Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 194: Casparchi

" could it be possible"!


   When they heard the three words "master-level", the nobles in the entire secret room even forgot to breathe, not because they were making a fuss, but because the term was so frightening.


Although the breakthrough from the official level to the master level is not the same as the breakthrough of the official level or the legendary level, the difference in strength between the master level and the official level has not reached the legendary level and the master level or the official level and the trainee level. The degree of ignorance of the number in between, but the breakthrough at this level is also amazing enough. Under normal circumstances, the guardian of the ordinary kingdom is also at the master level.


   Hearing the air-conditioning voices of several great nobles, a touch of pride appeared on the face of Bishop Casparchi. He took a big step forward and said to all the nobles present without any doubt:


"Myself, Kasparki-Mara, the Archbishop of Dawn Church in Dylan Kingdom. Under the guidance of our Lord, the priest level has been promoted to the fifteenth level (Master level). Now... I will guide everyone sitting here to feel The supreme glory of the Lord of Dawn leads this country to bathe in the greatness of our Lord. I hope everyone who is doing...".


   "Live...Shut up"!


   Just as Kasparki was about to declare the doctrine of the Bishop of Dawn, a trembling voice interrupted Kasparki's speech.


   "What are you...what are you going to do, do you want this country... to become a vassal of Chenxi Church"?


"Subsidiary? Poor lamb... The true **** who can dedicate his soul and serve the highest---the Lord of Dawn is the glory of all living beings, and even the only salvation of this country, how can you be tainted by such crude words as "vassal" Where is the white morning light?"


Kasparki’s voice is not unpleasant, it sounds like it is full of compassionate kindness and devotion to the Lord of the dawn, but everyone can clearly see that in Kasparki’s picture, not only is it not hideous and repetitive, it is quite soft. Sullen and murderous filled his face.


   But facing Casperki’s low expression, the old-fashioned earl did not flinch. He shivered and sorted out the gem badges on his dress, patted the medal of glory on his shoulder, and slowly said:


"Our family was personally canonized by the first king of the Dylan Kingdom. He once vowed to be loyal to this country at all costs. This delivery and loyalty are buried in the blood. As long as you are a member of the family, you will never betray your country and seek glory... ………"!


   "Lost lost lamb, you have been in the dark for too long, now...feel the teachings of the Lord of Dawn"!


   Without waiting for the count to finish speaking, the fierce experience flashed in Kasparqi's eyes. As he prayed softly, a white light of the thickness of his fingers instantly shot into the old nobleman's eyebrows.


   The old nobleman who was invaded by the white light in his brain immediately began to tremble as if he was possessed by a spirit body, and his eyeballs began to turn crazily. This strange phenomenon lasted for about five seconds.


   The old earl, who had calmed down from time to time, tilted his head and slumped in a silly chair. His mouth was drooling and he kept mumbling about the doctrines of Chenxi Church, and he lost his reaction to everything outside.


   "Very good, it seems that this old gentleman has already realized the greatness of our lord, then... can anyone understand Chen Xi's glory"?


   Seeing that the old earl had this fate, there were still people there who dared to say half a word. All the nobles vowed to serve the Lord of Dawn and to eradicate the evil heresy of this country for the great "only true god".


   Hearing the cold sweat of the nobles, Kaspaqi smiled and said the order that had been made:


"General Vic has agreed to lead troops to attack Migka Fortress. This is a heresy-an important checkpoint for the Honor Army, but is the glory of our Lord enough to capture only one fortress? No, no, we We also need to thoroughly purify Princess Trelinka's most evil heresy, right in this fortress."


   Hearing that Kasparqi was about to deal with the leader of the "Glory Army" Trelinka, an aristocrat asked in a weak voice:


   "Ka...Master Casparchi, although the heretical leader must be purified first, and the nobleman we are sitting here is willing to pay for it, but...but Trelinka probably won't go to the fortress on the front line!"


   "Don't worry about this problem".


   Casparqi's confident answer:


"As long as we tell that heresy, the Holy Army will inevitably "purify" all the heretics in the northern part of the kingdom, including all the "inferior people" who assist the heretics, I think the princess will lead the only official-level powerhouse to the front. Trying to stop Vic Swordmaster, when the time comes......let the loyal Mr. Vic cut her under the sword."


   Hearing Kaspaqi’s plan, the nobles even trembled involuntarily, and they suppressed and asked in shock:


   "There are millions of people living in the northern part of the kingdom............this is just a trap, right, as long as......just to elicit Trelinka, right"?


   Kasparchi glanced at the sitting nobleman coldly, and slowly spoke:


"If Trelinka really cares about the lives of the people and goes to the fortress to stop General Vic at any cost, then these are really just traps, but if she is not savvy...I can only do it for the supreme morning sun. The Lord has purified those heretics who don't know good or bad"


After listening to Kasparki’s words, the nobles only felt that being close to the brazier would not be able to dissipate the chill. Kasparki’s meaning was already obvious. If Princess Trelinka did not go to the Migka Fortress... then This crazy archbishop will definitely order the king to order the destruction of the entire northern kingdom, and the loyal fellow Vick Swordmaster will unswervingly execute the king's order.


   The Glory Army that has lost the support of the people will still be destroyed!


This is a thorough scheming and poisonous scheme. UU Reading will never do this until Kasperchi is promoted to the master level, because this will undoubtedly irritate Sangers, who is a master of the country. , But now... he is no longer afraid of that old archmage, if it weren't for the angered archmage Sangers who sits behind him, he would like to personally "purify" the Glory Army.


"Don’t worry about the Nightcrawler Alliance. The Vick Swordmaster has already received a master-level treasure from our lord, which is enough to destroy any clown who is overwhelmed. You only need to consider how to send troops to express your opinions. Pious is enough"!


The newly promoted Kasparki is extremely proud and arrogant. The speed of his promotion is quite excellent among the talented Chenxi churches. Now Kasparki does not put anyone in his eyes, let alone believe in Chenxi. From the very beginning, he looked down on the "rats" of the evil camp.


Casparchi, who made an independent decision, ignored the reactions of the nobles. He only ordered all the nobles to send their troops to support General Vic’s plan of encirclement and suppression. Then he turned and left, leaving the nobles sitting in their seats. Shang silently stared at the flickering lights. ) Download the free reader!!