Netheril’s Brilliance

v2 Chapter 461: crisis

Southend’s escape was doomed to fail.

In fact, from the moment he hid in the hiding circle he built according to his plan, his failure was a foregone conclusion. Punk had more knowledge than Southend had imagined, and in the circle After being broken, Southend's self-confidently effective hurried flight became a trivial joke.

Originally, punk planned to use the "dissociation technique" to attack the blood golem of Southend, but considering that the casting material of this golem uses the blood full of abyssal energy in Southend’s body, so to be safe, punk still uses it. The "Quick Decomposition Ray" of the alchemy system is used, because this spell is more suitable for dealing with half-greeting and half-alchemy creations such as "blood golem".

It turns out that the punk attack was very successful.

Southend had no chance to take a few more steps. The wizard who had no magic power to add more magical defense to himself was a living target. The "Blood Golem" hit by the "Quick Decomposition Ray" was even more as punk expected. It fell apart instantly!

Thus, Southend, who has always regarded himself as a hunter, finally ushered in his end.

"It's really ugly. As a strong person, isn't it a basic quality to face death calmly"?

Looking indifferently at Southend, who was still limping and trying to escape, the punk eyes still maintained the indifferent indifference.

Under the lavender light that is constantly compressed at the tip of the staff, the punk at this time is like a traveler watching the scenery, and the light and breezy look is like killing a 19th-level master for him. The strong are just a matter of effort.

Ignoring the messy curses and rants in Southend's mouth, the expressionless punk just raised the emerald staff very casually.

The next moment, with the lavender brilliance tearing apart the barriers of space, Southend’s head finally burst open with a dull explosion............

So far, Southend Jess, who has hunted down seven masters (including Tandak and Zola) in the violent desert for thousands of years, has fallen.

His blood was splattered in the gusty wind, his bones turned into dust in the terrible kinetic energy impact, his flesh and blood flowed on the crystalline ground together, and his soul was also vanished in the impact of magical energy. ...

No matter whether it is a strong man above the top or a beggar at the bottom, when death really comes, their bodies will not be fundamentally different, just like Southend’s headless man who has fallen to the ground now. For the dead Southend, what is the difference between his ending and the street beggar who casually freezes to death in the cold wind?

"It's just death, but so"!

Punk carefully used the "Life Probe" to confirm that Southend was really dead, while quietly muttering to himself.

For him, Southend’s death is just the disappearance of an enemy, nothing more.

The battle in this "oasis" has long been out of Southend’s control. Even if he, the instigator, falls, the demon sublord’s projection claw will not disappear like this. Southend’s fall is for punk. It's just that one dangerous enemy is missing, and his battle has not ended there!

In the few seconds since punk killed Southend, the demon sub-lord’s projection claws have been raised high again, and it can be seen that this impatient demon sub-lord is very concerned about the escape of the insects. Hiding was very dissatisfied, and now the strength he had gathered had begun to become more solid and greater, and his slaps would become stronger and stronger every time.

He picked up the hideous staff that Southend had dropped on the ground, and quickly moved forward, while moving fast in the direction of Southend's corpse, punk seriously began to think about the follow-up actions.

"Now the projection giant claws of the demon sub-lords are not the biggest problem. After all, this thing can only stay in place and cannot move. It is still a great opportunity to escape with two slaps against serious injuries."

Run to the side of Southend's body, quickly grab all the magic items from Southend's body...By the way, ignore Kane who has already begun to rush towards this location.

"Um... there is another very troublesome question-Ovakin and Kane will probably not let go, especially Ovak because of this big trouble, Kane will definitely not be bothering to intercept this black dragon. , This madness will definitely become a difficult obstacle."

After blessing myself with a "polar translation", moving quickly to the left and holding the magical crow vector that was unconscious on the ground motionless in his hand, the punk hurriedly hit the spot without stopping and dodged an energy extreme. Huge "Aurora only stab" fighting skills.

"Well, Ovak may be able to use the projected giant claws of the demon sub-lords to do a little about the words of the "virgin", but what is really annoying is that this fellow Kane is really irritating"!

After a series of quick and soulful actions, although punk made himself dusty, he managed to collect Southend’s "legacy" in his pocket.

However, the punk expression did not show joy because of such gains. On the contrary, his expression became more severe and cold after getting a lot of trophies!

Under the punk cold gaze, Kane, who also had the same frosty face, rushed in this direction with his lance.

Obviously, Kane couldn’t accept the act of punk who suddenly swallowed all the spoils with a disagreement, and with Ovak's eyes on the punk chasing, Kane is almost the same now. Yu and Heilong joined forces to deal with punk, and Southend was completely dead, the furious Kane was finally about to turn his face with punk.

Without the slightest intention of blocking the black dragon flying towards the punk pole, Kane just shouted to punk with a weird sneer:

"Owl Owl, my old friend, you just swallowed all the spoils again like this? Wouldn't your conscience hurt? Isn't this uncle so worthless in your eyes"?

Involuntarily waving his golden lance, Kane completely ignored the demon sub-lord’s projection claws that were about to be photographed again, and charged towards the punk. Obviously, for a knight who was on a purely offensive path, he was on him. It doesn't matter whether you will be seriously injured, as long as your enemy is injured more severely than you or even died on the spot, then the victory belongs to your own.

So at this moment Kane’s tactics are actually very simple, his purpose is to make punk have no energy to resist the slap of the demon sub-lord’s projection giant claws, in a situation where everyone is also unable to defend. Next, as a combatant, Kane will definitely be injured much less than punk.

As for punk, besides Kane, there is another one of the most troublesome enemy-that is Ovakin who bursts into his own mouth like Kane.

At this moment, the terrifying battlefield completely showed its ever-changing insidious side. Because of Southend’s death, Kane and Ovakin, who were still fighting for the last second, suddenly joined forces at this moment. And the punk who was able to calmly chase Southend just now suddenly fell into a dangerous situation of being caught fire by the projection giant claws of Kane, Ovakin, and the demon sub-lord.

There are no unnecessary opportunities for negotiating and thinking. In this unpredictable moment, the crisis of punk... has suddenly come! ...


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