Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 340: enough!

Generally speaking, a person or a group needs to build a strong image in three aspects.

The first is the strength of the momentum. This kind of unverbal oppression cannot be ignored for war or negotiation.

Another aspect is language, in other words, to attack the opponent's arrogance and imply one's status. Language as a communication tool can also be a spiritual weapon if used well.

The third aspect is the most critical strength! In this world of the strong, only people with strength are qualified to speak and negotiate terms. Without the most important strength, no matter how strong the language and momentum are, it is only a paper tiger... But strength is also the most important and most obscure. It's hard to judge, so the aura and language are still very important before you really need to show your strength.

Now punk and Gioni have started a confrontation, maybe now the cooperation of punk, bin Rachel, and Gioni-Zodas is inevitable, but this confrontation is still very important-it will determine the composition of this master-level powerhouse Who is the leader of the three-person team and who is the thug who is arranged to block the knife.

But... Now Gioni's aura is really dominant, mainly because Bin Rachel around Punk can ruin the atmosphere too much.

Take a look at the army of Jonny-Zodas, the orders and prohibitions are meticulous, facing the confrontation of the three master-level powerhouses, these apprentice-level paladins have not even moved.

Look at Bin Rachel next to Punk...

When is it all? You thought you ate elbows when you watched the show, and the mouth is full of oily elbows. With an old face full of fat, you almost can’t tell which is fat and which is elbow. It was a serious confrontation between the two armies, so I didn't have to compare with Rachel's momentum like this.

It seems that this guy Bin Rachel has never considered such a thing as aura. Since punk said with confidence that he has a perfect plan, Bin Rachel has completely become the shopkeeper, even if he sees Gioni-Zodas, He also has an indifferent attitude of "you talk slowly, I have something to say".

I have to say that bin Rachel’s harmless appearance makes punk feel very......need to be vigilant-this old guy is 80% pretending!

But now it doesn’t matter how weird Bin Rachel’s leisurely eating elbows seem, his aura does not matter, because punk no longer intends to stare at the gate tower with Gioni, or he just gave up the ruined aura competition. Entered the next stage.

"Joni-Zodas? Well, your guard of honor still looks like something. These trash ants can still be seen in the past when they put on the armor. How many guards can look gorgeous."

The punk who has entered a state of ridicule is extremely rude, and the cold tone is not light or exaggerated, and it seems to be simply telling a fact.

I have to say that this plain tone is more effective than exaggerated mockery. The most proud army of the Zordas family directly uses the words "ant" as insulting and irrefutable. It's so light and breezy, anyone who listens to it will become angry.

Gioni is no exception.

He stared at punk with sharp eyes, and then said loudly and clearly:

"Mr. Sai'an, every paladin here is a devout believer of Tyr, the **** of justice. They have all gone to the battlefield for the glory of the kingdom. They should be respected by anyone"!

Gioni's voice was sonorous and powerful, and his firm words were clearly heard by every paladin present.

Sure enough, after Gioni said these words, all the soldiers present straightened their backs proudly, and their expressions changed from a slightly rigid and solemn to a firm, persistent and fortitude.

"Oh...what about that? The ants are ants after all. The trash combined is not enough for me to slap me, take a pile of waste out to show off... The Zordas family is too small."

Punk, who is very upset by Zoni, won’t give in to these armies. Are you talking about glory with me? I want to talk to you about strength. In front of the master-level powerhouses, let alone six hundred apprentice-level paladins, how about six thousand or sixty thousand? I said they are rubbish, you can still refute it.

Hearing the insult that punk had not concealed, Gioni's expression also darkened:

"Punk-Sean, please take back your remarks. The fighters under Tyr, the **** of justice, have indestructible glory..."

"Gionee-Zodas! You have to understand that you are talking to the senior teacher of the thinking of truth. At this time, it is ridiculous that you still come up with the so-called "Glory", or say..."

Punk glanced contemptuously at the paladin army that still had no change in expression, and then said coldly in a voice that was not inferior to Gioni:

"Or do you mean that your so-called glory is being usurped by a mouse with a black dragon's head? Even half of the country is swallowed by people...It's no wonder that the only use of this bunch of waste as an army is to watch the gate. On the battlefield, there is nothing left to just be beaten..."

"Enough! Punk-Sean"!

Before punk's words were finished, Gioni roared with red eyes.

Well, this time the punk ridicule is too sharp, and the level of viciousness is even more cruel.

From what I have seen and heard along the way, since the black dragon Ovacin-Sour Maw invaded most of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, Gioni-Zodas has never given up his revenge on the Dragon Roar Kingdom, even if he never succeeded, even for the sake of asking Come to help bankrupt your family, even if you use deception that doesn't fit the paladin style at all. This shows how **** the wound in Gioni's heart cannot heal.

And now, punk has directly and mercilessly exposed Gioni’s biggest scars, and ridiculed them in front of the Zordas family paladin army, which is tantamount to sprinkling a lot of salt on Gioni’s wounds. .

The angry Gioni stared at the punk fiercely with bloodshot eyes. The look seemed to pierce a hole in the punk before he was willing to give up. The beating veins on his face also caused the scars to tremble slightly. The fierceness before but a trace of bloodthirsty hideousness.

Gioni's violent mood swings made his God-given fighting energy surging, and the sharp God-given fighting energy leaked and even cut several deep rifts in the ground. At this moment, the anger of the master paladin was undoubtedly revealed.

"On this measure? IMHO, you are really far behind Ovak."

Punk will not back down, his words are still indifferent and cold, and his eyes filled with chills are not flinching at all looking at the angry lion-like At this time, in his eyes. In the eyes, the azure blue magical brilliance is as cold as a cold flame!

"Enough, I said enough!"

He gritted his teeth and uttered the last roar, until he glared at punk for a long time before Gioni recovered his peace. After all, he is a sensible paladin, anger turned anger, and now he still understands the reason that he can't start fighting anyway.

Finally, with a sharp look at Punk, Gionni silently turned and walked towards the city gate...

He gave up the confrontation that had no meaning.

"Ox, close the team! And.........take two guests into the city"! ...


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