Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 192: Princess Trelinka

Dunk City is a city in the northern part of the Dylan Kingdom. Because of its location near the Roaring Mountains that are extremely dangerous but rich in various beasts, it was once a gathering place for adventurers from the Dylan Kingdom.


In addition to the identity of the "Novice Village", Dunk City is also the base camp of the "Glory Army". After the Princess Trelinka uprising, the first batch of Glory Army includes the two most important deputies of Princess Trelinka. They were all from Dunk City.


   At this time, this very lively city on weekdays is only full of sorrow and depression everywhere, because the Honor Army has not only not brought a victory from now on, but has been constantly retreating.


The morale of the Honor Army was also quite low. They sacrificed but were slandered by the Kingdom’s "church" and turned into rebellion. The most chilling thing is that even the king is on the side of the Church of Dawn, if not for Trelinka The princess's immense popularity in the army, I am afraid that this army of glory, who was abandoned by the country only for fighting for the country, will fall apart because of the chill.


  The atmosphere in Dunke City is still only sad, but Dunke Castle, the castle lord in the center of Dunke City, is completely desperate.


   In the discussion room of Dunkerburg, Princess Trelinka held two delicate parchments in silence. Although she had maintained her composure, everyone beside her could see that the girl's body was trembling slightly.


   "Are these... true"?


  The silent atmosphere lasted for a while, and Princess Trelinka slowly raised her head, her golden hair scattered on her shoulders, and drops of crystal clear tears wetted two pieces of parchment.


   I saw two pieces of information written on each of these two sheepskins.


The first one is an emergency report from the front-when the Serks Army, one of the "five main forces" of the Honor Army, went to attack Mora City, the official-level strong General Serks discovered that he led the team to the rear of the Honor Army. Destroyed Dawn Church team.


   It is reasonable to say that the main force of the Glory Army's 50,000 soldiers should be unilaterally crushed against this squad with less than 500 people, but the fact is that the army of 50,000 people has been unilaterally crushed!


Leading that team was a thirteenth-level paladin, who had just been promoted to the official rank, and Sykes died in the hands of this paladin almost without suspense. His 50,000 main force was killed by the paladin alone. All clean.............


If the first battle report just made Princess Trelinka unable to accept the death of her best friend and cried, then the second piece of information from Dylan’s Kingdom made her cry even though she couldn’t even cry—the church actually sent it. Five official-level priests and 500 apprentice-level priests came to the front with 25 bottles of "high-density holy water".


   When she saw this piece of information, Princess Trelinka knew for the first time what it meant to be desperate......It was a horrible feeling that the soul was enveloped, crushed, and crushed by darkness!


   At this moment, Princess Trelinka found herself so powerless for the first time. She couldn't think of any way to keep the soldiers who followed her, and couldn't think of any way to save the motherland she loved so much.


   She really wanted to run into her room and cry loudly, just like those kids who have been wronged.


   Seeing Princess Trelinka standing there for a while, the Archon next to her is also the current lord of Dunk City-the official-level warrior Aix stepped forward, kneeling solemnly and loudly said:


"His Royal Highness Princess Trelinka, although we are indeed in crisis now, we have not yet reached the time of despair. There are still 200,000 troops who will follow you unswervingly, and I will definitely devote the last drop of blood. You fight, Your Royal Highness!"


   "Yes, Your Royal Highness, I am your sharpest blade. No matter how terrible your enemies are, I will kill them one by one, even if they burn out their lives and souls"!


A petite figure appeared in the shadow behind Trelinka. A stalker in a tights took a lady's coat studded with gems and gently draped it on the princess. Her words did not make much sound, but The determination and firmness in it are almost condensed into substance!


   "Xinqing, you said............ Can we really win?"


  Princess Trelinka's white and slender fingers tightly grasped the overcoat she was wearing, and she whispered with dim eyes.


   At this moment, Princess Trelinka really looks like a helpless little girl, the body protected by the thin armor is so thin and weak


"His Royal Highness, we still have a loyal and brave army, and we are supported by countless people who truly love the Kingdom of Dylan, and we also have the asylum of the **** of justice Tyr, and most importantly... we still have You! Why can't we win"!


   Aix's voice echoed in the hall, and even the lights flickered.


   "Your Royal Highness, don't worry"!


   The female stalker named Naya gently hugged Princess Trelinka, letting the girl princess with a dilapidated headache nestle gently on her shoulders.


   "Even if I fail, you still have us. Before I die, no one can hurt you, I promise."


   "Thank you, Naya"!


   Princess Trelinka whispered in Naya's ear, and then took a few breaths.


   She gently put down the two chapters of parchment and wiped away the tears with her slender hands with white gloves. After a few seconds, she was restored to the heroic and energetic princess.


"Axqing, Nayaqing, don't worry, I'm fine, I'm really sorry, I'm the most useless princess, not only can things get to this point, but I can't think of a way...really...really Very useless


But I will not give up hope. My army, my people, and countless people who are looking forward to me will not allow me to give up I firmly believe that justice will defeat evil, even in the deepest In the darkness, there must also be a name called hope you shine."


   Princess Trelinka said firmly, this is also her "command" to herself, she is not the vase princess who will only wait for marriage, she has an unwavering determination.


The expression of firmness and conviction once again returned to the princess’s beautiful face. Without those bright red eyes, no one would even think that the princess was still crying in grief just now, she seemed to be like everyone saw. Like that, beautiful, heroic, firm and unbeatable.


   In fact, neither Princess Trelinka nor the Honor Army fell to the point of despair.


   I saw a young female officer in military uniform pushed open the door of the chamber, solemnly kneeled down and gave a military salute, and then said loudly in a voice full of depression and excitement and joy:


"Report to Her Royal Highness, according to the latest intelligence from the front line, an unknown force calling itself the "Nightcrawler Alliance" attacked five churches, killing all five official-level priests and the city lord of Hongguo City, and 500 apprentice-level priests. All were killed, and all 25 bottles of "high-concentration holy water" were snatched away. Our crisis... is solved!" )!!