Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 431: news

Even a small country is not peaceful, even if this country is located in a desert that is extremely unconcerned, or that it is precisely because this country is too small that he cannot calm down.

The Kingdom of Whitby has been unusually unstable recently. Perhaps for the ignorant poor, this country is still operating normally, but anyone with a little bit of knowledge can faintly feel the signs of a storm coming, such as Recently, explosive news that suddenly spread throughout the kingdom overnight is representative.

There are three pieces of news, two good news and one bad news. Eh... this bad news should be considered good news for many people.

However, no matter which of the three news, they are all the same, which is particularly shocking. They are all closely related to the future of the entire kingdom. At least when faced with such news, even the big-hearted people can't help it. I ridiculed it with the phrase "Your circle is really messy".

The first news is about His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Wybirn-rejoice, the King who ruled the kingdom with brutal oppression for thousands of years is "finally" dying!

Ordinary people are very ignorant and short-sighted, and they often don’t realize the deeper meaning of things. When this news spreads all over the streets, most people’s reactions are eager to celebrate. What a failure was the king of Dark.

And the second news is even more gratifying-although a master-level powerhouse of the Waibian Kingdom has fallen, there is another benevolent, benevolent, great and selfless, and even a good saint in the Kingdom of Heaven Blessed The master-level powerhouse of Wybein will become the new protector of the Waibian Kingdom and continue to protect this country. Under his guardianship, the kingdom will not be destroyed, but will have a chance to rebirth.

The third day’s news was followed by the second news-in order to express the highest respect for the new master-level powerhouse, King Tandak decided to marry the jewel of the entire kingdom-the beautiful Princess Aisha. The strong.

I have to say that these three pieces of news that have spread throughout the kingdom and made the world known are shocking in the eyes of many wise men. Countless nobles, professionals, and officials can smell behind these three news. The wind is surging............

However, in the hearts of the people at the bottom, this undoubtedly represents good things and hope. For people who are surviving in this barren desert, thinking about things for the better is the most basic skill, especially... this This thing at least sounds harmless, does it?

It is precisely because of this that the kingdom’s taverns have become very lively in the last two days. Even homeless people who can’t even drink bad wine have stopped cursing and discussing gossip and began to care about "national affairs." Many gathered in the tavern to relax. The poor are looking forward to the future with hope.

In a small tavern in the slum of Rock Sand City, such a scene is happening.

The owner of the hotel gleefully copied out the notice of the kingdom with more precious papyrus and posted it in the most prominent position in the tavern. The proprietress who had already drunk a lot of ale was even more excited and said directly to everyone in the tavern:

"Friends, drink as much as you want, in order to celebrate the new powerhouse sheltering this country, today's drinks are all free"!

"Oh! Praise the new master master, and of course, praise the generous and beautiful boss lady."

"Long live the new birth of the kingdom! I dare say that the new strong man will eliminate those **** goat heads, and we no longer have to worry about the threat of the goat heads"!

"Oh, I am as beautiful as Princess Aisha, you must be happy"!

"With the leadership of master-class powerhouses, the Kingdom of Waibeen will certainly go further. Cheers to the future of our country"


The atmosphere in the tavern quickly reached a climax. The collision of wooden wine glasses was like a continuous drumbeat of celebration. People's hopeful smiles rarely replaced the usual complaints and numbness. Everyone was working for the future of the kingdom. Imagine and celebrate. Even though these things may be far away from them, the simple and poor people will not stingy with their expectations for the future.

At least generally speaking, after such a "happy event", three years of tax exemption should not be too impossible............

"Really, life in this desert is too hard. I don't know how long it has been since these poor people at the bottom showed such sincere smiles."

In an inconspicuous corner of the tavern, two people are enjoying a barbecue pig beast with desert characteristics. Compared with the poor people wearing linen clothes in the tavern, these two gorgeously dressed figures are very out of place.

But even if it was out of place, under a faint, almost invisible arc of colored light, no one in the entire tavern was celebrating, and no one noticed these two extremely uncoordinated men and women.

If the owner of the tavern can be immune to official-level spells, then he will jump up in surprise, because at this moment, the person sitting in this dark corner is the protagonist of Kingdom News——Ovakin and...Princess Aisha .

Sip the hot butter beer, watching the easy laughter from the celebrating poor people from time to time, Aisha's voice became softer and more ethereal:

"Master Ovakin, although I know I am not qualified to ask for the love of a master-level powerhouse...but...but I really have fallen in love with you. From the first time I saw you, I felt My destiny is already destined... Maybe this is the so-called fate? Anyway, I really hope to be with you, maybe it is very cheeky to say that, but... But please stay for me, please, Mr. Ovakin".

Looking deeply at Ovakin’s faint pupils, Aisha, who had drunk a lot of beer, had a faint blush on her face. Aisha, who was always like an arrogant lady, turned out to be like a little woman in love. Just as drunk and confused, her gaze as she watched Ovakin became even more fiery.

But facing Aisha who had already pressed her entire chest on the table, Ovakin, who was silent from start to finish, just sighed meaningfully.

Carefully avoiding the girl's hot eyes, the black dragon with a complex expression and a little hesitant just silently drank the ale in his glass.

Then, with the sound of the wooden wine glass being gently lowered, Ovakin's words were also deep and clear from his mouth:

"...First, I have to explain again that my existence will really bring disaster to this country, and my enemy is really on the way to chase it over.

In addition, although it seems very rude. But with all due respect... Aisha, you are lying! You don’t love me at all. It’s a pity that although your acting skills are excellent, but...sorry, your inner emotions have always my perception..."...


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