Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 405: conversation

"A bonfire party, human beings will actually hold a bonfire party."

At this time, Ovakin was sitting quietly in the shadow of an inconspicuous camel. The huge bonfire over two meters high lit by merchants in the distance was silent for a long time. Watching the jumping firelight, Ovakin couldn’t help but once again. Fell silent.

He thought of the half-dragon tribe. When Ovakin was a young dragon, the bonfire party in the half-dragon tribe erected flammable wooden branches like this to light a warm flame...

After the destruction of the Dragon Roar Kingdom, Ovakin felt that he suddenly became sentimental. The memory of the half-dragon tribe always appeared in the mind of the black dragon from time to time, and every time he fell into the memory, Ovakin would It feels very difficult to extricate itself.

For example, now, the black dragon who is too focused on memory even almost didn't realize that Aisha had quietly walked to her side.

"Master, I brought you the latest fire beetle meat, which is added with spices. Generally speaking, only me, a mercenary, can enjoy this treatment."

Sitting carelessly next to Ovakin, Aisha put a large bowl of white and tender roasted meat in front of her. Through the swaying dim flame, Ovakin was able to come to the crystalline fat and tender meat on the roasted meat. The texture, if it weren't for Aisha's introduction, it would be hard to imagine that this is the fleshy texture of insects.

Although a little bit of unhappiness was interrupted by the memory, Ovakin did not express his feelings on his face. In the heart of buying the black dragon, all the pain, sadness, and hatred are destined to be buried deeply, buried to... Only oneself is enough to remember.

Gently holding up a piece of warm roasted meat, Ovakin casually maintained his slow dining etiquette while chewing the meat in his mouth. At the same time, Ovakin, who never liked to ignore others, also used ventral language and love. Sha began to communicate.

"Fire beetle? It should be a large insect. Is this creature your staple food here?"

"Well, they are all staple foods. They are indeed not small in size. The size of a fire beetle is about to catch up with the little calf of the farmer's fattening."

Now the merchants seem to be singing songs by the campfire, but Aisha's voice is still clearly audible in the singing and dancing.

"It doesn't take much effort to catch these silly bugs. Most of them act alone outside the mating season, and these beetles are not magical creatures, although they are called fire beetles only because the carapace color is fiery red..."

Under a night sky referenced by stars, Ovakin just quietly listened to Aisha introducing himself to these useful or useless information while eating roasted meat. As time passed, Aisha's tone changed. The passion at the beginning became more and more rigid, more and more... nothing to say.

Silence...falls between the two people. Although the caravan camp is not at all quiet at all, the businessmen in the team who have experienced hard travel for more than a week are all singing and venting the fatigue of the journey, the noisy body and people The shadows gleaming in the fire light together create a lively scene.

However, in this inconspicuous corner belonging to Aisha and Ovakine, a quiet atmosphere was increasingly permeating.

"Wow, that's enough, my eldest master, that's right, I just want to ask you something, do you have to force a girl to say something and ask, can't you ask questions with a little gentleman spirit?"?

After swallowing the last piece of roasted meat, the girl finally couldn't help but babbled and approached Ovakine in a puff. After a long silence, Asia seemed to be about to get to the point.

"Being like a sophisticated adventurer, but... in fact, she is a little girl after all."

Smiling and looking at the face of the girl close at hand, Ovakin was not surprised. In fact, the girl’s reaction was under the control of the black dragon. After all, the black dragon lost the ability to cast spells, but with his thousands of years of life experience Seeing through a little girl is still very simple.

Seeing that there was no way to continue to delay, she took a deep breath, and Aisha put on a serious expression and said to Ovakin:

"Where do you start? That.........presumably the adults have also noticed. There are always people in the caravan bringing out that ugly statuette to pray."

Upon hearing the topic about the statue, Ovakin also became serious:

"Yes, I noticed it. It doesn't seem to be a normal religion. The statues look very strange."

"That is a cult. It is a cult that calls itself the "Nightmare Sect." They have an extremely large sphere of influence in this raging sea of ​​sand. They spread without any scruples, from the nobles to the poor, and even a few real powers. The lords are all serving this cult. The Kingdom of Biuchera in the raging sand sea has been completely infiltrated by them, and this terrifying "Nightmare Sect" also controls several sheephead tribes in the desert..."

While she was talking, Aisha's tone was full of anger towards the cult and pleading with Ovaki. By this time, the girl's meaning was already self-evident.

"Then, beautiful lady, I think the help you need is about this "Nightmare Sect"."

Seeing the girl's eyes that were obviously full of expectation without answering, Ovakin could only rub his brows with a headache and sighed helplessly:

"Oh, you have finished talking about the cult. Now I have to tell you something about me. I believe you can see it. I am now seriously injured. These injuries will definitely not be caused by myself~ In fact, an enemy who doesn’t share the same sky with me is chasing after me. Even if I just stay here, I don’t know if it will bring disaster to you. How can I help you? what about you"?

Speaking of punk, Ovakin's eyes flashed with hatred again. In order to cover up his hatred from burning again, Ovakin had to hurry up and pretend to be watching the campfire.

However, Aisha seemed to be unwilling to give up. Seeing Ovakin turned her head, the girl who thought she was going to be rejected couldn't help but feel anxious:

"Everyone who comes to this desert is bound to be the enemy of the Nightmare sect. The expansion of this cult is unscrupulous, especially for the masters who enter the desert. This sect will almost certainly come to the door and want to come to your enemy. You will also be entangled by the Nightmare Sect, as long as..."

The girl's voice became more and more rapid, and the fire light on her wheaten skin also appeared to flicker.

But... Just when Aisha didn't give up trying to persuade her, the incident in the caravan interrupted Ovakin's conversation with Aisha.

I saw that in the dim night of the fire, a man covered in wounds almost rushed to the camp, and the words he shouted loudly made the whole caravan instantly silent:

"It's not's not good, the sheep's head people attacked the town, the first three towns are being attacked by the sheep's head people, and now a large group of sheep head people are rushing towards us"!

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