Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 385: Fugitive

Gray Rain Country, in the city of Ankara not too far from the Ash Swamp, two figures in black robes are quickly passing through the hustle and bustle of the bustling city. The hawking of the surrounding vendors and the clamor of rude customers seem to be with these two people forever In two worlds.

"Anya, we have to speed up our pace. It's still too close to the Grey Swamp. We'd better reach the verdant forest before the sun sets. Let's bear with the fatigue of the journey."

"It's okay, Mr. Mijiaka, I can still hold on, I always have a very bad premonition... Anyway, let's leave the Gray Rain Country quickly."

I'm afraid no one can think that these two people walking in the filthy and muddy streets and alleys are a powerful official-level mage, and the other is a disciple of a master-level powerhouse, and now, both of them are trying to escape. It usually represents the thoughts of truth for a better future, for which they will not hesitate to travel for a long time and even endure the noise in the busy city.

Gently released the hand of the mage and helped Anya, who was extremely exhausted but still struggling, staring at the girl's red face, Micaka couldn't help but sighed and said:

"Anya, I don’t know whether my choice is correct or not. If my guess is correct, Master Punk-Sai’an is probably going to perform the task. The task of the master-level expert can be as short as one or two days, and as long as one or two thousand years. However, when Master Sai'an returns, you and I will be in danger, and no one can trust the other masters of the thinking of truth. If they fall into their hands, it may be no different from being caught by Master Sai'an, so …………"

Gently lifted Anya, who seemed to be about to faint, to a small dark corner, watching the girl's red face, Micaka said a lot of nagging.

In fact, it has been difficult for Micaka to be sure that his decision to take Anya to leave the mind of truth is correct. It is true that there is a problem with Anya’s soul, but this does not mean that punk’s behavior is malicious. Now I leave the thinking of truth without authorization only by guessing. If my guess is wrong, wouldn't it ruin Anya's chance to be cured?

Thinking of this, Micaka couldn't help clenching his fists.

"It's okay, Master Micaka, as long as you follow you, no matter what Anya you give birth to, you won’t regret it. Can’t we go to the Harpers League for help? If we can join the Harpers League, it’s okay whether it’s safety or treatment. Is it guaranteed?"

Efforts to calm her breathing, Anya smiled as happily as possible. Although the punk rules that are completely violated now make the girl unavoidable, Anya still has no regrets.

"However, Lord Mijiaka, can we really escape from Master Sai'an's claws? It seems...Master Sai'an is very good at prophecy spells."

Thinking of her almost always expressionless teacher with cold eyes, Anya always has a horrible feeling like falling into an ice cave. No matter when, punk’s gloomy eyes are the indelible shadow of the girl’s psychology, even if she is far away. Without thinking of truth, Anya still finds it difficult to ask punk to bring her fear.

"Relax, Anya."

Touching Anya's little head distressedly, feeling the girl's body trembling slightly, Micaka made his voice full of confidence as much as possible, even though his psychological anxiety was not much less than that of Anya.

"I used up all the exchange points left by the Master Sai'an, and sold my residence and a good master-level staff in my hand, and finally bought a magic brooch that could shield the prophecies of the master-level experts. With this, even a spellcaster who specializes in prophecy spells like Master Kirkweilun will have difficulty in detecting our location."

Gently brushing the brooch on Anya's neckline, watching the golden brooch gleaming with colorful magical luster in the sun, there was a smile on the corner of Micaka's mouth, although Micaka sold it in order to buy this master magic brooch A master-level magic item left by the instructor, but if he can escape, Micaka will not regret it.

"Master Micaka..."

Feeling the young man’s fingers lightly passing by his neck, watching Micaka’s confident smile, even though he is still on the journey of fleeing, even if the two of them are still in the messy alley, Anya Still feel that the whole soul has become excited.

Every girl has the dream of flying with Prince Charming. Anya is no exception. Although danger may come at any time, although the journey is tired and long, Anya still feels at ease and happy because...

"Thank you, Master Micaka, it's nice to be by your side..."

The girl's lips squirmed slightly, and her words turned into a vague mutter.


"It's nothing, Master Micaka, let's get on the road quickly"!

Trying to stand up, the girl put on a vigorous look.

Carefully released one or two healing spells for the girl, but looking at Anya's pale face, Micaka still persuaded with some distress:

"Don’t worry too much. It’s okay to take a little more rest. As long as we go through the green forest and reach the other side of the Kingdom of Citta, we can find the Harpist League. I want to come to the Harpist League, which has always had the creed of "relentlessly help anyone who is kind." Will refuse us to join".

Speaking of the original thinking of truth, Micaka's voice is also a little lowered. He is also a spellcaster who grew up in the thinking of truth. Although the lifeless place did not bring any childhood memories to Micaka. , But it can also be regarded as a teenager’s "hometown". After leaving like this, I don’t know if there is any chance of going back.


Mingrui sensed the momentary sadness of Mijiaka, and Anya's voice trembled slightly. The next moment, the girl with red eyes turned to say something.


Micaka gently put a finger on Anya's lips:

"Don't, this is my own choice, I will not regret it, and you should not regret it either."

After talking about these transformations, Mijiaka carefully picked up Anya's petite body, and after carefully dispelling all the magical energy left by him in the alley, he was ready to continue on his way.

"Let's get out. The "Members can leave freely" on the thinking of truth is basically empty talk. We only successfully left after accepting the task. If we let other masters find something wrong, we can't spare time. The masters are about to take action, we have to hurry to the Harpers League branch."

With a gentle embrace of the girl, Micaka started to shuttle through the alleys. Now he is not far from the verdant forest, success... is in sight! ...


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