Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 191: Kill Erok

Eloco actually did not expect that he would be attacked. The transportation of "highly concentrated holy water" is absolutely confidential. At least he was very low-key all the way to Mimi City. As for the high-profile precautions to reach Mimi City, Because it is too close to the enemy's front line, we have to guard against it.


He didn't even worry that he would be attacked by the "Glory Army". After all, although Princess Trelinka had five loyal and official-level powerhouses, they were all busy leading the army and could not be sent to attack. Killing himself, Erok naturally relaxed his vigilance.


   Until this time, two obviously premeditated powerful enemies are in front of him, and Erok is still puzzled by the second monk!


But even if he is confused, it does not affect Erock’s combat response. He is a devout believer of the Lord of Dawn. If he can die to perform the mission of the church, it will not scare him, but will make him feel honored ( One of the creeds of the Church of Dawn-Church orders are absolutely sacred).


   When the door of the chapel was smashed, Erock almost subconsciously used his best magical technique-summoning low-level envoys!


Accompanied by the pious prayers of the official priest, a white portal opened beside Erok, and a **** envoy with white wings on her back sold the light portal in one step. She was wearing a white and light armor with a long sword clearly attached. The effect of the "devil-breaking" spell.


   Seeing a battle envoy walk out, Punk immediately said to Bloodclaw:


   "How about, you kill or I kill"!


   "Leave it to me"!


Bloodclaw agreed without hesitation. Although he didn't want to participate in the battle at all, punk's vigilance was definitely the highest at this time. If Bloodclaw stood by and watched, wouldn't it be suspected of a sneak attack? Then punk would definitely fight him with him. Therefore, two people are in a fighting state or not in a fighting state is the basic principle of cooperation against the enemy.


In my heart, I was also secretly worried that Ye Changmeng wanted to finish the work sooner. Bloodclaw didn't work out the trick of not working hard. I saw him smirk, a lot of blood gushing out of his body, and finally in the body of Bloodclaw. On the left, a human body made of squirming blood is formed. It is eighth similar in height and size to Blood Claw himself. The most weird thing is that this "blood man" also has an exaggerated smile on his face. .


   "Hey, beautiful lady, would you like to dance with me".


  While speaking, Blood Claw and the temporarily "split" blood man ran to the warrior envoy at extreme speed, and two blood-colored figures and a white light and shadow immediately fought into a ball.


   Seeing that Bloodclaw was not fooling, Punk was not paying attention to his movements. Although he was facing a priest three levels lower than himself, Punk would never be careless.


   is still the same as the usual field control mage tactics, Golem 2 rushed to Erok with four or five spell gain buffs, and punk quickly began to prepare spells.


   "Here, die!"


   Faced with the extremely unfavorable form, Erok did not have the slightest fear. He shouted while waving his hand and used two official-level magic arts-the blade of punishment!


   The golden blade of light traverses two dazzling and sharp trajectories in the space. The sharp light makes the illusion that the eyes will be cut open!


   But since punk knows the spells that the opponent is good at, how can he not prepare, in fact, long before launching the assault, punk already blessed himself with an extra layer of spells specifically for Erok.


   Official-level incantation spells—protective goodness!


  Super magic technique-magic compression!


This spell that specifically restrains the power of the good camp has played an extremely good effect. The two "Blades of Retribution" that are purely of the good camp have not even come into contact with the "Advanced Mage Armor" of punk, and they turned into divine powers in a twist. Dissipated.


Erok apparently did not expect that the two attacks he was proud of would be directly resolved in this way, but the ever-changing situation did not allow him to make extra thoughts. You must know that when he launched his attacks, the punk attacks were also at the same time. Not slow, at this time, Erok’s two "Blades of Retribution" had nothing to do, and the punk attack had reached Erok within a thousandth of a second.


   "Damn, your brilliance in the morning will surely illuminate the darkness"!


Feeling locked in by magic, Erok immediately prayed loudly like the Lord of Dawn, and at the same time, a white brilliance lit up from the short stick in his hand, a layer of light film that looked as thin as foam but exuded an indestructible breath. Eric was covered inside.


   But the development of the situation once again exceeded his expectations. The magic that Erok felt had indeed come, but this magic was not a powerful attack spell that Erok had imagined!


I saw the "steel bondage" of Golem No. 2 successfully released. Steel branches coiled upwards from below the light film. These flexible branches successfully restricted Erock’s movements. He couldn’t move his body at all for a while. Then, within about 0.5 seconds, Erok, who was obstructed by the **** of steel, was a real living target!


   At this critical 0.5 second level, the punk spell unimpededly hit the light film that enveloped Erok.


   "Formal Conjuration Spells-Lesser Split"


   "Super Magic Technique-Magic Compression"!


  Under the influence of the peculiar energy, the light film in front of Erok is generally vulnerable to a blow from the glass hit by a heavy hammer, and all the places spread by the "secondary split" spell pattern are all shattered.


Seeing that his most important defense method was broken by one blow, Erok was shocked. He hurriedly tried to activate the magic on his scepter again. It stands to reason that Erok has not yet reached the end of the road~www this official-level magic called "Dawn Barrier" can be used three times a day.


But Erok’s behavior was destined to be useless. In his horrified eyes, the staff that should have lit up the holy brilliance not only made no response, but instead appeared a dark green crack through the body of the staff, and the crystal inlaid on the head of the staff also appeared. Suddenly extinguished, all of this ruthlessly explained the fact that this staff was destroyed in the attack of punk's "secondary split"!


   "How is it possible? How could the "secondary cleavage" have such...power".


  Eroc stared at the shattered stub with prominent eyes, and muttered to himself.


   This is also the last thought in the life of the priest named Erok.


   Just the next second after the light film shattered, Golem No. 2’s claws entwined with the energy of the abyss pierced the side of Erok’s head fiercely, directly destroying the opponent's brain.


Punk used the super magic technique-magic compression greatly strengthened the "secondary splitting technique", while Erok only has the "Dawn Barrier" layer of defense. After breaking the "Dawn Barrier", he has a lot of remaining energy. "Secondary Pyrolysis" immediately set the target on the magical items on Erok's body, and his best quality short rod was naturally the first to bear the brunt!


The entire battle took a very short time. It only took less than five seconds after Golem 2 broke into the door and Erok was killed. Everything ended in the electric light flint room-this is the battle of the strong, long Hundreds of years, as short as one second! )!!