Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 387: Jasmine

Accompanied by the heavy and gloomy bells, apprentices from the Thinking of Truth Division filed out of the classroom. It is different from the “private teaching” offered by some mages, which requires an exchange point. The current group of apprentices Most of the studies are free "open courses." In Thinking of the Truth, where you may die if you don't work hard in a day, most students will not miss even one public class.

As an apprentice, Jasmine was no exception. She walked out of the dark classroom exhausted and carefully hugged the heavy books in her hands. She had already begun to feel the dizzy girl's face pale.

Because there are too many people in class, and most of the good positions are occupied by apprentices with backgrounds, there will always be some students who cannot find a seat. These people can only stand pitifully for the morning class. Jasmine is For one of these "stand-to-class" apprentices, in order to fully listen to this lesson on "Relationship between Microscopic Elemental Reactions and Energy Tides", the girl has been standing up all morning.

However, Jasmine did not complain too much about this result. In fact, Jasmine's situation was even worse a few weeks ago. As she did not want to become a plaything of the children of the mage family, Jasmine had to use her only knowledge My friend-Anya as a protective umbrella, with the help of Anya...or the deterrence of punk-sai'an, a master-class powerhouse, that Jasmine can escape. Now such an undisturbed life with peace of mind has satisfied the girl.

"I have written down the element micro-reaction formula today, but the energy tidal decay formula is too complicated to understand, but tomorrow we will start to talk about the new formula again. If this continues..."

Thinking of this, Jasmine lowered her head a little disappointedly. She has no outstanding talents, and her IQ is just ordinary. Those extremely complex formulas will only make the girl dizzy from beginning to end. As for her one "is assigned" "The tutor... Jasmine actually only knew that she was one of the more than 300 apprentices of this mage, and she had never seen her tutor from the beginning to the end.

"Oh, there is no time to complain. I must hurry up to take the "Rune Construction and Analysis" course. If you are late, it will be troublesome."

Taking a look at the gray-scale pocket watch in her arms, Jasmine quickly packed up and ran to another classroom. People who were late would not be allowed to enter the classroom. If they missed a class, no one would explain to Jasmine.

But... the girl's steps stopped abruptly after taking a few steps.


The girl who had just run two steps was suddenly grabbed by a huge invisible energy palm, and then, before Jasmine could react, she was dragged by the big hand to a wizard with incredible speed.

Accompanied by the clink of steel hitting the ground, the girl's stationery was scattered all over the road.

"Jasmine-Kiss, the apprentice of the third-level mage, the 678th apprentice of Mage Svendar, right?"

After Jasmine turned around tremblingly, the restless girl saw a spellcaster in a black robe. The scarlet lines on the dark robe were as dazzling as blood, and the cold voice sounded more like a bitter cold. wind.

There is no doubt that the person who suddenly captured Jasmine was in a very bad mood.

Seeing Jasmine’s silly look, punk had to throw a "waking technique" on her directly. Although the anxious punk wanted to use the "memory reading" spell to search for the girl’s soul, but in the truth In this place, killing is possible, but the use of evil spells is not allowed, at least not in "public places"!

Maybe it's very self-deceiving, but punk also had to abide by this rule, so he had to try if he could ask directly, if this girl named Jasmine refused to speak... Then change to a "private" occasion Ask again.

She threw the more sober Jasmine in a corner of the ground where no one was looking, ignoring the girl's pleading eyes and punk only spit out a word without emotion:

"Tell me about Anya, all"!

Staring at this terrifying mage with killing intent, Jasmine only felt like a rabbit being watched by a giant dragon. Through the perception of her soul, she knew that she was facing an out-and-out master. After fully realizing this fact, Jasmine immediately felt an extremely ominous premonition.

Of course, anyone who sees punk's lavender and cold eyes at this moment will have an ominous premonition.

Without the slightest idea of ​​keeping a secret for the sake of friendship, Jasmine almost cried and said everything she knew. She had no time to think about why her friend Anya provokes a master-level powerhouse, but this does not prevent Jasmine from doing her best now. Everything can save your life-even if you want to put your "friends" in danger.

At this time, the other apprentices in the corridor had fled far away, and the formal instructors pretended not to see them. The low-level spells that monitored the apprentice area were also blocked by punk. The huge apprentice corridor was only Jasmine and Punk are left.

But Punk doesn't care about the impact he has caused. Now he is thinking about the scattered information that Jasmine whispered to him, and then quickly analyzes:

"Weird personality change? Is it the effect of weird eyeballs? I didn't expect the influence of that thing to be so powerful. This is really unexpected... There is also an official-level mage who walks very close to Anya? What if the message of the prophecy spell If it has not been tampered with, it seems that Micah Ka is really just a second illness of love... And Anya went out on a mission yesterday? This is a joke, the redemption point I left for Anya is enough for her to be extravagant After several decades, she will go out to do the task. Isn't it possible to find excitement? So it seems that Anya's disappearance is really just a "love elopement" rather than a "conspiracy trap"!

After repeatedly checking that Jasmine had not lied and had no trace of being controlled by magic, Punk was still relieved. Now he has to hurry to hunt down Ovakin, if he has to suddenly deal with an inexplicable enemy... It's punk who is really stunned.

"Fortunately, fortunately, it seems that this death-seeking Micaka should use "tasking" as an excuse to break away from the thinking of truth? Feel their general direction...well, is it the emerald forest? I want to find and cross. The forest seeks refuge in the Harpers League? Good idea, but a pity...I came back too early"!

After knowing that the possibility of the conspiracy was unlikely, Punk could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Up to now, Anya and Micaka have only escaped for one day, and it takes him a few hours to catch up. , I am afraid that the two little mandarin ducks who eloped would never think that the journey of "elopement" had just begun, and the senior tutor who I was afraid to avoid had already returned to the Division of Thinking of Truth.

Seeing an icy smile on the corner of Punk’s mouth, Jasmine felt that she seemed to have done a very bad thing while she was terrified, but she couldn’t take care of anything else. The horror of punk only made Jasmine. Instinctively want to run away, the farther the better!

But Qian Nu had no chance to say a word, almost at the same time when she raised her head, a punk finger was gently placed on Jasmine's smooth and white forehead:

"You know a lot of secrets, but my prophecy tells me that you did not "share" with others indiscriminately. This is undoubtedly a good thing, because you have saved me a lot of time."

Accompanied by punk's cold words, in the next second, Jasmine's head exploded like a watermelon...

After wiping the blood from his fingers, the punk turned and left without expression.

As an eighteenth-level spellcaster, there is no need to be afraid of punk even when facing Kirkweilun’s doubts. What's more... It’s a trivial thing for a master-level expert to kill a small apprentice. , No one would come to question anything at all. ...


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