Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 269: city

"This thing seems to have been contaminated...Don't be a pit!"


  Punk furrowed his brows and watched the huge eyeballs with glittering pupils in deep thought.


   Judging from the situation he perceives, this piece of law fragments and the negative emotional energy entangled on it should come from two different legendary powerhouses. Their battles must be earth-shattering, you will die.


  During the battle, the owner of this fragment of law may be seriously injured or even fall. Its soul was shattered to pieces, and a small fragment flew into the eyeball.


   After the soul of the legendary powerhouse overflowed, this piece of law remained as the remains of the soul.


And the enemy of this legendary powerhouse clearly beats him by more than one thing. This enemy has not broken his soul. The price he pays is only some soul energy being dissipated, and a trace of dispelled soul energy is killed by the command of the master. Death was entangled on the broken soul of the legendary strong man, and then desperately eroded the broken soul, and finally formed this state of soul energy pollution law fragments.


Time has passed, and I don’t know how long time has passed. Even today, this huge eyeball falls in the hands of punk, and that soul energy is still firmly implementing its master’s original command-devour the negative energy around it, and use "evil" to erode it. The law fragments and everything around.


   However, even if this soul energy reaches the level of the legend, even if it is full of the powerful power of the law, it will not be able to resist the passage of time after leaving the power of the legendary powerhouse.


  To this day, it is already weak and unable to continue to erode the fragments of the law formed after the soul decays, and the erosion power that could have eroded the soul of the legendary powerhouse is even unable to penetrate the protection of a master mage in a district.


   "Fortunately, this energy is really fragile, otherwise I will be in serious trouble."


   Feeling that the weak corrosive force cannot penetrate his "alchemy glove" spell, Punk slowly breathed a sigh of relief.


   Now he feels that he still has a chance to get the fragment of the law, as long as the negative emotional energy entangled on it is resolved, punk can safely take the fragment of the law that has no owner as his own.


   "But how to deal with these troublesome energy? Although its corrosive ability is already weak, but... how to get rid of it".


Punk scratched his head anxiously. He was already standing next to the treasure house, but the dragon guarding the treasure house blocked his way. However, he did not have the strength to hold on to the dragon, even if the dragon was dying. , But the gap in the power level still makes punk helpless.


  Although the negative emotions entangled in the fragments of the law are already scarce and weak, it is truly legendary energy. Without the help of real legendary spells, it is impossible to quickly erase it with master-level means.


In addition to using legendary spells to erase negative emotions, the best way to dissipate negative emotional energy is to use positive emotions to offset them. After all, these legendary negative emotions are powerful, but they are completely rootless water. Just a little bit and use positive emotions to polish it, and you can always polish it up after hundreds of years of water milling.


   But punk never wants to try to use his positive emotions to connect with those legendary negative emotions. His instinct tells him that doing so is definitely an act of death.


"Oh, why can't you get a worry-free "golden finger". The so-called "opportunities" are either difficult or troublesome. If they don't, the golden finger will become an extra-large pit. This world is truly amazing. Full of deep malice"!


  Punk threw a heavy and strange eyeball helplessly, and then carefully put it into the storage ring:


   "Since I can't afford it myself... it's better to let others afford it. After all, the generation of such positive emotions has nothing to do with the realm of professionals. Maybe I can use those low-level professionals"!


  Punk jumped down from the canopy of a big tree while thinking about "plans" darkly. After all, he was a resourceful spellcaster. In just a few minutes, a spark of inspiration had been ignited in his mind.


------split line------


   The improvement of the plan is like writing a book, and the earliest outline takes the most time to complete.


   Punk has not yet figured out a way to get the "treasure" from the strange eyeballs, but his rush has not stopped there.


It’s just a day’s journey for punk to travel from the harpy’s tribe to the nearest city. On the way, punk didn’t encounter any “emergency events” except avoiding a group of hurried mages. "After the harpy banshee tribe was destroyed at noon the next day, punk had already reached the wall of a city.


   For the time being, punk doesn’t know which area of ​​Faerun he is in, nor does he know which country the city in front of him belongs to.


   But when I saw this city at first glance, it was punk that I was sure that this place was absolutely one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the fringe countries of the Kingdom of Dylan, and it was absolutely more prosperous than the barren "small city" of Dolize.


   In punk perception, the size of this city is about twice the size of Dolez City, and the walls surrounding the city are more than 60 meters high. The masonry used is also lapis lazuli that has been simply enchanted.


This kind of stone, which is only produced in mountain rock formations, is by no means comparable to ordinary granite in terms of firmness and world-class At least punk can be sure, and it is difficult for the general official-level strong In one minute, break this thick wall that can be used for horse racing.


   From the geographical location of this city, it is unlikely that it is an important city in any country. At least in the eyes of punk, it is just a border city of a country.


A border city can use lapis lazuli worth of hardware coins per ton to build a 60-meter-high city wall, so that the financial resources can basically only be achieved by countries with the imperial level, and being able to obtain such a large number of lapis lazuli can represent this. Prosperity and wealth of the country.


   "Generally speaking, an ordinary imperial country will have at least one legendary powerhouse. It seems that I should be more careful and restrained"!


  Punk calmly helped the brim of the black hood and walked towards the towering city gate.


Now his goal is to find an opportunity to join the "Thinking of Truth". According to the memory of cheap parents, punk knows that this legendary organization is often active in the central region of the Faerun Plane. If the teleportation technique of Netheril civilization is reliable, punk The current position should be in an imperial territory in the middle of the plane of Faerun, and such a prosperous imperial city will inevitably have news of legendary organizations. )!!