that has fallen here is nothing more than a master frost mammoth. This height is common. The giant magical creatures that are over five hundred meters long and possess official-level powers from birth are native species on Garr. Their living habits of feeding on the crystals of low-temperature elements determine their harmlessness to humans and animals.

But... "harmless to humans and animals" often does not mean that safety can be obtained. For example, the frosty mammoth that fell on the ground is already the last member of their race to die, when its body collapsed. At that time, a whole trembling and collapsing snow-white ground was almost covered with the corpses of this ice giant.

   All the mammoths that fell here were killed by a single blow. It is hard to say whether they felt pain before they died, but at least they all died very quietly.

   Until this moment, the servant sitting on the corpse of a frosty mammoth can listen to the roar of the wind while carefully wiping the lance in his hand.

"Huh, I'm fed up~ This icy and snowy world looks too monotonous and boring. There is a blizzard everywhere, and there are strong winds everywhere, and the guys walking on the wasteland are so slow. The stupid big guy.... Sure enough, the "Ice and Snow Fairy Living on the Dark Blue Moon" described in the Bard's novels are all deceiving ghosts! When the uncle comes back, he will mention everything. "Ice and Snow Fairy" bards are all chopped into meat"!

While complaining about the monotony of the icy and snowy landscape, the long-winded voice propped up a shield to repel every icy snowflake that landed next to him. Wearing a shiny golden armor, a knight dressed up as a man looks like An aristocratic young master who lost his temper because he had no affair during the journey, his complaints were willful and unreasonable, and every cruel remark seemed to prove that the speaker was very upset.

Of course, the strong man who can sit on the frosty mammoth corpse on the dark blue moon where the temperature is as low as several thousand degrees below zero (yes, the low temperature of the multiverse has no limit) is obviously impossible to be a young master. In fact At this moment, the golden knight who is complaining about the monotonous scenery and no beautiful women dancing to cheer is the eternal and mysterious Morningstar professional-"Instant Kill Gun" Kane Besadas!

This cruel evil camp knight obviously did not obey the orders of the "guildmaster" as punk imagined, and honestly stayed in his golden palace waiting for the "assistance" whispers of destruction" to perfect the plan details and revenge against the Pantheon. In fact, The sun's throne had just gone to the Chaos Sea with the front feet of the throne, and Kane, who had seized the opportunity, came to the barren dark blue moon Gal in secret since ancient times.

   And the true purpose of his trip... that is unclear.

   Anyway, the "Instant Kill Gun" was not specifically to slaughter a group of hapless Frost Mammoths. His current brutality was just to clear the ground and relax and entertain.

   After confirming that there is no living thing in the range of his own grudge perception, the morning star knight with a crazy smile is about to start the work he really cares about.


Raising the lance in his hand high, then aiming it at the ground and swiping it down fiercely, Kane’s grievance broke out and the flying snowflakes in the air were blown away. With the full force of the morning star fighting skills, he was crazy The knight's attack even directly tore a piece of frozen land on the entire dark blue moon. The scattered rock fragments and the corpses of the frosty mammoths were turned into powder in the eruption of the shock wave, and the deep giant pit The basin immediately replaced the vast snow-covered ice field.

After just one attack, a large piece of the surface soil of the dark blue moon was directly evaporated into the dark blue atmosphere of Garr, and as he had hoped, a shining blue lustre appeared in front of Kane. Deep potholes.

"Tsk tusk tusk, I didn’t expect that Old Eman’s statement is not an exaggeration at all. Gal’s crust is really made up of solid water elemental crystals... Even if the uncle has no research on elemental structure, But thinking of such a wonderful geological structure, isn’t magnificent and magical nature capable of shaping, right? It seems that this ancient blue moon and the cyborg moon over there, "Eye of Dorothy" are completely artificial creations. Yeah".

   shook his head and shook his head, riding a spear and sighing with emotion, the Morning Star Knight looked at the crystal-clear pit shining with blue light and couldn't help showing a look of joy and surprise.

It must be admitted that Gal’s geological structure is indeed very incredible. Perhaps many legendary professionals know that there are a large number of water element crystals on this dark blue moon with a diameter of 20 million square kilometers. The reason why it can be maintained all year round A large part of the reason why its own temperature is below one thousand degrees Celsius is because the materialized water element energy is excessively siltated to offset all the heat radiation that Mira and Chikasa irradiated into but In the entire plane of, it should be said that in the entire multiverse, few people know that the water elemental crystals produced on the dark blue moon are more than just "more" simple. In fact, at least ninety-nine percent of the entire Moon Gal itself is directly composed of very pure water element crystals.

   This mysterious moon is simply an extra-large spherical solid water element!

However, as Kane ridiculed himself, even a fighter who has little research on "Elemental Geology" is certainly not difficult to know. In a multiverse with balanced laws, it is inevitable that a "all matter is composed of a single Elemental crystals are constructed from the small and medium-sized planes, so the Dark Blue Moon Gal can only be a product deliberately created by a powerful legendary professional.

  The most puzzling question now is... What is the purpose of the creator of Gal who created such a large water element crystal ball and placed it directly above the plane of Faerun as the moon?

   Now, Kane did not hesitate to slightly violate the orders of the "guildmaster", and went all the way to the dark blue moon with the wind and snow blowing "hoe the earth" for what?



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