Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 270: intelligence

Punk strode towards the city gate with a lot of people, and the dust around him didn't get a trace of it. At this moment, the mysteriously dressed, clean and tidy punk looked extremely conspicuous among the gray crowd.


But punk did not hide his meaning. Before he came, he had used the system to perceive the entire city carefully, until he repeatedly confirmed that there was actually only one twelfth-level warrior sitting in the city, with his master-level strength. He didn't need to cover up before he came straight forward with some unscrupulousness.


As the punk approached step by step, the hustle and bustle of the city gate building slowly subsided. Finally, when punk arrived next to the city gate, the few caravans and poor people who entered the city crowded out of the city gate with thousands of people involuntarily closed. With his mouth closed, even the biggest tracker is carefully reducing the sound of walking.


   Although these people are not professionals, they can still feel the tremendous pressure from punk. And those professionals who just yelled and yelled even more dare not even take a breath, for fear that they would attract the attention of this unfathomable master-level powerhouse to summon the calamity of extinction. In most people's minds, the more advanced the wizard is, the more neurotic and moody.


  Punk himself didn't care about the fact that he swaggered and blocked the city gate and obstructed traffic. He stopped in front of the city gate and stopped moving.


   He was waiting, waiting for the city's supreme ruler, the official-level warrior, to come and greet him.


   This time punk was only going to ask about nearby information and the intelligence of Truth Thinking. His original intention was to ask for directions, and he didn't even plan to enter the city.


   In fact, before Punk got that weird eyeball, he was still looking forward to entering the city to have a big meal. Speaking of which, he hadn't tasted delicious fruit for more than 500 years.


But now punk has more important things than eating and drinking-he just wants to quickly join in the thinking of truth to settle down, and then exchange a lot of materials to start his own experiment, as for viewing the scenery along the way and the plan of eating and drinking has been punk cleanly. cancelled!


   But maybe the area of ​​this city is a bit too big. Punk waited for more than a minute at the city gate until he was already a little impatient, and that level 12 fighter hurried over.


   "Dear Master, Yeager Kagon welcomes you, this city will remember this day in history, because your arrival is the greatest glory of our Rose City...".


   The seemingly young soldier seemed to keenly feel the impatience of punk. He quickly bowed with the highest courtesy of the soldier, and said a series of flattery without squatting.


It’s not that Jaeger is too timid, it’s that punk doesn’t look like that kind of spellcaster... A black gown with blood patterns looks mysterious and mysterious, with only his face covered by a hood I can see two azure blue eyes, the emerald green staff brilliance flowing...This look really fits the image of those moody mysterious wizards.


   In addition to the punk impatient sullen eyes and the crushing cast level, Jaeger is actually quite brave to run away without being scared.


But for punk... he saw the guy in front of him who didn't look like a strong man, and the only feeling was that he was speechless—why did these people think they were scary? He was a half-prime elves. He looks very beautiful... (Who can see if the hood is blocked?)


And Jaeger’s men were a little surprised to see their inexperienced city lord who was scared like this, but they didn’t say much, after all, bowing to one’s knees in front of a master-level powerhouse does not seem to be too shameful. right?


   "Well, I just want to ask something, you can answer truthfully."


  Punk's impatient words stopped Jaeger from continuing to flatter, he estimated that this guy could continue to boast for ten minutes while talking, but now sexpunk is not willing to waste a minute:


   "Don't let me find that you are playing tricks, otherwise..."


   "Please rest assured, adults, I will answer as time, and there will be no false words."


   Yeager said respectfully.


   "Where is this place, what is the surrounding country, what are the surrounding cities, what are the nearby forces, what is the political system, and who is the famous powerhouse? Just tell me all this!"!


  Punk directly asked a long list of questions. Anyway, the official-level fighter in front of him had an extraordinary memory, and he couldn't remember the content of the question.


   Hearing the question from Punk, Jaeger couldn't help but smile wryly.


  Punk’s questions can be answered by him, but there are many pieces of information in the information, such as the distribution of cities, and the identity of the strong in his own country is military intelligence. In principle, it is not allowed to speak out without authorization, but...


   "Oh, is this the legendary unwarranted disaster"?


   Jaeger glanced at Punk’s azure blue eyes, and quickly lowered his head.


   Obviously, if he didn't say that punk would not leave, and that he could die on the spot, Jaeger was not one of those rigid Paladins. He didn't hesitate to answer like a bamboo tube.


   It takes some time to sort out the information in my mind. After three seconds, Jaeger began to use voices that were not too big or small enough to be heard by punk but not heard by people around him and began to answer:


"This is the floodplain located below the Minotaur Mountains in the middle of the Faerun From the "Toothfall Mountain" in the north to the "Red Rabbit Plain" in the south, all belong to the territory of the Ero Empire. To the west of the Eero Empire is the Angaron Empire, and to the north after crossing the Horth Mountains is the territory of the three kingdoms of Mira, Kumpe, and Noanda. To the southeast of the Eero Empire is called "Red On the opposite side of the inland sea of ​​"Sands of Sand", there is a powerful emperor called the Grey Rain Country.


Our Erot Kingdom is an autocratic monarchy system, and the protector of the country is the legendary warrior "Liman's Flying Blade"-Bill Keidun, and the Emperor Anjialun is also an autocratic monarchy system. There are two legendary protectors of the country. It's the "Melting Knife" Hyde-Tranchi, and the "Ice Chain Sword"-Bieg Babahan.


The three countries after the Hoth Mountains are in war, and the roads in Hoth Mountains are difficult...So the information is not very sufficient. I have only heard that there is a famous paladin family named "Zodas" there. .


The Grey Rain Nation opposite the inland sea of ​​"Red Sand" adopts a parliamentary system. The resident legendary mage of the country protector is the "burner"-Ankazan-Yanmei from the mage union, my lord. If you want to find a spellcaster organization.........I think there will be news from the Gray Rain Country. Because there is a lot of "Grey Eupatorium", many spellcaster organizations have set up key branches there.")!!