Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 187: Turmoil in Dylan Kingdom

For the official-level powerhouse, time is a low-value thing. Unknowingly, Punk returned to his laboratory with a large number of slaves and continued to "retreat" for more than half a year.


   He has one more neighbor-Bloodclaw. Of course, the relationship between the two people is still an ally on the surface, and since Bloodclaw always gives in appropriately, the cooperation between the two has been fairly harmonious so far.


   Many major events have taken place in the Dylan Kingdom recently, and the most important thing for punk is the civil unrest in the Dylan Kingdom.


That’s right, Dylan’s kingdom is in civil strife. The three princesses of Dylan’s royal family, Trelinka, blatantly revolted in the northern part of the kingdom. She led her "Glory Army" and threatened to usurp the royal shirt in the name of "maintaining the glory of the kingdom." The church drove out of the kingdom of Dylan.


Of course, Chenxi Church, which only allows them to bite others and not allow others to bite them, will not swallow its anger. Almost on the same day when the news of the uprising came, Trelinka became a "devil believer" in the church's mouth, "a conspirator who denies the six relatives." ", "The evil blasphemer".


The nobles of the Dylan Kingdom divided into two factions overnight. The “ecclesiastical faction” headed by the king clearly defined Princess Trelinka as “rebellious” and publicly declared that they were willing to send troops under the leadership of Archbishop Kaspaqi. Crusade Princess Trelinka.


But the other faction, the "Glory faction", resolutely sheltered the princess who was dedicated to saving the country. They first tried to persuade King Edward to suspend the crusade and use negotiation instead with the reason that the kingdom of Camos is eyeing and Dylan can’t civil strife. Strife.


But soon the Kingdom of Camos issued a statement that "will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Dylan, and will form an alliance with the Kingdom of Dylan." At this moment, those "Glory factions" have nothing to say. Because General Vic is dead loyal to the king, So they don't even have military power in their hands, and in the end they can only carry out some meaningless admonitions.


   The most outrageous thing is that the great mage Sanges of the Dylan Kingdom actually announced a retreat breakthrough at this juncture, and no one was allowed to interrupt, so the war became more and more intense without the mediation of a powerful person.


   However, the combined strength of the Dylan Kingdom nobles and the church is absolutely powerful, while the "Glory Army" only has the backing of three lords.


   Under such circumstances, Princess Trelinka's uprising was naturally retreating. Although the situation has not yet reached the point where it is out of control, if this continues, her defeat is basically doomed.


   Although these things can be called earth-shattering events for this country, just a rebellion and uprising that seems to be full of insiders cannot affect the official-level powerhouses lurking in the shadows.


   It stands to reason that when encountering things like civil strife in the kingdom, those ghosts and monsters hiding in the dark will choose to wait and see in secret, and then carefully secretly take action to gain benefits, and will never involve themselves in it.


   But this time, the handwriting displayed on a small card broke the peace in the dark.


------split line------


   "Black card? Nightcrawler League? Silver cane. It's interesting."


In the underground base deep in the slum, punk fiddled with the "Nightcrawler Alliance" black card obtained from Bai Ye. At this time, the black card, which had been quiet for half a year, showed many dense, hot silver writings, although these writings were beautiful. Clear but very small, if there is no official level of strength, it is not clear at all.


   I saw the black card saying:


   Good evening, "Nightcrawlers", thank you all for receiving this small gift. Now we have our first mission since the establishment of this alliance. I hope you will think carefully, choose boldly, and do not let go of the low-handed opportunities.


  Task name: The destruction of the **** stick


Mission description: I believe that everyone hates the hypocritical staff of Dawn Church. It’s time to teach them a little lesson. After seven days, we decided to destroy the following five churches. They are located at 105 Tulip Street, Holland City. ", "No. 322 Jincan Road, Mossa City", "No. 772, Hongluguo Street, Guolan City", "No. 307, Old Light Street District, Mimige City", "No. 19, Cris District, Criston City".


Mission reminder: Mission acceptance is all voluntary. The above five churches all have official-level priests, and the strongest is the twelfth-level paladin. Among them, "No. 772, Hongluguo Block, Guolan City" except for official-level priests. In addition to this, there is also an eleventh-level ranger city master.


   If you decide to go to any attack point to fight, you can get detailed information from the black card.


   Task reward: Any trophies are allocated by the executors, and the city can be looted at will. However, if it is chased by the Archmage Sangus, the "Nightcrawler Alliance" will not be responsible and provide no support.


  Note: The above five churches will receive five bottles of "highly concentrated holy water" on the night after seven days!


   After reading the description of the task on the black card, Punk stopped the experiment in his hand and started thinking.


   This mission did follow the principle of “all voluntary” that Bai Ye said, but the purpose of the “Nightcrawler Alliance” to release this mission is really thought-provoking.


   This mission can be said to have almost demonstrated the intention of the "Nightcrawler Alliance" to attack the Church of Dawn. Moreover, they did not attack early and did not attack later. They chose to carry out a fierce and unusual attack when the Church of Dawn was defeated and pursued the "Glory Army".


You know that the most valuable thing in this mission is the five bottles of "highly concentrated holy water" This thing can be said to be a big killer against various curses and negative states, and its effect is even stronger than the soul. "Magic Compression" enhanced "Official Level Conjuration Spells-Remove Negative Status".


   However, it is very difficult to obtain "highly concentrated holy water". Its main purpose is to mix it with distilled water to form a very low concentration "water of blessing" and deliver it to frontline soldiers after a large amount of dilution.


   The influence of "Water of Blessing" on the war is self-evident. This kind of healing effect is no less than that of apprentice-level healing spells. It can definitely be said to be the second life of frontline fighters.


If the twenty-five bottles transported by five churches were enough to supply twenty thousand elite "high-concentration holy water" and were taken away, and even paid the price of the fall of five official-level priests, punk can already think of the archbishop Casper. The scene of vomiting blood.


But punk is not interested in Casparqi's vomiting or not vomiting blood. He is more concerned about why Nightcrawler did this. No matter how you look at it, the biggest beneficiary of this incident is Trey who led the "Glory Army". Princess Linka.


Punk does not believe that there is no deeper reason for this. Unless the "Nightcrawler Alliance" opened a shantang, otherwise the Silver Cane will definitely not do this and rob the treasury in this sensitive period just because it hates the Church of Dawn. What a different behavior!


   As for the "Nightcrawler League" will it be hired by Trelinka? God, a group of lunatics from the evil camp are hired by a follower of the **** of justice Tyr? This cold joke is not funny at all! )!!