Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 373: Bin Rachel's hole cards

"Magic Compression"! This super magic technique can improve the spell in all directions. From this aspect, the price it needs to pay to use it-triple magic is definitely worth it.

For example, the spell "Chaotic Fog" currently cast by punk, with the blessing of "magic compression", the flying speed of the spell has been directly increased by at least 50%, and the range of the fog with dirty colors has also been greatly improved. .

The direct result of this is - Bin Rachel was hit without any suspense, even though Bin Rachel quickly put a layer of "flame shield" on himself when the spell that quickly reached him came. But "Mist of Chaos" is not an attacking effect spell, and this "flame shield" of Bin Rachel is useless at all.

The chaotic fog seems to be full of elements and energy that change wantonly. These colors with dark brilliance together form a scene of dirty smoke and dust. Bin Rachel, who is in the smoke and dust, quickly finds that whether he is The ability to predict spells and perception has been disrupted by the ubiquitous chaotic energy around. The entire rotating "chaotic fog" sphere even interferes with the sense of direction and sense of time. For a while, Bin Rachel could not even determine what he wanted to do. Breakthrough in that direction.

"Sai'an, you bastard, can you just do such tricks"?

In order to avoid hitting his head into the trap, Bin Rachel had to curse and abruptly terminate the half-completed "Flame Jet" spell model. Due to the seemingly insignificant mistake at the beginning, the fat old man who lost his advantage has fallen into it. A very disadvantaged situation.

"Damn it, calm down, calm down quickly, it will really be lifeless if this continues"!

Although the scolding on his mouth was quite vigorous, in fact, bin Rachel, whose hands were almost trembling slightly, had already begun to bite his tongue while talking to himself. He knew that it would take less than a second to be punk. Attacks will follow one after another, and any one attack may cause you to fall into a situation where you can never recover. The panic at this time will only destroy itself!

But... Fear is never something that can be easily dispelled, especially in this ever-changing life-and-death game, the difference between a novice combatant and a combat master will be incredible. It is precisely because of this little fear and hesitation. Once again, bin Rachel did not even consider the form of the battlefield and began to subconsciously act according to the theoretical knowledge in the book:

Article 18 of the "Shaping Magician Battle Manual"-When you are in a spell of "restricting the reception of external information", if you cannot break through the constraints, then you should release a large-scale high-kill spell to directly destroy the enemy's information Barriers.

Based on this theoretical knowledge, bin Rachel immediately thought he was correct and made his own response.

"Master-level Plastic Energy Spell-Blazing Blaster"!

"boom"! !

The attacking power of an archmage specializing in shaping is extremely great. At the moment when Bin Rachel’s spell was released, three consecutive layers of crimson waves swept around with Bin Rachel as the center, almost instantly In the meantime, the 400 square meters area around the fat old man was melted into a boiling lava lake, and the smoke and dust from the evaporation of a large amount of rocks even formed a burning tornado into the sky!

Under the attack of such a destructive plastic energy spell, the "Mist of Chaos" with almost no defensive power was quickly burned into the air by the blazing storm. In fact, now a large part of Bin Rachel's area is completely vacuum. Under the extremely high temperature of the flames and shock waves, even the space was melted into fragile faults, and the temperature of the entire battlefield suddenly rose to more than a thousand degrees.

At this moment, under the flaming flames of lava, Bin Rachel stood in the flames like a **** of flames, as if even the hardest rock was destined to turn into fly ash in the flames.

However, although it seemed unstoppable, but... Bin Rachel's strength was just superficial.

In fact, what punk has been waiting for is Bin Rachel’s release of large-scale spells. If Bin Rachel’s first reaction was to burst into flames and rush out to punk in a random direction, it would feel tricky, because he finally arranged the one. Sex traps are used to deal with Ovakine, if it is used on Bin Rachel, it is really a loss!

But now...

"Nocanni, you are really not suitable for being a mage because you are so mindless. Do you think that I release the "Mist of Chaos", a powerful but extremely fragile spell, really just to cover my tracks?"

Looking at Bin Rachel who had just released the "flame shock wave", the magical brilliance in the pupils of punk began to rotate rapidly. In the palm of his hand, two spells that had already been prepared in a row were even more impatient to be released. Rachel shot away.

That’s right, the purpose of punk throwing a "mist of chaos" at Bin Rachel at the beginning was to lure the flustered Bin Rachel to use spells. You must know that the fat old man would not "double cast" this super magic technique, that is to say. , If he uses a spell that can dispel the "chaotic fog", then he will also lose the only opportunity to use the accelerated spell!

In this kind of battle of the strong, using Bin Rachel just released a spell, the new spell model has not yet been completed in this vacuum period, punk can already write a lot of articles:

"Master Class Conjuration Spells-Extreme Kinetic Energy Cone"

Super magic skills-double cast!

"Master Class Conjuration Spells-Extreme Kinetic Energy Cone"!

Activate the robe curing spell-any door!

One three spells and one super magic technique, this is a very powerful punk lore combo. Now he himself is on the left side of Osama bin Rachel, so he released the first "speed kinetic energy cone" directly Cross a lavender track and rush towards Ben Rachel from the left.

At the same time, the "any door" he activated has been completely opened, and the opening of the arbitrary door is set up on the right side of bin Rachel, so When punk has the second "speed kinetic energy" After the "cone" was released into any door, this terrifying attack shot out from another "any door" exit on the right side of Rachel at the same time. Then, the attack on the right side successfully matched the attack on the left. The knot launched a pincer!

Under the sudden outbreak of punk, bin Rachel was immediately in desperation.

So far, his "Blast Flame Sprint" spell model has just been constructed, and the two punk "speed kinetic energy cones" have reached the fat old man one by one. There is no magic blessing, and the fat old man is bloated. It's almost impossible for her body to avoid punk's hyper-speed attacks!

Seeing that he still had the advantage in the last second, his death would come in an instant in the next second. Generally speaking, ordinary people would be frightened.

But bin Rachel is indeed a strong man who can become a master spellcaster. At this moment, the fat old man who was so flustered just now calmed down instantly. There was hardly any hesitation. Bin Rachel, whose brain was running fast, gave up immediately. The "Blast Flame Charge" spell model that was about to be completed, and in his hands, a scroll that looked rather old and a sparkling necklace burst into magical brilliance at the same time!

Bin Rachel, who was forced to a dead end, finally used his hole cards!