Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 341: glory?

Relying on the pinnacle of venomous tongue and ridicule, punk successfully "cursed" Gioni-Zordas. This kind of low-level and naive dialogue in the eyes of punk is always very effective for stubborn fighters like Gioni, especially Punk has been chasing after Gioni’s most painful things, and in this case Gioni certainly won’t be punk’s opponent.

So, so far, punk has succeeded in winning a round in the clash of languages.

"Two adults, please follow me."

After the menacing paladins gathered their team and returned to the camp, a young official-level paladin came to Punk and Bin Rachel. It seemed that he was the Oakes who arranged to lead the way before Gioni left.

"Two adults, the residence arranged by Master Gioni is ready, but time is rushed, and the reception along the way was so impolite. Please also ask the two adults to do more."

I have to admit that the paladin army of the Zordas family is really disciplined. Even if they are unscrupulously humiliated by punk, they can still suppress the anger and unwillingness to express themselves. If it weren’t for punk, they could perceive this Oaks. On the surface, she really couldn't see the slightest change in the feelings of this guy.

Not knowing that his inner feelings were like a blank sheet of paper in front of the master spellcaster, Oaks still obeyed the strict noble etiquette. Only after bowing in a meaningful way did he seriously lead the way.

Punk doesn’t care about this guy. For him, a formal paladin is just a trivial little character, and punk who has never let go of his vigilance will not live in the residence arranged by Gioni, he at most Will go around the door of the house and then find an inconspicuous place to spend the night.

On the contrary, the great enthusiasm that Rachel still maintained, he completely ignored Oaks's rejection of others thousands of miles away and moved forward:

"Haha, I have long heard that Maple Kingdom's wine-roasted duck is very delicious. If possible, you must prepare this dish for me."

"No problem, adults, the royal chef has prepared a lot of ingredients, I believe it will satisfy the two adults."

Seeing Bin Rachel approaching with the leftover half of his elbow, Oaks walked two steps quickly with disgust, but on the surface, he still responded politely to Bin Rachel’s question, although the response this time seemed very Perfunctory.

Without much communication, the three of them walked in along the towering gates of the City of Magic Maple Flowers.

At this time, it is the morning when the weather is clear. Because the city of Meifenghua has a curfew policy, it is reasonable to say that there should be many businessmen and travelers waiting to leave the city in the morning. However, in the city of Meifenghua they did not see In such a scene, even though the city gate has been opened for a long time, there are still very few people entering and leaving the city gate, and no caravan leaves the city.

Obviously, this sluggish traffic situation is very inconsistent with an imperial city with a population of more than 400,000.

As if he felt a little embarrassed, Oakes walked ahead and began to explain:

"The main industry of the City of Magic Maple Flower is ore mining and primary processing. Generally speaking, there are still many caravans for mineral trading. But now is the preparation period for war. For the great battle of glory, all ore must be Handed over to the army free of charge, so now the gate of the city seems a bit deserted."

Oakes’ explanation has no unusual sentimentality, and the tone is just a simple “scientific explanation”. Even when he says “all ore must be handed in for free”, his words are full of reason, as if this Things are just the same.

However, bin Rachel was surprised by Oaks’s natural attitude. Bin Rachel, who had a lot of business experience, undoubtedly has a certain degree of research on the economy. He knows how the development of this mineral economy is. Deformities and abnormalities:

"Handing over for free? If this is the case, would the nobles who manage minerals really want to, and this method will collapse the economic order, let alone, don't you think there are some... too many beggars in this royal city? "?

The surprise in Bin Rachel’s words is not surprising at all. Following his gaze, punk also saw the "beggars" who he said were "a little too much".

That's more than just a lot!

I saw under the elegant and artistic buildings, unkempt and unclothed people almost filled all the corners of the wall that could block the wind. These poor people were almost all made up of the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. It can be said that it can be seen everywhere. Whenever a nobleman passes by, they will tremblingly stretch out the dirty wooden bowl and cry and pray.

At this time, many nobles either drew a whip and continued on their way, or just randomly broke a piece of bread and sprinkled it among the poor like feeding animals, and then watched some poor people who were too hungry to stand up vying for one. Order some food and laugh...

It would not be surprising if such a scene appeared in a refugee camp, but it appeared in the capital of a country's imperial city...... At least punk had never heard of such a thing.

"This is no way."

Oaks also saw such a scene, but he just turned his head around and stopped watching.

"These are all the pains brought to this country by the hateful Dragon Roar Kingdom. The invasion of the Dragon Roar Kingdom made our people want to eat..."

"Hey, it's not like that. Why did I hear that the Dragon Roar Kingdom often distributes food to aid your country..."

"That's the despicable infiltration and the biggest insult to Maple Leaf Kingdom... That's... I'm sorry, I lost my mind"!

Hearing Bin Rachel’s question, Oakes’ voice improved a lot, but soon he realized that he was facing two master-level powerhouses, so Oaks quickly saluted and apologized.

But he did not change his mind. After bowing, the paladin with sharp eyes said to Bin Rachel in a polite and righteous tone:

"It's not enough for the despicable Dragon Roar Kingdom to invade our country. They actually want to use meaningless little favors to erode the will of our people... This is an insult that the kingdom cannot tolerate. Therefore, all the dirty food from the Dragon Roar Kingdom All will be burned down by the Zordas family. Anyone who dared to receive the supplies of the Dragon's Roar Kingdom will be regarded as treason and executed immediately! The glory of the Maple Leaf Kingdom will never be tainted by anyone."

The righteous and righteous words of Oaks's sonorous and powerful, absolutely absolutely! It can be seen that this concept of the supremacy of glory is unshakable from top to bottom in the Zordas family, and in the heart of Aux, it is the supreme concept that does not hesitate to contradict the master-level power and refuse to give way.


For this kind of inside, of course Bin Rachel found it extremely absurd. When he saw two children fighting for a piece of moldy bread or even scrambled, Bin Rachel couldn't help but want to say more. .

"Well, don't do indifferent things. Our time is very precious, Oakes, I think you can continue to lead the way."

The impatient punk hurriedly stopped bin Rachel who was nostalgic again. He came here to slay the dragon and earn exchange points. The people's livelihood and governance of the Maple Leaf Kingdom were really nothing but boring to him. never mind. ...


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