Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 180: Frost and Snow Festival

No matter how many conspiracies and tricks have taken place, and no matter how many song and tears are happening, time always moves forward like a never-ending turbulence, without stopping at all. [Phoenix Novel Network update fast, please search f/h/xiao/shuo/c/o/m]

For a powerful creature like the official-level creature with a long life, a week is just a brief moment. Unconsciously, the week agreed by punk and Bloodclaw has passed, and the Frost and Snow Festival has quietly arrived.

The annual Frost and Snow Festival is generally held in the last few weeks of the cold winter. People celebrate the passing of the cold winter on this day and send the cold and ruthless Frost and Snow Maiden Xinya (weak and other divine god) to leave, and then people will prepare What a unique ice and snow delicacy, put on the gorgeous clothes that you can't bear to wear, and finally enjoy the cold delicacy while singing and dancing with the handsome pastors of the Frost Church.

And because the swordsman general Vic of Sunset City is a believer of Frost Girl Xinya, the Frost and Snow Festival in Sunset City had been prepared a month ago.

Thanks to the hard work of several apprentice priests, Sunset City has been completely renewed in just a week. Beautiful snowflake decorations are everywhere. The trees on both sides of the street are tied with several ribbons, and the snowdrifts on the roadside are covered. There are cute snowmen piled up, and the eaves of private houses are covered with paper painted snowflakes.

The sunset city in the cold winter is cold, and the sunset city of the Frost and Snow Festival adds a touch of vitality to the cold color.

Early in the morning of the day, businessmen, nobles, peasants and other people from all walks of life couldn’t wait to get up from the warm blankets. The children wore small silver hats carefully, and the adults wore a snowflake-shaped badge. Everyone took to the streets beamingly. And the vendors on the bustling streets of Sunset City have already prepared a dazzling array of food to welcome guests.

"I have to admit that these delicious foods are not inferior to fast food on the earth, and there are so many kinds of condiments that are not comparable to restaurants on the earth"!

The punk sipped the food he had just bought, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

There are still about a few hours before the start of the Frost and Snow Festival’s key program "Frost and Snow Festival". Arriving at the scene too early might make Blood Claw suspect that there are any traps, so the punk simply walked on the street unhurriedly , Have a taste of the special cuisine and the dazzling frost and snow festival scenery.

Now punk is holding a box of chilly, white and crystal-like peculiar jelly. This sunset city specialty food called "Bingbingguo" uses a variety of fruits as raw materials and is frozen in cold weather. The crystal clear semi-solid state seems to make people move their index fingers.

Gently scrape a piece of "Ice Bingguo" with a small spoon and put it in your mouth. A touch of coolness is released between your lips and teeth. The faint fruity fragrance refreshes your heart. The sweetness and fragrance after biting it off is overflowing, and the jelly tastes smooth and delicious. The taste is fully retained and the sweetness of the mild cooling.

"Well, it's much better than dry food"!

Punk ate all the "Bing Bingguo" in a few bites.

Since coming to Sunset City, Punk has been eating dry food for more than five years. You know, as a semi-prime elves, he actually likes those sweet fruits very much.

In addition to the sweet "ice bing fruit", punk also tasted "dried fruit" with a layer of winter honey, "snow bowl" similar to the smooth ice on the earth, and even "ice cream" like an alien version of ice cream. Puree".

Of course, most of these delicacies belong to the noble food, and they are out-and-out luxury goods. Generally, even some small nobles can't afford it, but for the punk who has robbed many of the wealth of Dolez, it is naturally only a trivial matter.

In this way, while eating delicious food, punk walked to the square in the center of Sunset City. It was different from the unattended ones in the past. At this time, nearly tens of thousands of people had gathered here. The nobles stood in the front row and the poor were far behind. Looking far away.

At this time, on the stage in the center of the square, a few beautifully dressed Frost Snow Church pastors were performing. They danced while actively showing off their proud postures to the crowd, and released one or two from time to time. A brilliant and colorful magic trick caused the children in the crowd to cheer uncontrollably.

The slender snow-white thighs of these dancing girls are painted with gorgeous patterns, and the white ornaments are dotted on the bright silver skirt shirts, making these dancing girls look like ice elves walking out of the snowy field, beautiful and beautiful. Refined.

The dancing girl cooperates with the little snowflakes, lights and shadows created by the magic arts, and the light music is played, and the square of Sunset City is as beautiful as being in an illusion of ice and snow.

Almost everyone in the audience was admiring the beautiful dance, even some women were enamored of the beautiful dance.

But punk didn't pay attention to the dancing girls on the stage at all, and was even less interested in those low-level tricks. In fact, he was still secretly complaining:

"Is the only way to celebrate the festival in Faerun Continent? The only way to celebrate the festival is the dance party? This is the case for the Emerald Festival, how can it be the same for the Frost and Snow Festival, just the dancing style has changed, it is really easy!"

In fact, even though punk watched for a long time, his focus was on the official-level swordmaster, Vic, sitting under the stage.

After a simple observation, punk basically judged-the rumors about this swordsman are still very real, although it is impossible to detect the specific professional level of the opponent, but punk can judge by intuitive sense of danger-this guy Compared to his own level, his level is only higher or lower, and may even be the same as Tishachar, the man behind Doraz City.

And... the huge two-handed broadsword in his hand-"Mufeng Punisher" is an out-and-out master-level equipment, which may even be higher in quality than the punk. Master robe.

"Sure enough, it was a wise decision not to rush this guy."

Punk took a deep look at the Juggernaut, thinking about it with He decided to find Blood Claw as soon as possible and then head to the Black Fort. Although the shielding ability of the Haitez Tower Magic Box is trustworthy, It is too risky to dangle under such an eyelid who doesn't know the details of the enemy, the most important thing is... The blood claw owes him two multi-Kleiner cannibals yet to get it!

However, because Vic was sitting on the front desk and enjoying the dance, Punk could not let go of perception and seek wantonly. He had to bless himself with a "clear vision", and then quickly shuttled through the crowd looking for the figure of blood claws.

Although the number of people gathered in the square at this time is both large and dense, the punk can easily separate the crowd with a trainee-level "sub-skewed position", and after being squeezed away, even the nobles are watching When a mage was a mage, he closed his mouth silently, so punk walking through the crowd was not too laborious.

Coupled with the unforgettable powerful memory and systematic analysis ability of the official-level mage, not only an hour, punk found blood claws in the crowd!

It's just different from the punk who is not interested in the Frost and Snow Festival... This guy in debt looks much happier than his "creditor".