Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 324: Wyan and Assault

Wyan Ting, this middle-aged man in his thirties is a different trainee ranger. He used to be a somewhat skilled adventurer, but that was all a long time ago. Now he has one. A more prominent identity-Deputy Archon of the Dragon Roar Kingdom.

Although there is an official position as a consul, it can be seen from the word "deputy" that he is not a person in charge of politics. The position of a deputy is more of a cover for his "certain" actions, and those things are generally confidential. Shameful, so as the handler of these things, Wyan has always been unknown to the public, and if something "bad" happens, this vulture-looking adjutant must also be the first to come out. .

But Wyan does not complain about this kind of "underground" work.

A country needs leaves and flowers in the light, as well as roots and mud in the dark. Wyan loves this country incomparably, and loves this country that is full of tolerance and can bring a place even to foreign races. He is more loyal to "that" majesty. , Because everything in this country was bestowed by the "that" majesty, therefore, even if his "underground consul" responsibilities have no return, Wyen is still happy for ten years.

This day is a seemingly normal night. As usual, after dealing with the official business and the "private work" of "not visible", Huai En, who is in a good mood, endures exhaustion and greets his two guards. Afterwards, he walked towards his house without hurries.

Wyne has always disliked riding in a carriage. He thinks that even if he has the blood of a dragon, if he doesn't exercise for a long time, his body will become weak. Moreover, walking on the road like this, Wyne can see the people of this country live and work in peace. He especially likes the joy and play of the children on the street-only a peaceful country can see the smiling faces of the children, of course, and the people walking on the street-under the wise governance of "Your Majesty", this country has many There is no one who died of freezing and starvation in the year, and everyone's faces are ruddy and confident-this is the hope for a better future.

The guards following Wyan are two thirteen-level official-level fighters. They are all rigorous soldiers. They are qualified to be the lord of the town in any city. This also brings out Wyan this " The importance of the "Deputy Archon" has two official-level strong personal protection, even if you encounter a master-level assassin, you have a chance to escape.

Walking on the road with a little dim light, seeing that the spire of his house was faintly visible, Wyan put down the stern mask on his face and said to the soldier on the left:

"Today I heard that Baiyan Town held a celebration to celebrate the disappearance of the wind thunder eagle. If I remember correctly... Gelu, your hometown is in Baiyan Town. You don't need to continue to **** you today. Go back to your hometown to participate in the celebration." .

"No, Lord Wyan, your Majesty has specifically confessed that you must protect Mr. Wyan recently, the celebration in your hometown...There will be opportunities in the future, and your subordinates have thanked the Lord for your kindness."

The man with his face wrapped in armor seriously declined Huaien's care.

Seeing the seriousness of his subordinates, Wynn was not insisting either. He patted the armor of the tall warrior and said with emotion:

"Don't worry, as long as your Majesty is there, this country will always be peaceful. Your Majesty has given us all a place to stay. It... is really a great king"!

Speaking of "Your Majesty" in his mouth, Wyan's face showed strong respect and admiration.

"Yes, it is precisely because of your Majesty that this country can live and work in this prosperous area. It is really hard to imagine the "Dragon's Roar Kingdom" supported by oneself from scratch for everyone. How great is your majesty............"

Looking at the badge carved into a dragon head on his chest, the warrior named Gelug also expressed sincere emotion.

But... the night is like water, and the depth is not bottomless, unknowingly, the whole street slowly quieted down.

Ge Lu's agitated mood has not yet calmed down, and suddenly, a pinch-like icy sense of danger pierced his forehead directly.

The soldiers who have experienced countless lives and deaths on the battlefield instantly burst into cold hair. What frightened him the most was that this horrible feeling of danger turned out to be like a red soldering iron that gave the soldier an urge to turn and run away. This is his on the battlefield. In the most dangerous situation encountered, there has never been a situation. At this moment, the warrior who has experienced many battles instinctively knows the meaning of this feeling-must die, kill with one blow.


Without hesitation, it is impossible for him who is standing beside Wyan to dodge, and Wyan, whose reaction ability is far inferior to that of the official-level powerhouse, has not yet sensed the danger, which means that this soldier must be tough in the face of the coming attack. Of resistance.

Without even having time to exclaim, Ge Lu instantly ignited his own vitality, drained all the fighting energy in an instant, and released it on his chest to try to resist. At this moment, the earth-yellow soil fighting energy seemed to have turned into an indestructible rock. In the face of all disasters, the responsiveness and determination of a warrior who has experienced many battles is vividly demonstrated at this moment!

"Official level soil fighting skills-as solid as a rock"!

"Formal Warrior Secret Technique-Life Burning"!

At this time, there was only one thought in his mind:

"The enemy is too powerful, and I can't be killed in a second, I must immediately warn..."

After trying his best to improve his defenses, Gru exhausted his last bit of strength and opened his mouth to shout, but...

"Master Class Conjuration Spell-Dissociation Spell"!

I saw a horrible green ray with the thickness of a finger and instantly crossed an unknown distance to the shield made by Gelug, but just before the "dissociation technique" ray was about to come into contact with this huge earth-based fighting gas shield that had been turned into a solid. At that time, a colorful light film suddenly stretched between the giant shield and the little bit of the "dissociation" rays.

"Magic Technique-Double Casting"

"Master Class Conjuration Spells-Any Door"!

The opening of the arbitrary door opened behind the The thin light door almost clung to the warrior’s armor and opened instantly. So far, an arbitrary door spell formed two openings, one in and one out. Turned into two thin colored light films directly sandwiched the soldier Gelu.

Without the slightest loss of stay, the ray of the fleeting "dissociation technique" entered without hindrance from the entrance of any door directly in front of Gelug, and then appeared directly behind the warrior through the exit of the "any door".

Therefore, with the cooperation of any door, under the horrified gaze of Gelu, under the silent night, the vindictive shield that Gelu made with his best effort did not play any role, and since, his screaming voice was also Death in the throat.

Finally, when Wynn, who had just reacted from the vigilant feeling of emotion, the warrior named Gelu had already turned into crystal clear green powder along with his heavy armor and passed away with the wind. ...


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