Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 301: Exchange point

"Don't worry, these are just normal reactions, and they will disappear by themselves in a short time. My experiment was very successful. You don't have any doubts."

Punk stared at Anya's eyes and said word by word.

After Anya describes all the symptoms that make her secretly worried, such as: memory loss, things that could be memorized in a few minutes now take more than an hour, such as always insomnia at night, even if she falls asleep, she will continue to do everything This kind of meaningless nightmare or something post-punk "explain (qipian in a very positive tone!

But when he heard Anya talk about the nightmare that every sleep inevitably comes, punk listening with a seemingly indifferent expression interrupted Anya's talk.

"Wait a minute, nightmare? What nightmare did you have?"

"I... I don't know what nightmare it is, but... I just feel that something terrible is constantly infiltrating my body, and some terrifying sounds are echoing in my ears...".

Anya recalled the content of the nightmare in distress, but it seemed that she could not recall any more.

"Sound? Penetration"?

After listening to Anya's description, punk frowned slightly.

From these two points alone, I am afraid that nothing can be analyzed. After all, what is eroding Anya’s soul is the existence of a legendary level that even punk cannot know. The so-called voice may have a magic language, or it may be because Anya’s soul is not A pure illusion of stability.

In the end, punk simply doesn’t want to guess at random. Anyway, there is still a lot of time. Anya is "broken". It’s a big deal to spend some time to find a new "host" and start again. Now, just let Anya ensure the efficiency of positive emotions. .

So Punk told Anya in a very decisive tone:

"Don't think too much, you are just anxious about coming to a strange place just now. Take this medicine and drink five milliliters of dosage before going to bed."

After speaking, punk took out a big bottle of bubbling pink potion and handed it to Anya.

In order to ensure that Anya’s emotional punk is well prepared, this bottle of "Happy Memories" potion with enhanced excitement is configured by Anya, a punk special status. Because I just heard about Anya’s insomnia, Punk still uses the fastest Du cast an alchemy spell to add a "sleeping flower" to the potion.

"Happy Memories" was originally a potion used by wizards to stimulate memory to reproduce happy things. Now it has added stimulant ingredients. Punk can guarantee that all creatures below the official level will drink this potion. Unhappy forgetting clean, the effect is definitely stronger than drugs.

Of course, the harmful stimulation punk of the drug to the brain and even the soul is not considered.

After "solving" the problem, Punk guided Anya's meditation practice again. In this regard, Punk was more than enough to guide Anya as a master-level expert. So in the end, Anya was very happy holding the potion filled with "Happy Memories" The storage necklace left.

That's right, in order not to make Anya look too conspicuous with a large bottle of potion, Punk simply gave Anya the storage necklace he got from Princess Trelinka.

--------split line------

Anya walked very easily, but the punk who stayed in the Mage Tower felt not so easy.

Now what makes punk worry is actually very vulgar, that is money...oh, to be precise, it is an exchange point!

Yes, punk has already begun to worry about exchange.

Now his improvement of the "Soul Moth" spell requires the purchase of fierce worms for experiments, but this thing is not cheap, especially when the punk experiment method is relatively rough and the mortality of fierce worms is very high!

Every time I saw those fierce worms that were placed in the "specimen research" room that died because of the inability to withstand the double experiment on the soul and the body, punk felt a kind of pain-they were all exchange points. They are all large exchange points!

What's more difficult is that now after the "one-on-one coaching" with Anya is over, Punk has no choice but to find that he has one more big money exchange point.

He intends to give Anya a "wind chime potion" to suppress the instability of the girl's soul, mainly because this master-level medicine is very mild, even if ordinary people take it, there will be no problem.

But its biggest shortcoming is also obvious-one word: expensive!

This is because punk is good at alchemy. Otherwise, if someone is hired to make medicines...Look at how much money the poor wizards who produce the materials by themselves and spend a lot of money on punk make medicines for a potion Just know.

In general, even if punk now cooperates with Bin Rachel at the expense of selling potions to the red robes to "collaborate with enemies", the number of exchange points earned cannot keep up with the current exchange point expenditures of punk. After all, Bin Rachel bought potions. Customers are not always there, but there are countless places where exchange points are used in punk.

and so…………

"This is troublesome. If this continues, even if the redemption points for selling magic equipment are used as a base, whether it can last a hundred years is a research.

Punk frowned and looked out the window with an unhappy face.

It is the middle of the tender season and the rainiest time of the Grey Swamp. The Grey Swamp is like a child with a temper. Heavy rain and light rain alternate several times in less than an hour, but only Only when it rained, the weather came.

Looking into the distance through the thin rain screen, the mage tower in the area of ​​the mentor of the thought of truth gleams with beautiful magical auras in the sky, and the beam of light of the "central tower" in the middle is even straight through the sky, with lightning from time to time. Hovering down the beam of light. It looks like a snake swimming in the rainstorm.

"Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes? It is better to say that where there are resources, there are struggles. Countless strong men are pursuing the road to legends. Countless legends are racking their brains to get rid of the threat of fate."............

Punk watched whether there was a lightning dragon flashing in the sky, and listened to the deafening that was close at hand... He sighed inwardly while taking out a cup of cold fruit tea from the storage ring.

The tea was still cold when it was taken out of the storage ring, but when it reached punk’s mouth, it had become punk’s favorite "warm" state of more than 500 After taking a sip of tea, feeling the sour juice blooming on the tip of his tongue, punk's eyes flashed sharply.

No one can be stable and stable on the road to the promotion of legends. The so-called "farming" is originally to prepare for better fighting and plunder. On the path of pursuing everything and freedom, any professional can and only Can have two states-fighting... and preparing to fight!

Now it seems…………

Putting down half of the tea, Punk sighed slightly:

"Oh...even if there is a small part of Netheril's heritage, I can't make an exception!" ...


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