Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 193: Secret meeting

Two days have passed since the five churches were attacked. During this time, apart from the Dawn Church of Dylan Kingdom, I am afraid that the nobles who have taken refuge in the "Church" are the most anxious.


   When this unrecoverable news that shocked everyone came, the nobles left and held an emergency rally.


   The rally was held in secret in the house of a powerful marquis in the Kingdom of Dylan. Those who were invited were without exception the core figure among the "church" aristocrats. The lowest rank among these nobles was also the earl of real power.


Now, these big people who can be said to be "stomping to shake the political arena of Dylan Kingdom" are all sitting in a small secret room, and their faces no longer have the usual blandishness or even cynicism. There was only endless anxiety and panic.


  The depressive atmosphere did not last long. An earl could not help but speak to the old man sitting at the end of the long table:


"The Lord Marquis of Barenwall, the situation now brooks no delay. His Majesty actually sent General Vic to personally lead troops to defeat the "rebellious", and Archbishop Kaspaqi even threatened to destroy this crazy "Nightcrawler" before the civil strife was over. Alliance", they... they are forcing us to stand in line"!


   After speaking with the earl in a trembling voice, the other earl also said:


"Yes, Lord Barenwar, now His Majesty the King has joined the Church of Dawn, and he even sent the "First Royal Swordmaster" as a statement. I think... I think if we also "strongly support" Dawn Church. If this is the case, is it time to make a "point of expression" as soon as possible."


This earl seems to be a supporter of "completely devoted to the Church of Dawn". When this kind of emergency "stand in line" situation arises, his priority is the value of "voting the name certificate". After all, at this time, "a point of expression" In a different sense, you can reflect your determination to "stand in team", and you can naturally get more benefits when you "divide the cake" after victory.


   But "to devote yourself to the Church of Dawn" and supporting the Church of Dawn to kill the "Glory Army" are completely different concepts.


   The latter is a piece of cake for the benefit distribution after the Chenxi Church "suppresses the civil strife", but the former is to hand over the power of the country under its control to the Chenxi Church—that is, to completely betray the country.


   So as soon as the earl’s voice fell, an earl from the castle roared loudly:


   "You despicable and shameless disciple, have you forgotten the glory that your ancestors have gained for this country? Are you going to give up your noble lineage to the Dawn Church for your own sake?"


   "Earl Billy, you are presumptuous, the result of this war has long been self-evident, I just made the wisest choice"!


   "The choice of wisdom? It's just the choice of the coward..."


   " are slandering an ancient and noble earl family, I...I want to fight you"!




   Seeing that the two great nobles were about to quarrel at the meeting, the old man sitting at the end of the table yelled, and the noisy meeting place immediately became quiet. Obviously, no noble dared to ignore this powerful and respected Marquis.


   The old man glanced at the nobles present with brilliant eyes, and then said hoarsely:


"Everyone is indecisive, right? I want to wait and see, right? You want more benefits, right? Once you say that, don't you just want this? Now the old man will help you analyze and analyze it. After listening to the old man's words, he is noisy Not too late!


Now Princess Trelinka’s Glory Army has been in a disadvantaged situation. They have indeed turned a little bit recently, but in fact they are just the lingering life of the loser. The Nightcrawler Alliance is not her pet. You think that group of lunatics from the evil camp. Will you help the followers of Princess Trelinka, the **** of justice, Tyre for free?


   Lost the one-yuan general and fifty thousand army, why is she a little girl against the four hundred thousand army of our kingdom? Why should we deal with the Church of Dawn with unlimited support in theory?


Let’s talk about the so-called "Nightcrawler Alliance", hum, although I don’t know which idiot is using these people to help the "Glory Army", but the old man will put his words here today. It won’t be long before the one who uses the Nightcrawler The fool would be bitten back, and he would definitely be cut into bones by this double-edged sword without a handle.


   is trying to control a group of lunatics, the people who do this are either another group of lunatics or a group of fools"!


   Although the voice of the Marquis of Ballenworth was low and hoarse, it was extremely decisive, and it sounded convincing.


   After listening to the "analysis" of the Marquis, the whole secret room fell into repressed silence once again, and several tangled earls began to whisper quietly:


   "But... after all, we can't betray the country like this, right"?


   "I think it's better to wait. This is the big event that determines the future of the family. It was such a hasty decision..."


   "Although she is not optimistic about the little girl Princess Trelinka, the Honor Army still has the power of a battle, and it is far from the end of the mountain..."


   "Although I agree with the Lord Marquis's statement, but... don't we think about the thoughts of the Archmage Sangges, although he did not express his position, he does not necessarily support the king"!


   "That's right, let's ask Master Sangers as expected, the only one who can determine the future of this country is the Great Master Protector."


   The discussion among the nobles is getting louder and louder-in fact, this is enough to explain their attitude!


Although the analysis of the Marquis of Barrono is well-founded, the most critical and decisive person at the moment, the Archmage Sangges, has not expressed his position after all. Even though the Church of Dawn is powerful, the so-called strong dragon does not suppress the snake. The "small place" of the three-acre land of the Kingdom of Lun, the attitude of the Archmage Sangges is still that no one dares to ignore it casually.


   That is a real master-level powerhouse, and the entire Dylan Kingdom nobles can't be killed enough to go crazy. How could anyone dare to ignore his will.


Kou Jing, who heard the discussions by the nobles, gradually unified in the direction of "Waiting for Your Excellency to make a decision" The first place, Barenvo, became more and more gloomy, but he let these nobles discuss The more fierce, until he unified his caliber, he just sat silently, without saying a word.


   Behind him, a person in a white robe appeared silently.




Two voices did not sound, but it seemed to sound directly in people’s souls. Your applause suddenly appeared in the secret room of the meeting. At this time, people discovered that there was a white priest in a white priest's robe beside Ballenwar. The young man with the holy emblem of the Lord of Dawn has been standing there for a while.


   Due to the interference of some thinking, more than a dozen nobles who were doing this subconsciously ignored this conspicuous young man, and it was not until these two applause that the nobles woke up.


   Seeing the appearance of that plain-looking young priest, some nobles with professional ranks were shocked instantly, they almost screamed out:


   "Master Casparchi! have advanced to the master level!!") Download the free reader!!