Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 318: doubt

After Punk and Bin Rachel’s confirmation, at least one thousand wind thunder eagles in the cave had indeed disappeared. The huge cave did not leave any traces. Only the dryness of the dung showed that the wind thunder eagles were in this cave. It's been at least a month since it was lost.

"Master-level prophecy spells-advanced information collection".

Punk, who could not find any clues, immediately used prophetic spells to track down the trail. It stands to reason that most of the missing wind thunder eagles are just magic creatures barely reaching apprentice level. Punk’s prophetic spells should be able to find their whereabouts very accurately. ,but…………

"How about, is there any result?"

Seeing punk holding a light strip of changing colors and saying no, bin Rachel also began to feel uneasy. He could also feel the unusualness of this series of things. The mission of Jouni-Zodas was covered, and the Huos Mountains. This Fengleiying Mengbei-fengbeak, which is closely related to the Grey Rain Country’s Flying Trade Association, was inexplicably sealed, and now its thousands of people have disappeared, even if Bin Rachel is so nervous now Smelled something different.

But punk ignored Bin Rachel, who was stupidly standing beside him doing nothing. He predicted that the colorful light belt made by magic spells would automatically flow in the cave without any wind. The other end of the light belt was constantly sweeping around on the cave wall, a little hazy. The light and shadow began to revolve around punk, and this situation continued for more than ten minutes.

"Now things are a bit tricky, I'm afraid this time the task is not as simple as we thought."

Dissipating the energy brilliance produced by the prophecy spell, punk opened his eyes with a gloomy face.

"What the **** is going on, do you have any clues"?

Bin Rachel asked eagerly.

Punk didn't answer immediately. He turned around and walked out of the cave, and then carefully observed the entire hollowed out mountain peak. Finally, he said seriously to Bin Rachel:

"The biggest and most difficult problem lies here-my prophecy spells have little effect, and the whereabouts of those wind thunder eagles can't be found out."

"The prophecy spell has failed? Those wind and thunder eagles are just apprentice-level topping the sky"?

"Of course I know that Wind Thunder Eagle itself cannot be capable of shielding prophecy spells, and Mumbe-Windbeak is also dead. Faced with master-level prophecy spells, this group of Windbeak clan Wind Thunder Eagles should have completely transparent information. , But now it seems............ the black hand behind these things is not easy to provoke"!

The azure blue magic power in the pupils of punk was spinning, and the emerald green luster of the emerald rod became colder and colder in the cold mountain wind.

No longer expecting to find any clues from the cave, Bin Rachel walked out of the cave with his brow furrowed. When the punk prediction spell failed, the two master-level spellcasters realized that the group of wind thunder eagles disappeared. People are definitely strong at the master level, and the other party has sufficient ability to shield prophecy spells, enough to make punk, a wizard who is better at prophecy spells helpless.

"Well, it seems that the clues are so interrupted. We still ran for nothing in the end"?

Ben Rachel shrugged helplessly.

"No, we can still get some information from Mumbe-Windbeak and its ethnic group."

Punk carefully took out the identity card in the storage ring to confirm the mission information:

"Juni-Zordas set up a mission in the Sis of Truth, and then to Mombey-Windbeak Madness, the disappearance of the Fengleihawk tribe, and then we take over the mission............Suddenly within three months of interruption There have been so many first-class events, if these are okay with the Ovakin-Sour Maw from the Dragon Roar Kingdom, I’m the first to not believe it.”

"But this is not right"?

Bin Rachel asked punk strangely:

"The Ovakin-Sourmaw Dragon Roar Kingdom is at war with the Maple Leaf Kingdom where Gioni-Zodas is located. The fact that the paladin family would accidentally call for foreign aid has been revealed? And, if Ovak Knowing what Gioni-Zordas asked for help from Thinking of Truth, it shouldn't provoke Mongbei Fengbeak. Believe me, the sensible Mongbei has two skills.

Most importantly, Ovak is just an ordinary black dragon, letting it block the prophecy spells and make Mumbe-Windbeak crazy... Does it have this "technology"?

Ben Rachel said that it was the truth. If it hadn't been because his intelligence gathering ability had already cleared his credibility in punk psychology, the fat old man would definitely take "I didn't receive intelligence" as the last piece of evidence.

In fact, bin Rachel was more worried than punk about this mission. On the one hand, it was his proposal to accept the task of slaying the dragon. On the other hand... Bin Rachel still owed a large foreign debt to the exchange point. The chubby old man who needs this is definitely more anxious than punk.

But punk doesn't like self-deception. He did not hesitate to expose Bin Rachel’s self-comfort:

"Let’s not talk about whether the Zordas family is really righteous and firm like the rumors, just say the black dragon Ovakin-Sourmaw, how can you be sure that it really has no class level? No spellcasting ability? Just because of Zorda The Sri family has an excellent reputation?"

"No, no matter how much the Zordas family can't lie about intelligence, the souls of the whole family who lied and deceived the thinking of truth are still being roasted in the crystal ball."

In fact, bin Rachel still doesn’t think Ovakin-Sourmaw really has the ability to cast spells, because the dragons with the mage profession are too rare...and too powerful, he seems more inclined to believe in the shielding prophecy spell And what makes Mumbe-Windbeak crazy is some magical equipment of Ovakin.

Punk also had difficulty judging whether his conclusion was correct or not for bin Rachel's rebuttal. After all, there are still too few clues. Only a crazy Mombey-Windbeak and a group of wind and thunder eagles can't tell.

However, out of caution, punk still kept a secret eye-Ovakin's hiding methods and the credibility of the Zordas family have both put a question mark on punk psychology.

"Forget it, I guess Mengbei may have eaten something wrong. It is not a mage but it likes to eat it. Maybe it's not necessarily if it eats all of its people after being crazy. Let's go to the Maple Kingdom. I heard that the roast duck with rice wine over there is very delicious."

When punk was still in deep thought, UU read www. uukanshu. com bin Rachel is no longer struggling with these issues. This optimistic guy has always changed his emotions quickly. Now he is still standing in the nest of his old friend Mombey. This guy is already looking forward to the roast duck of the Maple Kingdom.

But cooperating with punk, bin Rachel's food and wine are destined to be indefinitely.

Without even looking at Bin Rachel, Punk turned and walked to the other side of the hillside.

"Hey, I went wrong, there is the direction of Longhou Kingdom, and Maple Leaf Kingdom is here"!

"That's right, it's going to the Dragon Roar Kingdom. Instead of going to the Maple Leaf Kingdom to hear the Zordas family's ignorant flicker, it is better to go directly to the Dragon Roar Kingdom to see the situation."

Punk replied in the cold wind with a weak voice. ...


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