Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 246: Wind element

For this element of wind, punk can be said to have used all available strengthening methods, "super magic technique-magic compression", advanced spellcasting materials, ancient Byron spells, if not holding a weight in the hand, it is comparable to super The dumbbell lantern, punk will never drop even the casting gesture.

In the case of such a variety of gains, the wind element summoned by punk is definitely the pinnacle work of the upper-level summoning spell, and even the general masters who specialize in summoning may not necessarily summon this in the emergency battle. A wind element.

   Under the gaze of punk expectation, a light wind element finally appeared in the magic circle.

   Different from the earth element in the form of a heavy little giant, the wind element is a graceful girly form. Its height is comparable to that of punk, but because it floats in the air, it appears to be taller than punk.

   The turquoise wind element energy is condensed into a windbreaker that surrounds the crystal clear core of the wind element. Even the mask and long hair made of energy are high-strength armor formed by energy!

The wind element has no hands or feet. Instead, there are four sharp energy blades shining with cold light, the turquoise blade is slender and straight, and the sharp wind blade is floating and wandering wherever the blade reaches. There is no doubt that this is a magical creation for killing, every part of its body can be turned into a deadly blade to severely chop off the enemy's head!

   At the same moment when the wind element appeared, punk also immediately activated the "master amplification technique" on the lantern.

The lantern in hand has not changed its appearance, it still looks tattered and inconspicuous, but at this moment, hundreds of colorful energy light bands suddenly extend out of the looming wick fire of the lantern, and all the light bands burst out. The dazzling light wrapped around the punk who had just been summoned out of the wind element.

Hundreds of light bands that wander around are directly integrated into the energy that constitutes the wind element like a liquid as soon as they touch the wind element. If you observe carefully, you will find that all the light bands are filled with thousands of filaments. In the body of the wind element, these colorful light filaments emit this faint shimmer, dotted with wind elements as if wearing a colorful windbreaker.

  Of course, the color light brings more than the color embellishment to the wind element.

In the perception of punk, the overall energy of the wind element is rapidly rising, and even the spell model that constitutes the core of the spell has been strengthened by colorful energy. Each colored light filament now seems to be a mini amplifier. The increased energy Both the degree of solidification and the speed of operation have been greatly improved.

If the normal wind element summoned without any buffs is a special soldier, then the enhanced version of the wind element summoned by punk is a transformed person with a steel skeleton, and the wind element that has been amplified by the "Master Amplifier" is appropriate. The Terminator, from the inside to the outside, all body parts have been strengthened to a level, whether it is attack power or speed is not comparable to the formal wind element!

Punk estimates that the current wind element can definitely reach the level of master level fifteen, and it is still the best among summoned creatures in terms of combat effectiveness. Although the strength of summoned creatures is generally much worse than that of real creatures of the same level, it is one to one. If so, punk is confident that this wind element will at least not lose to the sharp-toothed resentful spirit summoned by the soul shepherd.

At this moment, after punk’s spell was completed, a Sharp-toothed Wraith who was closer to punk rushed within the attack range. Punk was not surprised when he saw the big mouth bitten by the Sharp-toothed Wraith. If The enemy’s two resentful souls cooperated in punk and there is really no guarantee of taking advantage, but if they are alone like this...

   "Chop it for me"!

   Punk gave orders to the wind element without hesitation.

However, his own state is not as domineering as the order he gave. Just as the wind element appeared, the soul shepherd's "negative energy finger" was also unambiguously activated. The target of the spell was punk, so the wind element The careless execution order rushed up to the resentful soul, and punk could only avoid the "negative energy and one finger" with a "kinetic energy ejection" rolling backward.

Although this time of thrilling avoidance is not only dangerous, but also consumes punk’s few magical powers, but it also reduces the burden on the battle of the wind element, because in the next three seconds, the wind element has to face only the present The sharp tooth resentful soul is an enemy, and the soul shepherd can only stand by and stare at him!

I saw the bursting wind element set off a whirlwind of energy, and the whole body turned into a bullet to rush towards the grimace of the sharp-toothed resentful soul. The sharp blade was straight deep, and the coldness that smashed everything even made it People feel tingling in their eyes when they simply look at it!

   Faced with the charge of the wind element, Sharptooth Wraith had no fear at all, just as the wind element could not retreat because of the presence of the enemy, so did the Sharptooth Wraith.

Under the deep roar of the pure undead words from the soul shepherd, another Sharptooth Wraith who was farther away exploded with negative energy to accelerate again, and the Sharptooth Wraith who faced the wind element was even more unscrupulous. With a big mouth full of teeth, he bit the arm cut towards the wind element.

The wind energy of the cyan light flashes and the strong negative energy on each of the sharp teeth collide, and the shock waves of high-frequency vibration are transmitted through the space, even if there is no air in the test field~www space still shows pitiful fluctuations and distortions under the impact of energy. Where the blade arm of the wind element and the toothed grievance meet, the small space is directly split apart, bursting energy fragments The debris in the space forms a wonder of colorful fireworks like fireworks.

   But no matter who was present, no one had the chance to have such a beautiful murderous beauty.

Punk spit out blood under the impact of the spatial fluctuations. The "Advanced Mage Armor" blessed on his body is now full of cracks like heavy blown glass, and the blood spit out by punk is even more visceral. Fragment, I have to admit that now he is the most vulnerable creature on the battlefield.

But just some unimportant organs being shattered is not enough to affect punk’s thinking ability. He glanced coldly at the other sharp tooth resentment who rushed to support him, and at the same time secretly watched the "negative energy" that was about to be launched again. One finger" soul shepherd.

   Although punk was jealous of the soul shepherd and the second Sharptooth Wraith, he did not order his wind element to retreat, instead he issued more detailed and more aggressive offensive orders!

After receiving the punk's order, the elemental wind immediately gave up its intention to explode energy to pull an arm out of the grievances' mouth. It simply ignored the grievances of the grievances who had bought to bite its own arm. , Anyway, within at least two seconds, Sharptooth Wraith cannot crush the energy protection layer strengthened by the "Master Amplification Technique"!

Following the punk's order, the element of wind exploded energy under his feet with all his strength, his slender body rotated in place, and the other arm fiercely pierced the back neck of the sharp tooth resentful soul. The cold light on the sharp blade pointed to sharp teeth. The core of the spell of Wraith!