Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 403: Ovakin

"Wake up, wake up, wake up"

"what sound"…………

Immersed in a haze, Ovakin seemed to vaguely hear a voice coming from afar.

"What's wrong with me".

Feeling the throbbing pain from the depths of his soul, Ovakin, who was awakened, forced himself to remember.

When he was asleep, he felt that he had been repeating a dream that was full of pain but could not be let go for a long time. Ovak dreamed that he had once again returned to the half-dragon tribe, and once again lay in the deep forest. In that tattered but warm dragon’s nest, feeling the fragrance of the leaves in the dream, watching the fuzzy half-dragon children playing around him, Ovak didn’t want to wake up, he even wanted to sleep like this, even if he knew it. This is just my own dream............

But then, Ovakin dreamed of the person he most eager to meet and least willing to meet...

When the old half-dragon shaman's very kind face, covered with dim scales, appeared in front of Ovakin, even the strong black dragon couldn't help crying loudly, even if it was just a dream, Ovako Because I still can't suppress the guilt in my heart.

"...Old man, I'm sorry, I...I couldn't protect my kingdom. The Dragon Roar Kingdom was destroyed. I ran away like a bereaved dog. All the people died in grief. The tribe, dreams, hopes you left with me... all Nothing, it's all ruined, it's all my fault, it's all my fault"...

Ovakin cried loudly like a child who was wronged and confided to his parents. He knew that if the old man was really alive, he would not complain to him, but Ovakin still had difficulty forgiving himself.

But... the crying hasn't continued, and the emotional vent will not end without end.

After all, Ovakin is a rare strong man who "breaks out of the prison". He will not be immersed in sorrow. The real old man is no longer there. The dead cannot help him. Ovakin's cry can only cry. It is meaningless to immerse yourself in this illusory image in your heart.

After a cry for an unknown period of time, Ovakin finally dried his tears and raised his head. In his eye sockets, the flame representing perk flared again:

"I haven't ended there yet. I want revenge. I want that punk-Sean to pay a heavy price. I want to create my own kingdom again. I...can't sleep anymore."

Although the tingling of the soul is still stationed in the depths of Ovakin's mind like ordinary bone-attached maggots, the black dragon still forced himself to wake up with a strong willpower. He did hear a voice calling himself just now, as a master. A class caster, Ovaki knew that the sweet voice was not his own dream, he did hear a voice from reality.

"It seems lucky to have recovered a life."

Feeling the emotion called "Ghana" that appeared in his heart, Ovak sighed in helplessness. He dignified the black dragon Ovakoin-When did the sour throat need such a thing as "Rejoice", now it falls here. I have to say that the world is impermanent.

Helpless, Ovakin slowly opened his eyes. Of course, although the black dragon at this time had regained his control over his body, he did not make a fuss and jumped up. Wisdom is not difficult to figure out that the reason why I have survived now must be rescued by caravans or travellers. Considering the duration of the "Advanced Transfiguration" solidified on the necklace, Ovakin estimated that when he fell, it must be " Wearing silk and satin, it seems weak." Ovakin feels that it is safer to pretend to be a difficult noble boy. After all, the current black dragon is too weak. It is estimated that he will encounter a 13th or 4th level. Ovak because of the official level professionals will find it difficult to deal with.

After thinking about it in an instant, Ovakin opened his eyes cautiously while pretending to be weak and unconscious.

"Hey, it hurts, where is this"............

Slowly moved his hands and supported his forehead with a noble courtesy yet rushed speed, Ovakin, who was pretending to be a weak nobleman while being vigilant, slowly sat up.

Until now, Heilong found himself in a carriage. The walls of the carriage are full of desert-like ornaments and pendants-large and small abstract pottery puppets, brightly colored flowers, and soft shiny sculptures. Although each of these decorations is small in size, they are all hung on the wall of the carriage, making the originally huge interior space crowded.

And Ovak himself is lying in a duvet made of desert sheepskin. The rough sheepskin is far less comfortable than his dragon’s nest. The black dragon sitting up can even ask about the weird smell of sheepskin. Of course, in the half dragon Ovakin, who grew up in a tribe, has long been able to ignore such trivial things as taste.

"My eldest young master, are you finally awake?"

Just after observing the scenery of the carriage, just when the vigilant Black Dragon was about to get up and go out, the wooden door of the carriage was suddenly opened. Accompanied by the dazzling sunlight, Ovakin’s eyes appeared in front of him with a valiant appearance and wheat-colored skin. Beautiful teenage girl.

"When will you go to bed? It's almost ready for dinner now, and you won't be able to eat anything until you come out."

The girl’s voice is as sweet and lovely as the crisp spring water. Maybe she’s really anxious to make dinner. The wheat-skinned girl just greeted Ovak and turned and left. The girl in the desert whether she walked into the carriage or turned away It is full of heroic atmosphere, and may not be too ladylike compared with those noble eldest but Ovakin feels that such a girl has a more natural beauty.

Of course, Ovakin’s gaze is only pure appreciation. When it comes to aesthetics, Ovakin still appreciates female dragons of the same kind rather than human females, but...

The appearance of the girl made Ovakin's eyes dim again. Seeing this girl's delicate and arrogant face, Ovakin thought of his little "secretary" like the class, and said, For hundreds of years, his laboratory assistants have not changed.

"Now...she might die too"...

Savoring the emotion called sadness that emerged from the bottom of my heart, Ovaki slowly stood up. He planned to leave the team as soon as possible after eating something and thanking him. Ovaki did not forget that there was an immortal behind him. His enemies are chasing him non-stop, and he doesn't want to bring disaster to the caravan that has rescued him.

Of course, no matter what, it’s very necessary for Ovakin to eat something quickly. It is estimated that the caravan who rescued him just fed him some water. Now Ovakin still feels Very hungry. At this time, the black dragon is a little grateful for the human body given to him by this "advanced transfiguration technique". If he still maintains the huge body and high consumption of the black dragon, Ovakin estimates that he has become a starved black dragon. Up.

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