Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 268: Law fragments

From various signs, it can be inferred that the key to determining the "liveness" of weird eyeballs is likely to lie in the energetic negative emotions, and these negative emotions must be strong enough and "evil" enough, preferably full of despair and resentment, just like The same as the harpy female priest before her death.


   Although punk is now in the wilderness and there are no intelligent creatures around, it is not difficult for a 16th-level spellcaster to get enough negative emotions.


Of course, punk will definitely not hypnotize himself to produce negative emotions to "feed" this eyeball. Since he felt the faint "evil" that reached the level of "laws", punk has made up his mind-anyway Nor can he have any soul or mental connection with this thing, his current master-level soul level does not allow him to die.


   Therefore, punk decided to sacrifice some small animals to extract negative emotions. After all, it is not only intelligent creatures that produce happiness, anger, sorrow, and happiness. Those ignorant animals also have quite rich emotions.


   With an instant "Hand of the Mage", punk easily picked up a shivering gray rabbit in the grass (the rabbit lays down with a gun).


   The next step is the simple negative emotion "production step."


   It is very simple to make a rabbit produce negative emotions.


   First, inject a lot of vitality into it, and then burn it with fire while maintaining the vitality injection to ensure that the rabbit can quickly recover from the injury. It is best to grill it with fire and then use vitality to pull it back from the edge of death.


   Repeat the above steps for about ten minutes, and punk has harvested a "black rabbit" with hatred and despair in his mind and even subconsciously.


   At this time, punk is using a spell to manifest and energize the negative emotions in the rabbit's soul.


   Master Alchemy Spells-Emotional Energy: Energize a certain emotion of a creature and then "extract" it into reality.


   Note: Creatures that are drawn with a lot of emotions will have inevitable soul damage!


The "Gray Rabbit Version of Negative Emotion Generator" made by   punk is a one-off, so he ignored what the bunny's soul would end up with, and directly drew out the negative emotions in the gray rabbit's soul in one breath.


As traces of the carrier's gray-red pitch black thread were continuously pulled out of the gray rabbit's head, the rabbit's body began to twitch violently. When the last trace left its head, the gray rabbit was full of cracks. The soul was instantly fragmented.


  Punk threw away the seven mature gray rabbits, and then carefully picked up the small group of energized negative emotions and slowly approached the pupils of the strange eyeballs.


After all, the gray rabbit’s soul level is too low. The negative emotions it provides are far inferior to the huge and substantive hatred of the Harpy female priest in terms of quantity and quality, but this situation also meets the requirements of punk, because he It is estimated that the investigation team in the nearby city may be on the way now, and punk doesn't want this strange eyeball to make any more moths.


   The weird eyeballs without wisdom naturally refused to reject the "delicious" visitors brought to their lips. Its vertical pupils shimmered slightly, and then directly swallowed a half of the negative emotional energy in punk's hands.


   At the same time, the breath wrapped around the strange eyeball suddenly fluctuated, and even the position where the pupils of the eyeball looked at slowly filled with a trace of faint fluctuation.


   "Sure enough, it seems that negative emotions can provide him with energy"!


  Punk quickly rejoiced and sent the remaining negative emotions into the pupils of the eyeballs.


After devouring the negative emotions, the huge eyeballs seem to be pure and pure, and some "existences" contained in the eyeballs seem to have a little vitality. A trace of energy fluctuations began to slowly probe the outside world, and there are some breaths. Trying to cling to punk's "alchemy gloves", it seems to try to break the barrier of "alchemy gloves".


   But after all, the energy absorbed by the strange eyeballs was too little, and his "activity" did not last more than three seconds before returning to silence again.


   But during this period, punk has discovered some incredible or amazing ecstasy.


   "The law-there is actually a fragment of the law in it"!


Punk raised his eyeballs with excitement and growled in a low voice. Taking advantage of the external temptation of the eyeballs just now, punk also successfully extended the perception to the inside of the strange eyeballs. Where, punk clearly "sees" a piece of black that is entangled with a grayish-brown atmosphere. The energy crystal is no more than a few millimeters in size, but the terrifying power it exudes makes punk's perception have to regress by three points.


This small crystal hides so concealed, if it’s not for the weird energy that envelops it, if it’s not for the fluctuation of the punk’s soul perception ability, or for the master-level spellcaster who specializes in predicting spells, or if punk has a great omen The memory of the teacher is so familiar with the "rule fragments"... any mage will only face the sudden fluctuations of the law.


   "What is luck, this is luck, a piece of law, if you can understand some "rules" before being promoted to Legend, then the success rate of promotion can be increased by at least 30%!


  Punk carefully watched this huge eyeball, just like watching a beautiful artwork. Rarely, his psychology has very huge emotional fluctuations, and the name of this emotional fluctuation is "surprise"!


   You must know that although punk has acquired part of the Netheril civilization, what it inherits is only knowledge. The most important thing to advance to the legend is the power to truly understand the law, and this insight requires more than knowledge.


Although the Great Oman Vedrasha has a complete set of laws to understand, his set of "good" laws that belong to the kind and lawful camp punk can only be used for reference, and cannot be directly used to promote the legend. After all, the camp rules are The name limit is huge, but it is not available to professionals in any camp.


   Therefore, according to punk's speculation, if there is no help from external forces, even those who have the memory and experience of the Great Omen will have a success rate of less than 10%!


However, as the so-called road to heaven is unparalleled, now I have a fragment of the law that obviously does not belong to the "rules of the camp". If I can understand some "rules" before being promoted to the legend, then my promotion success rate can reach at least 100 Around thirty.


Thirty percent does not sound like a But you must know that the majority of professionals at the pinnacle of master level (such as cheap parents of punk) have less than one percent success rate if they want to be promoted to legend. That's it.


Many times, those treasures of heaven and earth that can increase the success rate of promotion a little bit are enough for a group of master-level powerhouses to fight red eyes. Now punk has got a piece of law............This is already a big opportunity comparable to gold fingers. good or not!


   But... punk is not someone who can be confused by opportunity.


   He quickly held his patience in his heart and began to carefully observe the seemingly small fragments of the law. The world is full of pits, because the "lucky guys" who accidentally died on the so-called "opportunities" are living lessons.


   As expected, after carefully perceiving a multi-magic time, punk's brows slowly frowned! Because he found... this fragment of the law looks... it seems something is wrong:


   "The gray aura on it doesn't seem to be integrated with the fragments of the law at all, it's more like.........similar to the foul smell left by the foul bird...pollutant!")!!