Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 430: Suggest

Hearing the abrupt sound, Prince Dick almost jumped up in fright. You must know that no one else is allowed in his carriage. The simple runes attached to the carriage walls can also have a very effective sound insulation effect. In this case, how could he be shocked when he suddenly heard an old voice? What's more, he just said a great deal of remarks that can be called "great rebellion."

Since the carriage of the carriage is really small, Prince Dick, who was still bowing his head and crying just now, just raised his head and saw a kindly smiling, thin old man watching him silently.

"What's the matter, how did you get in! Guards, where's the guards"?

The frightened Dick immediately called the guards loudly. Even though the old man sitting across from him looked very kind, the feeling that someone suddenly appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye still caused cold sweat on Dick's forehead.

But despite Prince Dick shouting a few words, the guard he was expecting did not show up.

"Okay, boy, just be quieter if you shout enough. Old people don't like to be noisy. We can complete such a conversation without interruption. Are you right?"

The smiling old man allowed Dick to yell for a long time before uttering strange words dryly, and in his palms like dead branches, I don’t know when, an inconspicuous white flame is slowly Rotating and burning.

Dick hadn't lost his vigilance at this time. Although he felt that the old man under the shining white flame looked very kind and kind, Dick still carefully clenched a gorgeous dagger on his waist and asked sharply:

"Who are you, and what is the purpose of appearing in my carriage"!

"Oh, young people nowadays are impatient. They will fight if they don't agree with each other. Why don't you sit down and talk about it?"

I didn't mind that Prince Dick had already drawn half of the dagger. The old man still sat in front of the young prince calmly, but in the palm of his hand, the glowing flames seemed to suddenly become more vigorous...

"You ask the old man who I am, hehehe, it doesn't matter who I am, I'm just a kind and kind passerby, passing by here and there are some touching things that make people feel deeply, just stay for a while, as for my purpose, Don’t use words that are so serious about purpose. I’m just here to give you a little suggestion. Boy, just a little suggestion is not a purpose.”

As time went by, the old man’s smile became warmer and kinder in Dick’s eyes, and he felt a little fuss in his heart. The psychological voice kept telling Prince Dick: your There is just a harmless old man in front of you. You don't need to be afraid of anything. You should seize the opportunity to ask a wise man for help.

"Well, then just talk about your suggestion. As you can see, now I have nothing to do with my kingdom."

Dick, who felt his head became a little groggy, rubbed his eyebrows vigorously. Now he felt that his mind was simply a mess, and his wise thinking that he usually thought had long since disappeared.

Watching all the emotions that Prince Dick had written on his face, a faint magical brilliance flashed in the old man’s eyes, and the flame in his hand had already turned into a small fireball without knowing it, Dick I'm afraid I didn't feel it at all. I don't know when dozens of bright white sparks were already flying around his head.

"I have to say, your king really doesn't have any brains to govern the country. Look at what he has done? He is a brainless warrior who insists on occupying the king's throne. Now that he is like this, he doesn't know it. , It's so sad, oh my god, how pitiful this country is, after a stupid king passes away, the mess he left behind will fall into the hands of a stupid little girl, and it is hard to encounter The master-level powerhouse is also about to leave. If a young and promising young man like you becomes a king, everything will be different."

The old man’s tone was slow but very emotional. Listening to these old words, Dick only felt that for the first time someone could understand his pain, and for the first time he could find comfort in other people’s words, accompanied by silver-white light sparks. Beside Dick's head, there were silk threads connected. Dick only felt that he had met the only soulmate in life.

"Yes, that's it. This kingdom is on the verge of shattering. Only I can save it by becoming a king. Only by leaving behind the master-level power can I resist the Nightmare sect. Only by letting the old man disappear to remove the obstacles of the kingdom! …I can’t do all these things. My great-grandfather may be right. I’m just an ordinary person without the power to bind a chicken. I…can’t do anything”!

While talking, Dick buried his face in his palms, and the bumps of the carriage made the tears drip between his fingers. From the beginning to the end, Dick knew the importance of strength, but it was a pity. He does not have the talent to become a professional, and he has no way to gain strength.

Seeing that the boy in front of him has completely broken the inner barrier, the corner of the old man's mouth slowly evoked a sneer of vulture, but his tone was still kind and compassionate, but this kind tone and the next The "suggestion" he said is a bit out of place.

"Ha ha ha ha, don’t worry, young man, there are no problems in the world that can’t be solved. The only thing you lack is the correct method. Now listen to me carefully. You have to go back and advise your great-grandfather and ask him to directly report to the country. Announcement, to directly marry Aisha to the foreign master-level strong, and to promote the identity and status of the strong savior, so that every citizen in the entire Wybeen Kingdom knows the new country-protector Is the only hope for this country".

The bright white flames shone on the old man’s dry face, and the atmosphere in the carriage became stranger than ever:

"In order to retain this master-level powerhouse, your great-grandfather will agree to this request, but this alone is not enough, this is not enough to make you a king... But your luck is very good, old man, I have a group of sheep heads. We are about to fully attack the Kingdom of Waibeen in three days. At that time, you need to find an opportunity to throw this thing at your great-grandfather."

Taking out a tiny scroll the size of a palm, the old man almost squeezed it into Dick's hand.

"At that time the evil sheepheads will strike, King Tandak will suddenly die, and according to the rules of the nobility, the married Princess Aisha is not eligible to inherit the throne, you can just ascend the throne, and that master class The strong man must not be able to watch the sheep head slaughter the innocent poor At that time, in the anticipation and cheers of all the people, he will have to stay and become the new national defender. As a result, the attack of the sheep head will be defeated by you, and you will be the only hero in this country."

The old man’s tone didn’t know when it became extremely cold. The flame in his hand turned into a ball of crystal thread and connected to Dick’s head. In this small carriage, the sun had already been covered. The gorgeous curtains blocked all the stops, and the projections reflected by the gem ornaments had long been extinguished in the strange white brilliance.

But Dick, who was listening carefully to the old man's words, seemed to be completely unaware of these things. Now he was attentively looking down at the dark scroll in his hand, and his eyes became more enthusiastic and hideous than ever:

"Yes, my great-grandfather is the cancer of this kingdom, Aisha will only lead this country to destruction, and the master-level powerhouse must stay to assist me... Only I am the only hero, I... Will be the savior of this country"! ...


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