Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 297: theory

To deal with a suspicious little girl like Anya, carrots and sticks are indispensable. Considering the horror look in Anya's eyes when she looks at herself, punk feels that the "big stick" is enough. If it is too pursued The control of Anya leads to a reduction in the output of positive emotions. [The first issue of this chapter-Love-You-Sound-Novel Network, please remember the URL ()]


What's more, according to the results of the punk's prophetic spell exploration, there will be many stupid little guys in this class of apprentices who find "the disciple of the master-level powerhouse" for various purposes, that is, Anya. In the low-level circle of apprenticeship, his identity is a bit sensitive.


So in order to make this girl with a dazed expression recover as soon as possible, and to provide her with some self-preservation in the most dangerous "rebirth" period, punk simply solidified the new piece of "secondary skewed position". The manipulative robe was given to Anya.


   Yes, it was the pale blue robe that punk wore when he first embarked on the caster journey.


   This is a very memorable robe, and punk wears it all the way from the apprentice to the official level.


Speaking of the last person who was given this robe by punk was Bilan, who died more than five hundred years ago, after Bilan was killed by punk himself, he used it for pure waste The robe of the novice was put away, and now he was able to repair the short-circuit of energy caused by time and gave it to Anya as a gift.


   Of course, intuitively, punk thinks this robe is more than a gift.


   Anya is just a little girl after all, and she will be happy to receive a beautiful gift. Even if she has not yet reached the threshold of a professional, but the contact with other apprentices along the way has also let Anya know the preciousness of magic equipment.


   You should know that many wealthy and powerful nobles can't come up with a piece of magic equipment in their homes. In the world of ordinary people, apprentice-level magic items can be regarded as family treasures. Now that punk has generously gifted a robe that is the best for apprentices, how could Anya be unhappy?


   Deep down, she now feels more and more that her previous intuition is wrong. A master-level expert is deliberately trying to harm her a mage who is not even an apprentice? This is simply impossible, at least Anya feels that such a thing is completely impossible.


On the other hand, Anya, who knows nothing about her former talents, has never been too trusting in things like intuition. After all, this intuitive sense of danger is too inaccurate. Anya has not had any sense of danger in her previous life. (That was no fatal crisis).


The most important thing is... Now Anya is very sure that the ominous premonition that has been lingering in her heart since the beginning has disappeared. For Anya, that kind of people can’t even eat. Is it a good thing that the feeling of going down on the back disappears.


   "Anya, Anya, don't be crazy about it, the tutor just looks a little cold, aren't the strong teachers in those novels so cool? The tutor's experiments must also help you, it must be!"


   Anya was very wise not to ask anything about the experiment, she tried to convince herself to be happy, and then carefully took the robe from the punk.


"Well, go, remember, the path of a mage is not advancing or retreating. Effort is always more important than talent. Don't waste time on fun like those stupid apprentices. Every day's public courses are useful or not. Don't fall...I will check your progress next week and don't let me down."


Punk said to Anya in a serious manner. He hoped that this little girl would always act near safe public classrooms and residential areas. As for the so-called "progress check"... punk checks the progress of what "thing" is. He knew it himself.


  Anyone has to admit that the human mind is something that is easy to be deceived, and it is easier to be deceived by yourself than being deceived by others, because when you deceive yourself, your heart will not be guarded.


   Now Anya is such a situation.


   It is precisely because of this that punk does not care at all about the "first impression" he made on Anya at the beginning. Because Anya has only one path to follow when facing her master-level powerhouse, she has to choose and must choose to believe in herself as a "mentor".


Based on this premise, it’s not surprising that punk has repeatedly hinted to Anya that he should not think about it. Punk feels that Anya’s suggestion to himself is more effective than a “hint technique”. When you lie to yourself, telling a lie at most a hundred times will become the "truth".


   Anya is actually a little bit deceiving herself at this time, and punk is sure she will deceive herself very successfully.


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   The fragments of the law occupy an unquestionable highest position after punk’s many plans after joining Truth, but it is not the “only” position.


The "Host Plan" implemented on Anya is destined to be a long and lasting battle for the master-level powerhouse. During this period, it is impossible for punk to sit in the mage tower and wait. The life-span of the master-level powerhouse is really true. Not much, the short period of five thousand years is not to be wasted. For the punk who has inherited a huge amount of knowledge from the Netheril era, he still has a lot to do.


  The first thing punk has to do is to improve a master spell!


   Don’t get me The purpose of improving spells is not because punk lacks practical spells, and it’s not because punk has some kind of inspiration.


  Punk wants to improve a master-level spell to further understand the spell model, understand the nature of the spell, and master the understanding of magic from practice.


I have to admit that Punk’s learning of spells is still at a stage where the spells he learns are all set by his predecessors. Even if Punk has all the memory of Vedracia’s invention of several legendary spells, but That is also the practice and inspiration of Vedracia, not punk's own.


The understanding of magic and even going out of one's own path can never be completed by theoretical research such as "watching the memory of a strong man". Although theory is an important basis for practice, research with only theory without practice is like talking on paper. It's just a mirror image.


   Now that the "theory" of punk is no longer sufficient, it is time for him to enter the stage of practice. [First published in this chapter. Love. Have. sound. Novel network, please remember the URL ()】)!!