Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 442: oasis

"Hey hey hey, you **** is really irritating, do you really have a plan? If you say you want to wait, you can wait for a long time inexplicably, then you get up and start walking when you don’t wait? Why is this uncle~? It's not good".

Seeing that punk didn't say anything, he suddenly began to prepare for battle. Although Kane quickly pulled up his lance and followed him, the cursing knight was obviously very unhappy with the feeling of not being in control.

In fact, for punk, the goal he was waiting for has been accomplished, and it is natural to start fighting as soon as possible.

But for the monk Duzhanger who was confused from beginning to end, Kane, so far, he is like a real follower who knows nothing. Because punk controls all the intelligence, he can only cling to the punk face. Kane has no way to start the action on his own, so he can only choose to wait or go to war with the rhythm of punk.

However, punk’s behavior seems a bit too nervous without knowing the purpose-after a while, I stopped and waited at the door of the enemy’s lair. After waiting, I didn’t know what was going on, and then suddenly did not wait. No wonder now Kane was a little frustrated with the appearance of being played.

But whether Kane’s mood is good or bad is completely indifferent to punk. After all, it’s the same sentence-only those who have intelligence can have the right to speak, and punk has absolute intelligence in his hands. If Kane is If you don't want to step into Southend's trap with a black eye, you can only follow punk obediently.

So, as Kane's mouth had begun to swear out, the mage wearing a black robe with red stripes and a knight in golden armor finally walked quickly into an oasis of incomparable silence.

According to the information given by the filthy bird, this oasis should be the old nest where Southend is located, and the location of the ultimate trap.

But now the problem comes again. Although I know this is the enemy’s nest, where should I get in? Who knows whether Southend’s experimental base is hidden in the folding space of this oasis or hidden in the oasis as the node. In the gap of space.

But for the time being, Punk and Kane are not in a hurry to find the entrance. Anyway, the two of them are here to smash the scene. It is impossible for a wizard and a knight to sneak into the nest of other wizards silently, so Punk and Kane Simply do not hide the figure.

For the two violent madmen, they simply blasted a hole in when they couldn't find the main entrance. What's wrong with violently breaking the door except forcing it to be lower?

With a purely provocative mood, Kane and Punk stepped directly into this oasis of thick grass.

As the verdant plants fill up the field of vision, the world in the entire oasis seems to be isolated from the outside world. Every bead of leaves and flowers appear to be vibrant here, and even crystals can be seen on the verdant leaves. Dew, I have to admit that compared with the desolate scenery of the desert outside, this oasis is simply an ocean full of life.

However, this ocean is too weird............

After the large-scale release of perception, punk soon became keenly aware that what was hidden in this prosperous oasis, which had grown old in appearance, was actually a strange strangeness and dead silence.

"It seems that this is not an ordinary oasis. The elemental fluctuations here are basically invisible, but the plants here can still maintain a seemingly "prosperous". This thing itself is outrageous enough."

I calmed down and felt the energy characteristics in the oasis, and punk soon showed the sluggish and strange elemental fluctuations.

Generally speaking, in a place where there is life, the fluctuations of the elements should be relatively balanced and constantly rushing. These energies have the characteristics of circulation like the breeze in the air. It is hard to think of a place if there is a long-term "air "Nothing can circulate, so how does it make life flourish and prosperous."

Like punk, Kane immediately realized the weirdness of Oasis:

"The uncle of the elements is not very sensitive, but the uncle also feels that these plants are really abnormal."

He pierced the lance hardly into a thick tree next to him, and saw that Kane only picked it up with his wrist. With the power of a master knight, he uprooted the tree easily.

However, at the same moment when the giant tree was uprooted, accompanied by a huge and violent crunch, Punk's face that had always been calm and Kane's always cynical expression immediately became gloomy.

I saw that the giant tree uprooted by Kane is really weird. Its upper part is still a very ordinary giant tree, but its lower part... has undergone violent mutation!

The roots of the lower part of this big tree have turned into a lot of crazily twisted light red tentacles! These tentacles with traces of the roots of the tree faintly visible are waving violently in mid-air. It seems that the big tree is very angry at the fact that it was suddenly pulled out, and it is obviously very unwilling to be pulled out. People held high in the air.

"Huh~~ Damn it! What disgusting thing is this, can the trees of these years be crossed with beholders".

With a slight stunned effort, Kane saw that the greasy tentacles on the roots of this big tree were clinging to his lance. Although Kane would certainly not be afraid of a mutated tree that was barely even at the apprentice level, but This kind of slimy tentacles undoubtedly makes the clean knight feel very sick.

There was nothing to say, the fire Kane threw the giant tree away directly, until he watched this weird plant fly out of the oasis and disappeared, Kane, who looked unhappy, quickly took out a rag and carefully wiped his lance. :

"Damn monster, he dare to defile this uncle's lance, oh, look at these disgusting slime, this uncle's golden lance should only be soaked in blood, what kind of thing is this thing?"

After carefully wiping away every bit of slime on the lance, Kane's expression became more serious.

Obviously, this kind of mutated big tree is very abnormal, and the trees in Faerun's world can't really have any impure relationship with the beholder. This big tree can only deepen the weird characteristics of this oasis.

But compared to Kane's seriousness, punk's expression is already extremely cold.

The hand of the mage picked up a little mucus from the ground and observed carefully, and soon, punk got some preliminary analysis.

After disbanding the hand of the mage, Punk explained to Kane with a blank face:

"The mutation of these big trees is actually not surprising. The pollution of the abyssal energy is enough to make rocks grow sharp teeth, and it couldn't be easier to turn a bunch of tree roots into tentacles.

But... the most unbelievable thing is that this alienation has only maintained half of the process here. The mucus secreted by these trees obviously contains an ingredient that inhibits the infection of the abyssal energy. To be honest, it only prevents the abyssal energy from spreading. If so, many apprentice-level potions can do it, but if you want a creature to have the ability to secrete this potion autonomously, this involves complicated alchemy modification.”

At this point, the punk paused slightly, and then his voice began to become meaningful:

"I think we didn't find the wrong place. Southend’s lair must be here, but... it seems that this guy really has a set of research on the power of the abyss, and now it seems... the foul bird, a chaotic evil camp guy, is probably afraid. There are so many things that have not been told to me"! ...


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