Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 245: Increase

The lantern is in hand!

   Under the gaze of the soul shepherd with almost angry eyes, the punk took a leap and held the lantern in his arms, and then gave himself the "kinetic energy ejection" and "magic compression" without hesitation!

   The punk who slashed close to the ground quickly escaped the "negative energy and one finger" released by the soul shepherd at the fastest speed!

Punk clenched the handle of the lantern and stood up from the ground while rolling over. Now he looks almost embarrassed like never before. The linen clothes were torn and torn when he was told to roll, and the skin on the back of the punk was even more crippled. The high-speed friction that had just been close to the ground was torn down. Although there was no dust in this trial field, punk was not ashamed, but the blood dripping out of a pool of blood was indeed unavoidable.

   But as long as you carry the lamp, these are all worthwhile. As an official-level powerhouse, these skin injuries will not be life-threatening.

In punk’s view, I’m in a pretty good situation now. Although it’s bloody, it’s all skin trauma, which neither affects actions nor does it affect thinking. It’s lucky enough to be able to get a lantern at this price. As for pain or something. ……Punk said that that kind of thing is really not worth mentioning.

The quaint lantern looked tattered and rusty, but when he got it in his hand, punk found that the weight of this lantern was definitely more than a lead block of the same size. It looked as if the lantern was as big as a small thermos and was actually bigger than an oversized dumbbell. It is also heavy, even punk feels a little strenuous to lift it up, after all, he is a mage rather than a fighter.

   "If this kind of weight is one of the limits, it will affect the evasion speed if it is a little bit more, does it mean that only one lantern can be held at the same time by deliberately setting this weight"?

  Punk measured the weight of the lantern, then used the fastest speed to calculate the magic consumption required for this weight, and finally came to his own conclusion.

Although it’s a bit disappointing to not be able to hold two or three lantern punks at the same time, think about it carefully, the soul shepherd will probably guard the remaining three lanterns, and then imagine playing a little trick like this time. It's impossible, even if the two sharp-toothed resentful souls are still brain-dead and easy to be fooled, the soul shepherd who has calmed down will definitely be more vigilant!

  Since there are no other lanterns for the time being, punk will naturally use the lantern in his hand to the best of his benefit.

The function of    lantern was directly transmitted to his mind the moment punk took it in his hand.

   The full name of this lantern is "Herath Hand Torch". The original purpose is to allow some master-level spellcasters who have just been promoted to not have enough master-level spells to have spells to protect themselves.

Each "Herath Hand Torch" is unified with three "Master-level Enchanting Spells-Master Amplification Spells". This type of amplifying spell can increase a formal-level spell to a master-level power, continuous spell It can maintain the effectiveness for 30 minutes. If you have just been promoted to the master level and it is too late to learn the master level spells, this method of increasing the low level spells can effectively alleviate the urgent need. Of course, this is a complete killer for the formal level spellcaster. !

Now, Punk has got this assassin. He can have three spells that can be directly promoted to the master level, although generally speaking, this kind of "pseudo master spell" obtained with boosting spells is always much weaker than the real master spell , But the increased attack will not even break through the enemy's defense, and the increased defense will not be instantly killed by a random master-level spell.

With the three "master augmentation techniques" on this lantern, punk finally has the ability to protect itself and counterattack initially under the attack of the soul shepherd. Although he is still in a dangerous downwind state, he will not be vulnerable to a shot. The attack can't bear the degree.

   At this time, what punk needs to think about in a short time is how to use these three precious "master amplification spells", or more specifically which three spells should be amplified.

These three spells must be able to block the soul shepherd, at least not even a sharp-toothed Wraith can not stop it. It does not have to directly cause damage to the soul shepherd, but it must be given to the punk. The lanterns create opportunities and convenience.

  Punk searched his memory for spells that met his requirements with the fastest speed. Finally, he fixed his eyes on a summoning spell.

   "Official Summoning Spell-Summoning Wind Element": Immediately summon a tenth-level wind element for a sluggish battle for one hour.

   "Super Magic Technique-Magic Compression"!

In order to strengthen the basic properties of this wind element as much as possible, Punk gritted his teeth and used super magic skills. Not only that, he also took out a small bottle of purified liquid wind element as the casting The mantra was chanted for the first time.

Now it is only one second since the last time the soul shepherd released an attack. Two seconds later, the soul shepherd can release the next attack. The two Wraiths have just left the corner of the other lantern and rushed over, so punk has plenty of time. Maximize this spell!

This "summoning wind element" consumed two-thirds of punk's remaining magic power in one breath. Now punk's magic power has truly reached an unprecedentedly dangerous trough. All the remaining magic power is only enough for him to cast six spells. In other words, If there is no way to solve the enemy after using six more methods, punk will fall into a dangerous state of empty magic.

   At that time, punk can only recover a little mana and use a little spell. Punk's recovery speed determines that it takes at least three seconds to recover enough magic power to use a spell. During this period, the soul shepherd is enough to directly kill punk.

In fact, punk’s recovery speed is definitely fast enough. The total amount of punk mana in the state of victory can release more than fifty powerful official level or countless spells below the official level. His recovery speed can ensure that he is from empty to full. The magic only takes about three minutes.

It sounds very powerful. It is much better than the online wizards on the earth, but you must know that the battle between the official-level powerhouses is in seconds. The coordination between spells and spells is very important. Any waste of official-level spells is It is a huge loss, not to mention that now punk is facing an enemy who can never go wrong!

  This element of wind is the real creation of punk that can be regarded as a life-gambler. If its intensity is not up to punk's expectations... then punk can only look forward to illusory luck!