Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 443: Southend’s Improved Spells

Since all the plants in this oasis have undergone mutations, their mutations should have a source. After thinking about it carefully, punk quickly thought of the location of this source...

"Lake Water"!


"Lake water is the source, and my sensory feedback has given me a lot of information. The core location of this quiet oasis seems to be a lake, and in this desert, the main water source of oasis plants should come from rivers and lakes. If these plants obtain the energy of the abyss through external absorption, then the main body of nutrients they absorb should be the central lake."

After frowning and thinking for a while, Punk walked directly to the center of the oasis.

In fact, based on the perception of the energy cycle of the plants on the ground, Punk discovered that the source of these alienated trees ingesting the energy of the abyss has not concealed or disguised it. The feeling that this oasis gives people...It is as if Southend was afraid to come and deal with him. The enemy cannot find the entrance.

"Is this Southend really confident, or is he already in such an urgent need for "prey"?"

With a faint emotion, punk slowly took off the jade green staff from behind.

In fact, at the beginning he thought that it would take some time to find the entrance to Southend’s lair, but now it seems...everyone has opened the door in front of him. In terms of being found the entrance, Southend this " "The station" turned out to be more anxious than him who came to "smash the field"!

"Ah Lala, I was underestimated, so I suddenly felt that Southend had made this uncle even more angry."

Following Punk to the center of the oasis, Kane's face was also full of bloodthirsty smiles.

In the final analysis, both punk and Kane are more arrogant professionals. Southend’s obvious traps that carry a mocking nature will make people angry. Of course, it’s not easy to say whether Southend’s approach is sufficiently cautious. , After all, this nineteenth-level mage definitely couldn't know that his details had been completely punked.

The small, unnamed oasis is not too big, and this lair with a lot of traces of man-made construction cannot cover much area. Generally speaking, the area of ​​this oasis is only a circle larger than that of ordinary cities. Take punk and Kane’s It takes less than a minute to reach the center of the oasis from the edge of the oasis.

After reaching the center, just as punk perceives, a lake with no waves on the water quietly unfolds in front of punk.

This is a large circular lake without even a trace of water and grass. The entire lake surface is like a huge mirror under the sunlight. The trees swaying with the wind are projected on the glorious mirror surface gently and rhythmically, and even faintly through the clear lake water. See the texture of each leaf vein.

If you don’t know it, on the surface, no one would think that this beautiful lake, like a gem inlaid in the forest, is a gateway to evil. After all, it looks so peaceful and peaceful. The harmony with the surrounding environment is like a beautiful painting.

But neither Punk nor Kane are people who can be confused by appearances.

In fact, when punk perceives this lake, it has already discovered its abnormality-this lake is filled with a lot of abyssal energy, but due to an unknown magical effect, these abyssal energy seems to be microscopic The level is generally imprisoned by a certain seal, so that the entire lake will look like an unusually calm wave from a macro perspective.

But if you switch to microscopic vision, the observer will probably be shocked to discover immediately-there are countless seal runes in the water element of these lakes, and many abyssal energies are sitting crazy under the confinement of the runes. Rushing to the right, if it weren't for a large number of strange runes to form countless cages, this lake water would be polluted by the energy of the abyss into a deformed monster within a few minutes.

However, it is precisely because of the existence of these runes that this strange lake will form a peculiar state that is completely different from the macroscopic and microscopic. Because the magic runes isolate the interference of the abyss energy, this lake can carry a large amount of abyss energy. No pollution occurs.

"It feels like these runes... are the master-level spells of the summoning system, the "Invocation of Order"? However, there are many differences from the stupid spells that can only work on the macro level... okay, look. This is another improved spell, even more advanced than Ovakin's "Dragon Edition Speed ​​Shift"!

Leaning over to condense a water ball in the lake, carefully perceiving the magical effect in it, soon punk got some information that he hadn't obtained before, of course... this information is not good news for him.

He smashed the water polo onto the nearby trees, and watched the giant tree that seemed to be all normal slowly creeping its trunk to absorb the liquid. The punk mentality didn't come and felt some irritability.

I have to admit that the deepening of the knowledge of magic by masters through improved spells is indeed a promotion method that has appeared since the era of Netheril. After all, improving a spell can also play the role of the bottom card when facing the enemy. , The value of the benefits far exceeds the expenditure spent on the study of spells. Generally, a caster of level 18 or ninth level, strong or weak, will have one or two improved spells as research objects.

But... what makes punk most uncomfortable is that as an orthodox inheritor of Netheril, he has not even improved a very simple "parasitic worm" spell so far. Let's look at Ovakin and Suo Sende.........everyone's improved spells can be used in actual combat!

"After this incident, the improvement of spells must not be delayed. It must be put on the agenda, and it is even necessary to put it before the law perception!"

After quietly making up his mind, punk put aside the matter temporarily.

Compared to punk who analyzes magic effects from beginning to end, Kane, who is not professional at all, has a completely different focus. Maybe this guy knows that he can't see anything even if he looks at it, so he The beginning of simply laughing and joking from an artistic point of view to tease Southend's oasis.

It may be that when he was a strong protector of the country, he came into contact with a lot of aristocrats. Kane’s "Art Comment" sounds really like that:

"Well, although he is not as talented as my uncle, but this Southend is still careful in the architectural layout. It is good for him to decorate the lake with a green tree. This naturally added color is called on our side." "Natural rendering", it is always beautiful to shape the feeling of nature in the building... It is a pity, this oasis is still too rigid, if Southend raises a small pet or something , Then even his artistic level can enter the room..."

"I don't care about Southend’s artistic but Kane, I think you should come and see these."

Just before Kane's comments on running the train with his mouth full, punk's words interrupted the knight's endless speech very abruptly.

In fact, the punk at this moment did not have time to pay attention to Kane’s nonsense, because in the direction pointed by its staff, which is the center of the lake, a series of dense bubbles were accompanied by a large dark green shadow from the lake. Slowly rise!

Turning his head and looking at a dumbfounded knight, the sound of punk became a little weird:

"Kane, Kane... Now it seems that Southend is still a little good in the field of art. The "little pets" you said... People are already ready! ...


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