Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 257: the way

This is a sparse jungle. The trees covered with moss are a little twisty, and vines climb on the trunks. The bright sun shines through the gaps in the leaves on the surface of the green moss, forming irregular shapes. Bright spot. X23US. COM update fastest


A breeze blew, the bushes rustled, crystal clear dew fell on the yellow-brown ground, and a few frightened insects flew out of the thick blades of grass, and the colorful wings flew across the sun with brilliant light and shadow. .


This is a peaceful jungle, the sound of the wind is soaked with silence, and the dance reveals elegance. Every flying insect seems to be an inseparable part of this jungle, and every leaf seems to be an indispensable girl's skirt in this secret realm. put.


   This is a quiet morning, there is no noise of insects, no noise of frogs... But it will be quieter next, hundreds of times quieter than it is now!


   Behind a curtain of vines, a white finger was gently lifted, and then it was lightly swiped without incident!


There are hundreds of them, and the vines whose thickness is comparable to thick iron chains were all cut off in an instant. The emerald green vines sparsely fell on the ground with the cut leaves, but were originally covered by it. The people who lived also showed up.


This is a teenager who seems to be only fifteen or sixteen years old. He is wearing a black robe with black and red stripes. He is carrying an emerald green long-handled staff behind his back. The face under the hood is The shadows are covered and can't be seen clearly, but only a pair of eyes shining with azure blue light exudes eyes straight into the soul.


In the moment after he appeared, the sound of the wind in the dense forest seemed to disappear instantly, and even the falling of the leaves had to be cautious, the flying beetle stopped in mid-air and fell straight down, and all creatures were afraid to move on the ground. Move, even the most restless bamboo rat is trying to restrain the body from shaking under the cover of grass blades.


  At this moment, even if there is no wisdom anymore, the wild animals know that there is a terrible creature that is absolutely invincible or even impossible to escape!


   There is no doubt that this "terrible creature that descends" is punk!


The punk moves lightly across a place of cane, and walks unhurriedly in the uneven woodland, looking like a rich man wandering in the city, completely treating this vast dense forest as nothing. .


   "The projection said that it would send me to a relatively central location on the plane of Faerun. I don't know if this guy is reliable".


  Punk thought a little bit confusedly, he kicked a moss-covered rock away, and used his mental power to grab a bamboo rat hiding beside the rock without even using a spell.


   "According to the information of the prophecy spell, the forest is only one province away from the nearest city, isn't the middle of the plane of Faerun so large and sparsely populated?"


  Punk said to himself with a palm-sized bamboo mouse.


He is now a sixteenth-level master spellcaster with no water at all. As long as the distance is not too outrageous, there will be no problem, but punk has just emerged from the remains of the Netheril civilization, and he has not yet mastered it. Enough master-level spells, so Punk now wants to find a place to study the spells seriously, and see if he can join a spellcaster organization.


   That's right, join a spellcaster organization, or...join a legendary organization with a legendary powerhouse!


  Punk cleaned the bamboo rat in his hand, then he pinched the ears of the mouse with shiny fur, and watched the little guy shaking his teeth and claws as if the vibration mode was turned on, punk couldn't help but smile.


Since leaving the Ruins of Netheril, Punk has been thinking about what to do next. He now has the strength of a master and the lifelong knowledge of a great omen, but the power of the former still belongs to the "ant". Many of the latter’s massive knowledge requires massive resources to be used.


  In the memory of Vedraxia, punk knows how much help a mage who joins the caster organization can get before the legend, at least many resources can be obtained through peaceful trading, and there is a lot of knowledge that can be improved in communication.


You know, Punk’s previous solo mode is actually very inefficient. For example, he has the ability to refine alchemy potions, which can refine a large number of valuable potions, but punk can’t find a buyer, and the refined potions can only be used by themselves. .


For example, when punk needs materials, he can only find it by himself, but the scope of his activities is very limited. It is impossible for him to take a half-year road to the shadow world for a bead of shadow grass, even this kind of shadow Grass is everywhere in the shadow world.


   So punk had to give up many alchemy potions that he could refine to the point where he couldn't find the materials, even though those potions could provide considerable assistance.


If you join a spellcaster organization, especially those legendary organizations with widespread influence, then everything is different. Punk can use potions to exchange the materials needed directly from the organization, for those that are not very precious but only produced in specific areas Materials are no longer at a loss.


  Punk understands that, at least before reaching the legend, possessing its own demiplane, and owning its own legendary organization, the resource collection ability of a spellcaster organization is unmatched by a solo spellcaster.


This is also where punk has some helplessness. The great master Vedrasha is very good at alchemy potions. Many precious formulas in his memory are of great use to punk, but the materials required for these formulas are really complicated and numerous. If you let punk run by yourself West ran to find and collect... Then he had to run for at least two or three hundred years for an ingredient, after all, Faerun was too big.


   There is no doubt Even for a long-lived master mages, it is unacceptable to waste a lot of time on the road


  Punk pinched the tip of the bamboo mouse’s nose and lifted the little thing in the air. He sighed quietly when he watched the little bamboo mouse’s hands and feet messy because his limbs were off the ground, unable to breathe:


"Alas, a master-level spellcaster's power controls at most a kingdom. Those legendary bosses will not allow a "ant" that a legend can't reach to spread their power across the plane of Faerun. All the powers that do not have a legendary powerhouse say After all, they are only the pigs raised in captivity by the legendary powerhouses. After being fattened, being slaughtered is the only ending... But the journey to the legendary road must have the help of a force, so the master-level powerhouse is only Can choose to join a legendary organization..."


  Punk watched the bamboo rat's eyes grow colder and sharper, he grabbed the bamboo rat in his hand, and said quietly while listening to the rat's painful cry:


"These are probably the deliberate arrangements of the legendary powerhouses, squeeze the ignorant people who stand on their own feet, and let those motivated geniuses "voluntarily" join their subordinates... It is a good calculation and a high plan, but even if you know these I have no choice...Sure enough, it is ants after all that is not a legend"! )!!