Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 189: Old lights of Mimig City

Mimige City is a border city smaller than Dolez. As a city in the barren land of the kingdom that often needs wealthy territory relief and has no strategic significance and no wealth, it should have been ignored, or Said a peaceful and quiet one.


However, for the first time since Princess Trelinka launched the uprising, this small city could not stay out of the war, and because it was close to a main traffic area in the northern part of the Kingdom of Dylan, the city ushered in for the first time The martial law of the war and a group of menacing troops!


On this day, a big man who made the entire city dare not to show off came. He was a formal pastor wearing a white priest’s robe and wearing a gleaming dawn church badge. Although this pastor looked young and elegant, he could Whether it is temperament or practical action, there is no slightest tenderness or love for the people.


On the first day of the arrival of the so-called "Iron-faced Priest Erok", the entire Mimig City entered an unprecedented state of martial law. Not only people outside the city were not allowed to enter the city, but people inside the city were not allowed to leave. Even the curfew was advanced from late night to early evening.


In the block close to the Church of Dawn, even a non-priest was not allowed to stay. All the poor were driven out of their homes, and the whole block was even shrouded in a huge barrier of perception, every fifty. Mi has a low-level priest on duty.


  It can be said that it is impossible for any creatures visible to the naked eye to sneak into this area near the church in the old lighted area at this time!


"I said, Dawn Church is crazy? Although a few bottles of "high-concentration holy water" are valuable, they don't need to be protected.... Scary, that circle is supported by "energy storage gems". Well, those priests patrolling soldiers put on the alarm divine art scroll, right? How much money it costs, is it more expensive than the five bottles of "highly concentrated holy water"!


   Blood Claws lie on the roof of a residential building about two hundred meters away from the barrier of Chenxi Church, watching from a distance, and can't help feeling that Chenxi Church does not treat money as its "rich wealth"


   "Nothing strange"!


  Punk sat beside Bloodclaw, and said without looking up:


  "This time, the Church of Dawn has received the support of the noble faction headed by the king. To put it bluntly, it directly used the funds of the treasury. After the war, they have to pay back what they can't use. Of course they don't feel bad about squandering!


And this time, the Church of Dawn has sent five official-level priests and twenty-five bottles of "high-concentration holy water". It can be said that most of the family wealth saved in the Dylan Kingdom over the past few hundred years has been used. Maybe it's the final battle. How could they not worry about the people of the "Glory Army" fighting for destruction!"


Punk could easily see that the purpose of the church's gathering of such great power was nothing more than being tired of the war that lasted for half a year or worrying about the Kingdom of Camos, which was eyeing the eye, so it was like solving this "doomed failure" once and for all but let Chen Xi The disgraced "Glory Army" of the church.


   Bloodclaw saw enough of that low-level but extremely effective warning circle, he patted the dust on his clothes and stood up, and said grinning:


"You said that we can be regarded as a hero to save the beauty. I dare say that if our "Nightcrawler Alliance" did not intervene in solving this group of high-level priests and those "high-concentration holy water", if we let such a group of crushing powers Arriving on the battlefield, that Trelinka probably won’t last three days or even escape. 80% of them will be alive, right? Oh, what kind of desperate **** will a beautiful princess who fall into the enemy’s hand cannot resist? What? It’s exciting to think about, right?"


   Hearing Blood Claw's ridicule, Punk sneered and replied:


   "I have to remind you three points,


  First: The civil strife in the Kingdom of Dylan is obviously controlled by others. The "Glory Army" is just an internal chess piece. Chess players will not let the key chess pieces be easily destroyed. If you don't save it, others will save it!


  Second: Even if the innocent princess is caught, they still have to take care of the royal family's face. They may be executed soon, but the probability of "encountering" something is very low!


   Third: You are just a simple robbery, not a hero to save the beauty! "


"Oh, you don't really understand "art". Isn't the hero saving the beauty much better than robbery, and you don't know the perverted methods of those nobles, if a beautiful princess is captured... , Ha ha ha"!


   "How do you say, do you know the nobles very well"!


  Punk immediately captured the only meaningful piece of information in the whole blood claw nonsense. In the words of blood claw just now, punk immediately judged that this vampire warlock might have had a noble background.


   But Blood Claw also realized that he had leaked the information, so he quickly turned off the topic:


   "We have to hurry up. It would be no good if the **** Erock runs away with "Holy Water", right? Let's plan an attack as soon as possible."


  Punk faintly stared at the laughing face of Bloodclaw, and then he was not entangled in the topic of nobility, he frowned slightly, thought about it, and then said his own conclusion:


"My plan is to carry out an assault right away, go directly in from the front, and kill Erock and the others as quickly as possible. I want to come there and the priest will definitely spend a lot of effort to plot a sneak attack. A frontal assault on him may have the effect. More unexpected than a secret assassination, the most important thing is..."


   said here, a cold smile appeared on punk's face.


   "............ We are extremely arrogant and dare to provoke the "Nightcrawler Alliance" of the Church of Dawn. Isn't it sneaky that it hurts the momentum of Lord Silver Cane"?


   After hearing the punk plan, Blood Claw also agreed:


   "Yes, the "Nightcrawler League" is the most brutal criminal organization. It is too boring to sneak in. It is arrogant and high-profile. It is best to vomit blood from the Lord of Dawn and his elders"!


At this time, Bloodclaw’s face is also full of cold and weird Say ten thousand things, punk and they have joined the "Nightcrawler League" in name, but they may not make much "contribution". Be positive, and things like stabbing a knife will only be more handy.


According to the idea of ​​punk and Bloodclaw's supremacy of interests, openly provoke the Church of Dawn, and openly let the "Nightcrawler Alliance" or the "Silver Cane" carry the cauldron of the "terrorist attack" in the Dylan Kingdom. It's good if you don't have a relationship.


   And they were quite jealous of this "Nightcrawler Alliance", which was of unknown origin but clearly revealed a taste of conspiracy. This time, it happened to be tested by the hands of Dawn Church and Dylan Kingdom.


  "In the face of the church and the royal family who lost a lot of wealth and manpower and angered, how did the "Nightcrawler Alliance" and the mysterious "silver cane" ghost react?


   In this situation where the civil strife broke out and the Kingdom of Camos was eyeing, in the face of the sudden outbreak of the Nightcrawler Alliance, what would the "patriots" of the Dylan Kingdom do? I'm really curious..."


  Punk prepared the spell blankly, while thinking coldly in his heart! )!!